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muggle not

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Everything posted by muggle not

  1. Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys - Willie Nelson
  2. It is nice to take it easy once in a while and do nothing but "laze" around. I take it that neither of you are into gardening...flowers or vegetables. We are enjoying spinach salads with spinach fresh from our garden and also spring onions (I eat about a dozen a day) and radishes. We bought 2 more Coral Bell plants yesterday (have 12 already in beds around the house). We also bought some Cosmos plants, basil, pepper plants, and zinnia plants. I will plant them early next week as it is going to rain today and tomorrow. risingdawn - vodka and coke sounds like a horrible combination. Rum and coke is good as is vodka and orange juice.
  3. Choices - George Jones (my drinking buddy for one evening - may he RIP)
  4. George Jones died today. He was considered by many to be the greatest Country singer ever. Frank Sinatra called him the 2nd greatest singer in the U.S. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/george-jones-dead-at-81-20130426
  5. Well, at least you put "MOST" in your post.
  6. I have Never have I ever sang a solo in public
  7. I have Never have I ever not eaten a green apple when given the chance.
  8. I have. Never have I ever traveled to New Zealand
  9. I spent 3 months in SLO on a job assignment at Diablo Canyon. Attached is a photo of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Station. It is about a 5 mile drive from the security gate to the plant and is one of the most beautiful drives I have ever seen. It was the most fun to drive to work every day. Yes, have toured (one tour - they have 2 or 3) Hearst Castle. I can't even imagine what it must have been like living there, and what a view to the Ocean. We used to go to Morro Bay frequently to eat dinner - great seafood restaurants. We would drive to Templeton, CA for steak. They have the best steak dinners I have eaten. They grill the steak over mesquite wood. PGE had a ranch outside of SLO and they gave me the use of it for me to throw a party and cookout for the group that was working for me at Diablo. What a great time we had. Santa Barbara is also a beautiful city. We also spent most of our time near the pier. Darn, I must go back and visit. I also could go on and on about the California coast.
  10. Tonight: Bison steak, spinach salad, side of mushrooms, and some spring onions.............spinach and spring onions are fresh from my garden.
  11. Which book(s) do you have. I think you will like his writing. His Dave Robicheaux series is really good. You will like the sidekick, Clete, of Dave Robicheaux.
  12. San Francisco is a wonderful city. Make sure you have a bowl of their clam chowder in the sourdough bread bowls. The bread soaks up the soup and is great tasting. We are going to take a trip to Florida and Disneyworld in late May. However, I am still thinking of a trip to San Francisco and other parts of California, i.e. Monterey, Carmel, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and a few other towns. I just love California and the drive along the Coast is spectacular.
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