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Status Updates posted by Kylie

  1. Hi Frankie. I wasn't online much on the weekend, but I had a great time. I had breakfast with my Mum and then my ex took me to some of my favourite secondhand book shops where he bought me some books :) I restrained myself a lot though (I'm actually getting better...I used to buy books I wanted even if they were a horrible edition or very tatty; now I'm a little more careful).


    I took a photo of the inside of one of the stores to show you because it's chaotic and I think you'd like it. I meant to take more photos but forgot :(


    And I got the second Stieg Larsson book from my brother.

  2. Thanks Stephanie, I had a great day!

  3. Kylie

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, Fi. I had a lovely day. :)

  4. Kylie

    Hi Mia, I'm glad to see you are back. I hope you are doing well. :friends0:

  5. Happy Birthday Lucy! I hope you have a lovely day.



  6. Thanks Stephanie; I've had a lot of BCF people add me as a friend recently so I knew who you were :) I'm well thanks, how have you been?

  7. No worries Rachel :) Thanks for adding me. I didn't realise so many of us were on FaceBook. I think I have just about doubled my number of friends in the last day or so!

  8. Thanks June, that's very nice of you :)

  9. Hi June, I just sent you a friendship request on FaceBook, but didn't add a message explaining who it was. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

  10. Happy Birthday Melisa!



  11. I've heard that dark chocolate is better for you too and that you don't need to eat as much of it to be sated. I recently went and bought a block of dark chocolate with this in mind, but it was so nice that I ate way more than I should have. :roll:


    If I ever need to move, I'll ask the moving company if I can check out their men first. :giggle:

  12. Sounds like you have a great weekend planned! I'm glad the move went well...did you get any pics of the eye-candy? ;)


    I love dark chocolate but I usually go for milk chocolate :)

  13. Yay indeed! I've started my weekend and have just finished an awesome book (I cried :o). A great start to the weekend, I think. :D


    I'm afraid I don't like coffee at all. :( Please don't hate me for saying this :lurker:, but I've been known to be outraged that good chocolate gets wasted when it's used on things like coffee beans and liquor (which I also dislike). I tend to like my chocolate pure. I hope we can still be friends. ;):lol:


    Are you all packed up now? How many boxes of books do you have to move?

  14. I only have an hour left :D. I don't really have any plans to do anything other than read. I'm really pleased that my current read is going quickly and I should finish it tonight so hopefully I'll start GwtW tomorrow. I'm really excited but also a bit scared because it's just so big. :lurker: And I plan on starting Macbeth for the reading circle too.


    I'm still on for Hawaii! :D It's not quite as hot here as it has been. I think we have a few days of rain coming up so that will keep the temp down a bit hopefully. I hope it rains all weekend. That would give me a perfect excuse to stay inside and read all day long!

  15. Hi Abby! I'm not too bad. I'm a bit busy at work today because almost all of my colleagues are away. I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend. Is it getting any warmer for you yet?

  16. Hi Michelle, how are you going? I just thought I'd drop by and thank you for giving us this wonderful forum to discuss our books and lives. The forum and its members mean a lot to me, and I don't thank you nearly often enough for having given me such a positive thing in my life. :friends0:

  17. Hi Abby, I just wanted to say that I love your new avatar. :D It's so great to put a face to the name and I think you're as gorgeous on the outside as I already knew you were on the inside. :friends0:

  18. It's easy to get sidetracked by another book when the first one isn't gripping your attention, isn't it? I hope you get to finish it soon. :)

  19. Hi Inver,

    Thanks for dropping by. How have you been? I'm doing well. My reading year is off to a great start. :)

  20. Hmm, I thought I was looking at a book before this most recent release, but I could have been wrong in the size of it. At any rate, I think I'll get The Child Thief, as the Peter Pan aspect of it really intrigues me!

  21. Happy Birthday Ceinwenn! I hope you have a lovely day.

  22. Happy Birthday Weave! I hope you have a really lovely day :)




    I love the colours on this page; it looks awesome!

  23. Aw, is that because of your plans for Swaziland falling through? It sounds like you have a lovely day planned and book shopping will definitely cheer you up. I expect to see a post in the Book Activity thread listing lots of lovely books that you've treated yourself to! :friends0:


    I'm a couple of hours into my day here. Just about to head out for morning tea to run some errands. I sold a stack of DVDs on ebay last night to make room for more books on my shelves. :D And now I have some money to buy more books! Heehee.


    Good night!

  24. Happy 28th Birthday Frankie! You've got a couple of months on me...I'll be 28 in Feb. I hope you have a fantastic day! Have you got any plans?



  25. Happy Birthday Andrea! I hope you have a terrific day today.



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