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Everything posted by Madeleine

  1. It poured this morning, now sunny and/or cloudy, quite warm in the sun. Still windy as well.
  2. Hi Quinn, sorry to hear about your injury. I don't remember you from before so welcome back!
  3. That's an old one! The radio at work is very faintly playing Groove is in the Heart.
  4. We were just talking about Shadow of the Wind here at work, as someone's son is currently in Barcelona, and we both said we're scared to read any of the other books, as Shadow was so good!
  5. That's true Sean, it's easy to be chatty with close friends and family, I was more thinking of talking with strangers. Me too, not at all good with strangers.
  6. I don't remember Lyra's coat! Yes definitely read them in sequence otherwise they won't make any sense at all!
  7. I actually found the 2nd book harder to get into than the first one, the writing style was quite different. Still if you think it's not your thing that's fair enough.
  8. I can think of a few but they're mainly crime, however the main characters do have a disability: C J Sansom's Shardlake series - the main character is a lawyer who has a hunchback (not a very PC term I'm afraid) Robert Galbraith's series featuring private detective Cormoran Strike, who lost a leg in one of the recent Middle East conflicts (haven't read these for a while but I think it was in Afghanistan) - he's a troubled character but essentially decent and then there's Game of Thrones, where one of the main characters is a person of restricted height (again sorry if that's not the correct term) but he is one of the best characters and although he is much maligned (and at one point does do something pretty awful, although he has his reasons) he is highly intelligent, witty and extremely resourceful.
  9. Looks like we intros are winning! I've never heard of an ambivert either, interesting term. I don't mind being with extroverts but sometimes they can be a bit overpowering - depends on their personality but some people can be domineering, and exhausting to be with after a while! Not such a bad thing, we're all different after all and you have to have a balance of the different types of personality.
  10. She was also in Beecham House, which just finished it's first run a few weeks ago in the UK.
  11. also definitely an introvert. Work is very lively, thanks to an open plan office, there are about 35 or so of us plus various other people who work at the desks in the open area, and sometimes there can be a meeting taking place as well, you can't hear yourself think sometimes. Add to that traffic noise and the racket from the building across the road that's being renovated..... then noisy public transport on the way home - the bus can be a nightmare - and when I do get home I need to recover sometimes! thank goodness it's summer (sort of ) and I can potter about in the garden if it's not raining. I'm also not that mad about large gatherings, I prefer a few friends at a time, otherwise I never get to catch up with anyone as it's too noisy or everyone's too busy talking to everyone else. Everywhere seems so noisy nowadays, sigh.
  12. Been like that here for days, very windy too and feels like it should storm, but nothing happens, although it did drizzle quite heavily for a while yesterday morning.
  13. Depends on how tired I am in the evening, I usually read for half an hour or so before bed, and when I'm on the train to and from work probably about the same, depending in whether I get a seat, and if there are any delays! My concentration also isn't that good at the moment, have definitely got a bit slower.
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