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Everything posted by timebug

  1. I belong to several forums (fora?) and find that Facebook and similar things seem to have taken the heart out of them, as many folk would rather share pics of their breakfast/dog/cat/car/etc than chat between themselves and maybe learn something!
  2. Recently watched the terrible remake of Stephen King's 'Firestarter' so to prove I was not losing my memory, I re-read the book to check that hardly anything in the new film,was in the book! Having whetted my appetite for a bit of King re-reading (I have read all his books!) I am currently re- enjoying 'From a Buick 8' which is one of the weirder ones; not outright horror,which many people assume Kings work will be, but more into Lovecraftian weirdness, if you will. Also, loosely connected to his 'other world'/Dark Tower series,without being actually part of that series! I know King is a divisive writer; I have a relative who reads four or five books a week,and covers many genres/authors/types of writing; but he has a block about SK and will not read anything of his.
  3. You Know My Name (Look Up The Number) - The Beatles
  4. I always remember as a young lad, falling for Lorna Doone when I read RD Blackmore's book of the same name!
  5. Started,and am struggling a bit, with 'Bloodline' by Felix Francis. I have read and enjoyed all the Dick Francis books, and the last few with his name on were allegedly co-written with his son Felix. The last few were 'okay' but not great. This one, under Felix' own name seems to be floundering around looking for a plot! I am about a third of the way through, and will finish it as a matter of course, but it has so far, failed to 'grab me' or my attention!
  6. Hello and welcome! I prefer 'real' books too, but I must admit I have a sneaking fondness for my ereader which allows me to carry dozens of books when I go away on holiday or whatever!
  7. A terriffic read, that I always class alongside The Three Musketeers and anything of Jules Verne!
  8. I more or less gave up 'holiday' meals when my two sons grew up and left school. So Saturday and Sunday will be a 'normal' meal, ie, whatever i would generally have on those days!
  9. Hayley there have been various TV versions of the 'William' stories. One of the early ones featured Sweeney/Minder star Dennis Waterman as William, while the last that I recall, had the youngest son from the series 'Outnumbered' in the lead role!
  10. Any (and all!) of the Richmal Compton 'Just Wiliam' books. Perfect stuff for would be young rebels (but who in fact were not in the least rebellious!)
  11. timebug


    Welcome and hope you enjoy it here!
  12. We had a fabulous Library here in our town, for most of my life. massive, with seperate reading rooms etc it was a joy to visit. A few years ago, the local council (in their infinite wisdom) closed it, and opened a 'new' library inside our Council House (Town Hall) which is very tiny and is only realistically one small room inside the main building. Poor selection of books to borrow, no reading room(s), generally very poor. I have only visited it once just to have a look; I won't be returning so far as I can see.
  13. I won't name the actor as I have no desire to get into all that again! But I will point out that it was a female actor ('actress' in my day and before the PC police) and I suspect that the main reason for the reaction to my post,was an age and preference issue! I am elderly and the 'actor' concerned is relatively young, and has appeared in things since she was a teenager. The chap who disliked my post,was probably a young man,who thought that the actor was beautiful (as does my son's best pal!) where to me, she is just an average looking girl/woman with very little acting ability! (I.M.O.!!!!) But as I said earlier, the whole point of a forum is to get differing views,surely? If you write that actor X is a great actor, and I am unfamiliar with their work, I will probably go and check some of it out. I may end up disagreeing with you (and your opinion) but as ever, I respect your right to think and believe what you will!
  14. I once emailed Stephen Booth, who writes the Fry and Cooper crime series, set in Derbyshire. As I live in Derbyshire, I had spotted two quite glaring errors in his descriptions of places (although his town in the books is fictional!) and he replied the same day. A nice chaty mail, where he admitted that he was not familiar with the place(s) I had pointed out, and had simply 'winged it'!
  15. I have only been on here a short time, but find the gang here to be friendly and very tolerant toward newcomers! Just relax, you will enjoy your time on here. I too was 'blasted' on a TV and Movie forum, where I had the temerity to suggest that a certain actor was not as good as their fans always seemed to think. So I just take any criticism as a difference of opinion, which is what forums are all about, surely?
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