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woolf woolf

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Everything posted by woolf woolf

  1. Murakami himself said he read a lot of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Franz Kafka and Raymond Chandler. I only read one book by each of the first two, but I enjoyed them very much (Crime and Punishment; Metamorphosis).
  2. I won't watch the series, because I can't follow the dialogue with its current quality of audio. I've looked for the subtitles, but they don't match the number of episodes: there are two versions of the series, one with six episodes and one with seven. I don't know if I'll read the books one day.
  3. Welcome to the forum, Laulu. I don't know if searching directly for a book that blew someone else's mind is the right way to approach what you look for. The impact a book has on a person depends on a huge amount of factors that, in short, make someone who they are; that impact only adds to it. I think you should just read what you want and the mindblowing will arrive by itself.
  4. BFI's top films of 2015. I watched the trailer for The Assassin and it was amazing, and that image for Carol is captivating. It's good that Mad Max: Fury Road's quality has been recognised. I didn't know Chantal Akerman still shoots films, she's a big name but I haven't yet seen any of her work. Which of these have you seen and what would you change?
  5. Welcome to the forum, Lara.
  6. After Game of Thrones and Vikings, this show seems a bit soft for its subject. But it is violent, nonetheless.
  7. I'm moving to Hoorn wednesday next week, a port town up north. I played a bit with the website Duolingo, but didn't learn much yet.
  8. I might have to read a few children's books from the local library, after all I can't learn a nieuw language in a day.
  9. I watched the seven episodes these last few days. It's nice.
  10. I'm reading the first book from the My Struggle series by Karl Ove Knausgaard, titled A Death in the Family. I'm enjoying it, but I'm also conflicted, perhaps because I'm unused to autofiction.
  11. Shouldn't you have the fire extinguisher elsewhere? If fire breaks out from the hearth you might not be able to reach it, especially if the christmas tree or the curtains also catch fire. Nice picture, by the way, everything in it looks homely.
  12. I like the song 1979. It's nostalgic, in a way. This band has good lyrics. http://www.belleandsebastian.com/lyrics/the-fox-in-the-snow http://www.belleandsebastian.com/lyrics/judy-and-the-dream-of-horses
  13. Gravedigging the topic. This film stars Zach Braff and Natalie Portman, not in the picture.
  14. Are Scarlett, Melanie and Rhett different from their film versions?
  15. It shouldn't be inevitable, people should recognise the good things from outside their box. All of those authors write in the english language. The Swedish Academy considers authors from around the globe to choose whom to award the Nobel Prize in Literature.
  16. The list is extremely english-centric, perhaps the interviewed were from english-speaking countries only.
  17. You made me want to read the book. What do people usually dislike about it?
  18. Which elements were more common across the different answers? What did you think of the books they considered as essential?
  19. I'm sorry, I won't be able to continue. I'm too far behind, life has been busy since the month began and it won't stop for a few weeks more.
  20. I kind of regretted writing what you quoted, because it might be a bit arrogant to consider myself enough to determine what's a classic. I agree with you, the label classics seems more of an easy way to gather a hall of fame in which books are concerned.
  21. My girlfriend said she'd break up with me if I didn't stop obsessing over Oasis. I said maybe...
  22. I suggest you settle a new book blog thread for the remainder of the year, or for as long as you see fit.
  23. Personally, I know more of british gastronomy than of the country next door and still I never tried sausage rolls. They don't seem very appealing, unlike steak and ale pie.
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