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Book Wyrm
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Everything posted by poppy

  1. Hi Andaira and welcome Love your avatar, it's very pretty.
  2. Was that Billy by Pamela Stevenson? I read that this year and enjoyed it. Billy had quite a harsh upbringing by two bullying aunts and a largely absent father who sexually abused him. Through all that or maybe because of that he has developed and retained a wonderful sense of humour.
  3. Wow, I didn't know that. I haven't seen his American series, not sure it's been on here yet or not (I don't watch much TV so these things can pass me by unnoticed) What was it about? Documentary type thing?
  4. Ooooo ....I want to read that one too. Love Stephen Fry
  5. I've chosen these books as they can have a profound effect on the way you think and view things. Black Like Me - John Howard Griffin To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee Mister God This Is Anna - Fynn One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest - Ken Kesey Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
  6. Ah well, that's the NZ way, which is basically British I guess with a bit of the US thrown in for good measure. Names for things and ways you make them can vary hugely from country to country. Look at scones and biscuits. They mean something entirely different to the Americans and British. Yours are Finnish muffins and cupcakes
  7. I think the proportion of ingredients is different and the way you make them. For your fairy/butterfly/cup-cake recipe you beat the butter and sugar together, beat in egg then add flour etc. For muffins, you use far more flour, and less butter. Usually you just sift the flour and add the wet ingredients and mix quickly. They come out quite differently.
  8. I never used to give up on books, felt like I was giving in, but now I do it quite regularly. I think I'm getting less self-disciplined in my old age This year I gave up on :- Lady Chatterley's Lover ...may give this another go sometime if I can get over all the pompous rot at the beginning. Wild Mary: A Life of Mary Wesley ....I read most of this. Mary Wesley(author) lead a very interesting unconventional life, but if got terribly depressing at the end. Sexing the Cherry by Jeanette Winterson ....this just got a little too weird although I think she is a very gifted writer.
  9. poppy

    Hello there!

    Hi Koman and welcome
  10. War and Peace Under the Net by Iris Murdoch (I've attempted this several times) At one time I had Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago which mercifully went missing or I'm sure that would still be on my tbr list as well.
  11. poppy


    Hi and welcome Vanessa
  12. Hi Kookie and welcome. Oh goodee, now we can get all the inside goss on your Mum
  13. poppy

    Just joined

    Hi Zmae and welcome
  14. Probably my favourite book is Gerald Durrell's My Family and Other Animals where as a small boy he and his family go to live on the Greek Island of Corfu. He has an idyllic time, collects lots of animals and insects for pets which cause all sorts of mayhem. The family are a delightful eccentric bunch and the book is very funny. But with your interest in biology you would probably enjoy any of his books.
  15. Hi Sarah and welcome Wow, Wildlife Biology and Natural History, that sounds wonderful. What career are you hoping to follow when you graduate? (Have you read any of Gerald Durrell's books?)
  16. Ooooo yes .....very dark, brooding and gothic. Great site there Bronwen
  17. Congratulations Bronwen. Love the book cover and the Night Swallow lettering. It has a very uncluttered look and is most eye-catching.
  18. poppy

    Hi, just joined

    Hi Cabrasopa and welcome I enjoyed reading Wilbur Smith books many moons ago too.
  19. So true Janet. And he manages it all with a mere twitch of the mouth, slight raising of the eyebrow or intonation of voice The other characters are all extremely well acted too ..... love Gussie Fink-Nottle and Madeleine Bassett. You won't regret it Kylie
  20. poppy


    Hi and welcome Zoe
  21. poppy

    Hi, I'm new!

    Hi Isla and welcome
  22. Isn't PG great. I keep wishing I could remember more of his funny sayings to use in everyday conversation I've probably asked you this before Kylie, but have you seen any of the TV series featuring Hugh Laurie and Steven Fry? Absolutely first class.
  23. This is a Jamie Oliver type way of doing roast veges. Take any veges suitable for roasting ...potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, parsnip etc. Chop into smallish sized pieces, cook in salted water until cooked. Heat some oil in a roasting pan in the oven. Drain veges and leave to steam dry for a minute or so. Give them a bit of a shake in the pot to roughen up the edges (this makes them nice and crispy when they are cooked) Toss into the hot oil and sprinkle with plenty of fresh rosemary. You can add oinion cut in quarters at this stage too. Bake at 200C for about an hour, turning them a few times.
  24. I'm wanting to get hold of a copy of The Bolter by Frances Osborne. This tells the story of Idina Sackville and her decadent life in Happy Valley, Kenya in the 20's/30's. I've read several books about this time and it's quite fascinating.
  25. Start with fresh raw oysters in their shells Main course would be cold crayfish (lobster), salad and fries Dessert I'd have blackberry and apple pie with vanilla icecream and whipped cream. OR just a really good pizza and I'd eat the whole thing and I'd have no room for anything else. I'd wash it all down with a very large gin and orange juice. By then my eyes would be crossing, I'd be half asleep and they could do what they wanted ....it would be pretty painless
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