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muggle not

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Everything posted by muggle not

  1. Well, at least you put "MOST" in your post.
  2. I have Never have I ever sang a solo in public
  3. I have Never have I ever not eaten a green apple when given the chance.
  4. I have. Never have I ever traveled to New Zealand
  5. I spent 3 months in SLO on a job assignment at Diablo Canyon. Attached is a photo of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Station. It is about a 5 mile drive from the security gate to the plant and is one of the most beautiful drives I have ever seen. It was the most fun to drive to work every day. Yes, have toured (one tour - they have 2 or 3) Hearst Castle. I can't even imagine what it must have been like living there, and what a view to the Ocean. We used to go to Morro Bay frequently to eat dinner - great seafood restaurants. We would drive to Templeton, CA for steak. They have the best steak dinners I have eaten. They grill the steak over mesquite wood. PGE had a ranch outside of SLO and they gave me the use of it for me to throw a party and cookout for the group that was working for me at Diablo. What a great time we had. Santa Barbara is also a beautiful city. We also spent most of our time near the pier. Darn, I must go back and visit. I also could go on and on about the California coast.
  6. Tonight: Bison steak, spinach salad, side of mushrooms, and some spring onions.............spinach and spring onions are fresh from my garden.
  7. Which book(s) do you have. I think you will like his writing. His Dave Robicheaux series is really good. You will like the sidekick, Clete, of Dave Robicheaux.
  8. San Francisco is a wonderful city. Make sure you have a bowl of their clam chowder in the sourdough bread bowls. The bread soaks up the soup and is great tasting. We are going to take a trip to Florida and Disneyworld in late May. However, I am still thinking of a trip to San Francisco and other parts of California, i.e. Monterey, Carmel, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and a few other towns. I just love California and the drive along the Coast is spectacular.
  9. Pretty good article. I am glad that he is holding firm on making of movies from his books. IMHO, many of his books, if made properly could be a huge hit.
  10. Chrissy - It sounds like it will be a wondeful trip, enjoy.
  11. Chrissy - I am curious, how long a trip (approx) is it.
  12. I have, a number of times, but never will again. Never have I not had a vegetable garden once I started owning my own homes.
  13. Guess I will have to read Gone Girl. I will request it from the library after i am about half way finished with Memory of Light, which I have just started, by Robert Jordan. On the other hand I see where James Lee Burke has a new book out so I may have to postpone Gone Girl until I obtain and read Burke's newest.
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