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Posts posted by Virginia

  1. I found that I was able to actually separate myself from the HP book and the HP movie after the second viewings. After going through a wth? moment when I saw how far off they got from the movies, I learned to just enjoy the movies almost as a stand alone, kwim? I guess I learned to love each medium for what it was but I will still revisit the books yearly.


    As for the Narnia books, I guess it depends on what version of the movie your talking about. I know there are BBC versions from the 80's I believe (but to hold me to it). I thoroughly enjoyed them but I did find they tended to be a bit darker then the present day versions. They are both very good adaptations in my opinion.


    Earthsea is another movie that has attempted to do too much in such a condensed amount of time. I don't know if I would have found the book had it not been for the movie but I would rather re-read the book than watch the movie again.


    Another favorite of mine is The Mists of Avalon. I loved the movie almost as much as I loved the book but I definitely got a "fuller" feeling from reading the novel. There were just so many things that could not be put into the movie but I keep going back because I'm always finding that I missed a morsel on a previous read. I would not have known about the book had it not been for the movie.

  2. Do you think the book to movie has subtracted our love of the epic fantasy like Lord of the Rings, Earthsea, The Hobbit, etc? I'm just wondering if people have gotten so use to the movies that they forgot that the movie actually came from a book and I'm also wondering if we have gotten away from re-visiting these books because of the movies? Maybe what I'm trying to ask is this, does one subtract from or add to the other? Has watching the movie put you off the books if you've never read them? I find that I walk the line. I love the books but it is so much easier to slip in the dvd, even though I know that many things have been "artistically" altered to fit the director's perception. Knowing this, I still find myself enthralled with the cinematic version of my favorite classics. What about you?

  3. Hi Chair, welcome to the forum!


    Your dance group sounds really interesting. I love reading about folks who keep traditions and artisan crafts, et al, alive. Fascinating stuff. I want to find something to do but I keep thinking its "too late" even though I KNOW its a lie. My biggest obstacle would be finding some lovely older saint who still practices an art. Times being what they are, people tend to value convenience more than tradition. I don't mind conveniences but finding someone to teach traditional quilt making or other hand arts shouldn't be so difficult. Ugh. Anyway, needs must and where there is a well, there's a way!


    Looking forward to reading your posts!

  4. I'm really bad at pronouncing names so I do ask but I'd never ask "why" I might ask what the meaning is as most names have special meanings. My granddaughter is named Sally Victoria. People expect Black Americans to name their children something really "different." We name our children names with meaning. Sally Victoria carries her great grandma's first name and her godmother's first name. Now folks want to know why she's been given such old fashioned names...wth? The oldest was named after his father, the second son was named after his uncle, my brother, the third son took on the family tradition of naming the male Clarence with an "M" for the middle name. This fifth baby will have my first name, her paternal grandmothers first and middle name and because she may be special needs, they gave her the name Cordelia because she will overcome adversity (based off a character on a show they love).


    Now, what really bugs me..computer bullies. They have keyboard courage and can only say what they say under the anonymity of a screen. I'll respect you more if you tell me to my face you are a racist, sexist, ignorant git then if you do it behind the screen,

  5. I have two very large lilac bushes and they just drip for days. I wish they stayed in bloom longer but I'll take comfort in my yellow climbing rosess that just bloomed! Just can't stay out there too long or the bumble bees get a little territorial. They appear to be very big this year.


    I'm not sure what is on the agenda for today. Updating my resume, tweeking the budget, reading, walking the dog, a quick workout, and whatever else will depend on the weather outside. I think we are supposed to get some rain today, if that is so, I'll probably stay close to home.

  6. I am now sitting here typing on my new detachable bluetooth keyboard. I definitely like it better than the one I had with my Samsung tab 10.1. I didn't have to do anything to pair it and the keys are not as small as I thought they would be. I'm glad I splurged and got this as I am now realizing that my keyboarding skills have deteriorated!


    Whats also cool is that I can remove the keyboard from the case and still type. NICE!

  7. I bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 2014 a few months ago and while I do love it, its tricky to get certain things done. For instance I find that I don't do much by way of typing and making long responses because its so time consuming pecking away. (I ordered the detachable keyboard and its coming tomorrow) but with those, I still have to deal with the tiny keyboard. I've always dreamed about sitting at the park and typing up my novel or responding to comments but its just not happening. I was on another forum (this board) and there was a question about a writing program. I'd love to get one but I'd have to use my laptop because I have not found an effective way to type on my note.


    How do you make the most of your note/tablet? Do you find you are limited to what you can type? If not, what do you suggest I do to make it more efficient and enjoyable experience?

  8. Funny you mention true love. My hubby and I were watching "A Love Story" last Sunday and when they got to that famous line "love never means saying you're sorry," I had to yell at the tv. That was the most bogus and misleading lie I've heard in a while. Love means many things  to many people but in the world that I live in, love absolutely means saying "I'm sorry." It never means its okay to hurt someone because sorry is not part of the vocabulary.


    Wars have been fought, lives have been lost and abuse has been dealt because of someone's twisted definition of love and God. Its not God and its not love that causes pain, its people who twist it to make it suit their needs. Every time I hear about a stalking case I feel myself wanting to get so physically violent towards the person doing the stalking, its almost scarey. If a person says NO, then it freaking means NO! Holding people hostage, stalking, menacing and threatening harm because a person doesn't feel the same way as you (general) do makes me ill.


    When I think of Heathcliff, it makes me  physically ill. Ugh.

  9. I think Heathcliff, the Byronic "hero" could have been forgiven had he shown the slightest bit of remorse. He's presented himself as contemptuous of any kind of love except what he felt. Selfishness personified. He loved being miserable and seems to have taken an erotic pleasure in making others feel the same way. While reading this novel, I found myself wanting to skip over every line he spoke. I can understand his hate for Cathy's brother but what he put those children through...well, I've used my imagination!

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