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Book Wyrm
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Everything posted by poppy

  1. poppy

    Evening all

    Hi and welcome Paul
  2. Oh, good choice Kell. I loved her and that book, she was unconventional and lively. I always wanted to be Heidi when I was young
  3. I totally agree. At the end I was thinking, "Go and find him, keep looking until you do!" I always get frustrated when people give up too easily. I don't think I could have stood the not knowing, even if I had found out he had got married or died in the meantime, it would at least be better than not knowing. 'The Horse Whisperer' was another one where I'm sure they could have made it work. At least in 'Gone With the Wind" (another favourite I know Pont ) Scarlett ends with 'Tomorrow, I'll think of some way to get him back. After all tomorrow is another day.'
  4. poppy


    Pontalba has the most lovely accent ....I've heard her
  5. Hi Saoirse and welcome How do you pronounce your name? I pronounced Siobhan wrongly for ages, so it might be better if I'm put on the right track from the start
  6. poppy

    Hey Hey

    Hi Rob and welcome
  7. You're right Janet Isn't it funny how both Pontalba and I forgot that passage? Maybe we both thought she didn't try hard enough, but as Pontalba said, perhaps she preferred the memory to present day reality.
  8. poppy


    What I'm always amazed about with many people who do not have English as their first language, is the amazing grasp they DO have of it. Even to the extent of plays on words and sayings ...things that you not normally think they would understand. And very good grammar and spelling, often far surpassing native English speakers.
  9. Whatever it has done Colin, I think it's a good thing. It's good that people can share their problems and struggles with others ...then we know we are not alone. I think it's particularly important that mental illnesses are discussed, for too long it has been a hush-hush problem, almost considered a weakness, something to be ashamed of. When people realise it is an illness, just like any other illness, the whole thing begins to be destigmatised. And it's really great that there are people here who are only too willing to offer their support and caring.
  10. I wasn't going to admit it, but I did the same thing, but it was my boyfriend (now my OH) playing rugby. I loathe and detest the game, it's usually freezing cold, wet and soggy underfoot and the spectators are more dangerous than the players. Where I came from the women spectators often ended up having fights. I have never been able to come to grips with the game, for the least little reason it seems they stop and have mauls or scrums or something equally uncomfortable looking. So I'd sit in my car and read my book, look up occasionally hoping I'd see boyfriend doing something spectacular, usually miss the vital moment, then have to pretend I'd seen and understood it all. A teacher at school once advised that if you knew nothing about rugby, to just drop little intelligent comments in once in a while. Things like 'There's no 'beg your pardons' about that ruck!' Well I tried it once in a packed pub, during a fairly important part of the game. Unfortunately, it wasn't a ruck, it was something else and boy did I get some filthy looks. Should have stuck to reading my book again.
  11. poppy


    Now what were we talking about again??? Least favourite words wasn't it???? I only speak one language, we were always taught that if you wanted your children to learn another language, you needed to start very young. Also that if you have parents who speak different languages it is OK to speak both to them from birth. It may slow them down starting to talk but they will catch up. But from what you are saying ii, it can be very confusing?
  12. I think I enjoyed the film more than the book in this case. I'm not usually a Clint Eastwood fan but thought he played Kincaid very well. Meryl Streep was Francesca and I think she is brilliant in whatever part she plays. She is one of those actresses who loses herself in the part and can take on so many different faces. The book differed somewhat from the film. For all that I enjoyed the story, I'm a bit of a sucker for star-crossed lover type romances. I've read a couple more of his books Slow Waltz at Cedar Bend and Border Music, I preferred the latter.
  13. poppy


    I love listening to people's accents and trying to figure out where they come from. We get a lot of tourists here and also lots of US and British TV and films so I think generally we can understand most accents unless very broad. I have a Kiwi accent, which means I have no accent at all. Don't we all think that? My most favourite accent is the Cornwall one, but also love Geordie, Scottish and Irish. I have an American sister-in-law who was raised in Indiana and Oregon. She has a lovely soft American accent I think. Echo, I find it hard to distinguish between the North-Western accent and the Canadian one ... are they similar?
  14. Lol Colin, you come up with the most original questions Perhaps something like The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire then when they'd all fallen asleep through boredom, we could overpower them and send them packing.
  15. Lol F&C, but that is so NOT you
  16. I fear War and Peace would be one of mine too Kylie. I have it sitting on the shelf, I must have owned it for 30 odd years, but I doubt I'll ever get round to reading it.
  17. Well I guess 'life in general' covers depression too.
  18. I was exactly the same Andrea, in fact I was reading very old-fashioned quite banal stuff that I normally wouldn't read, as I found it comforting. When very depressed though, I was unable to concentrate on reading at all.
  19. Lol at book thongs. Makes me think of books wearing G-strings But they sound a really good idea.
  20. I bought this book fairly recently and it's on my TBR list. I'm slowly trying to catch up on a lot of the classic books I haven't read.
  21. Whoa yes. My weakness too
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