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Posts posted by Virginia

  1. First full day at Barnes and Noble and I had a great time but boy did I hustle! My "mentor" said I should be trained within a couple of days since I am like a sponge, lol!


    I was scheduled to work today but as I have a wedding to attend, they graciously let me have it off seeing as they just got the schedules made and added the new employees. When we get home, I think I'll just hit the sofa.

  2. MOOC is free only university courses hosted by different colleges. NPR is the National Public Radio in the USA. They have many subsidiary stations in several countries, like IPR.

  3. Thank you.


    They held a vigil at the middle school she attended. I couldn't go because I couldn't stand to see the raw and ravaged face of her parents, so imagine my horror when the local paper posted their picture on facebook. I dont have a problem with the story but they really could have shone a photo of the people in general. I will never forget that haunted look of her mother... And I would probably have sat there wondering who the students were that made her life a living hell. I have this strange feeling that they showed up last night.


    One of her classmates posted a comment about how the kids managed to get away with it. I wonder how the school will respond. Her parents wont hold there tongue and they have a huge backing.


    Our daughter suffers from bi-polar and it has always been a constant vigil to keep her from going that route. I think this was her wake up because she sees the suffering of her friend and our daughter is such a tender hearted person that everything affects her deeply. Hell, this affected me deeply.


    The funeral will probably be held at her school. Its large enough to hold what will prove to be a huge crowd. When my niece and nephew were killed, their funeral was held at the local school. Good thing as at least a 1000 attended.

  4. I got a phone call at about 0300 this morning by a hysterical pregnant daughter. What set her off? She found out that a mutual friend of ours lost her daughter to suicide. The poor baby was only 12. She killed herself because she couldn't see any out from the bullying she was tortured with. I remember when she was born. I was taking a summer algebra class with her mother. Clarissa was an aspiring tat artist and her husband was in the Marine Corp. He got out and they opened a thriving tattoo business and went on to have two more beautiful daughters. Yesterday she and her husband experienced something no parent should EVER have to experience. They found their precious baby dead, at home. Our community is rocked. There are always stories in the news about this sort of thing, but as the cliche goes, "you never expect it to happen to someone you know."


    What is it about kids these days that bullying and suicide seem to be the only choices they have? I have found one thing that rings loudly. The internet. I read comments made by some truly vicious and nasty individuals who suffer from "keyboard courage." They say the most awful things without a care about how it affects someone. Grown ups who bully raise children who bully but children tend to cover all the bases, they bully by cellphone, internet, school and in the community. I am saddened.

  5. Our foods are as varied as our states. I'm from the south and being a Black American we have our Sunday favorites, friend chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, biscuits, tossed salad and iced sweet tea. Now, I'm also in a region where sea food is plentiful so we may throw in the fried fish, or shrimp and grits, fish and grits, hoppin' john (black eyed peas with rice and hamhocks). We also have the "Lowcountry Boil, or Frogmore Stew." Its boiled shrimp, sausage, corn on the cob (cut small)and whole red potatoes, great for outdoor eating!

  6. Thanks Eleonora! I took a look and found some really good reviews. I do wonder how I can find the different universities. I kept coming up with sayor. Id like to find some classes hosted by Oxford, Cambridge, Brown. Maybe I'm just not searching correctly...

  7. Seeing as we are from pretty much all over the world, how bout we tell of something interesting specific for where you (we) live, you know, little known facts, or something quirky, bizarre or fascinating!


    I live in Beaufort, South Carolina, USA. Our claim to fame is Pat Conroy (sweet old man, always kisses me on the check when we see each other) Candice Glover, last years American Idol winner, one of only two military bases that train Marines (the other in California) History goes back to the French encampment followed by the Spanish (St. Helena) and then the English and then there is the Gullah culture. They are descendents from Africans brought over as slaves. They managed to maintain their identity and automony because they were left virtually unmolested. Thousands of Africans come here in May and November for teh Gullah Festival. Even more tourists come out to participate.


    That's all I can come up with right now. Whats the 411 on where YOU live?! Pictures would be great, hint, hint!

  8. I'm so glad you got your earplugs Althena! As for the grands, its second nature. I can't remember a time when I didn't have children around me. If they weren't someone else, they were mine. I've got more kids calling me "mom" then I can count, from littles to adults (and I'm not 46 til August).


    Thanks Chrissy. Its thundering now, rain on and off. The sirens were going off on the military bases. We'll be keeping put today. It looks like the perfect day to watch Midsomer Murders on Netflix and do some mystery reading.

  9. I was wondering if anyone has attempted any MOOC classes? I was listening to NPR and they were talking about the online classes and I thought it sounded fascinating. I love the idea of online free courses even if I wont get real credits for them.


    For those of you have tried them, what was your experience like?

  10. Keep safe, muggle!


    We're watching the weather on our end also. I think it will swing round South Carolina or hit upstate (we boarder Georgia). Its already dreary looking here. No basements for us because we are in the "lowcountry." Keep us updated!


    Besides watching the weather, not much going on, keeping the grands as daughter is having her usual pregnancy pains. Depending on the weather, I may take the littles to the library to do legos. I might pretend to do some artsy craftsy things this afternoon.

  11. Got it pretty much all done. My part is finished, unless they ask me to drop the clothes off at the funeral home. It is now in the low 80's (f) and I am thankful to be in the house. I love the heat, just don't like being in it! Got all the little people with us and they are now relaxing and watching Frozen. It keeps them mesmerized and for that, I am truly thankful, lmbo!!!

  12. Thanks all, I'll be hitting the road in a few. Not my favorite thing to do. My sister in law, bless her, is on the dingy side on a good day... oh well, family is family, lol! We had the little ones yesterday, sent the two younger ones home and kept the two older ones. Not that we had any say so in the matter. When they come, they decide to stay and that's THAT! We just keep the pancakes coming. Its their home, we just pay the bills, put food on the table and provide the entertainment. Our job descriptions are very well drawn out!


    Other than doing the dreary funeral business, I need to come home and bake a pound cake and a little yard work. It promises to be a hot week. I told my mother in law that we jumped from April right into July.

  13. Today and tomorrow are funeral arrangement days. I've got to drive my sister in law around to get a suit, go to the social security office and then drop the suit of at the funeral parlor.


    We've got three of the grands today and they have been a bright spot with their overwhelming cuteness. The little lady is now down for a nap, thank you Lord. Hubby is trying to get the two year old down and the son just took the 5 year old to the park.


    The house is starting to feel like summer. Its hot as all get out in our living room. I must remember to measure the windows for the bamboo blinds, check the cooling unit and purchase some fans. Its already 80f. As in HOT!!

  14. Nasty, wet, cool day here. I've already done my errands for the weekend and don't plan on venturing too far from home. My brother in law, the one who had the massive stroke last Sunday, will be coming home tomorrow. Sadly, hospice will be waiting for him. I've been down to the house to get the bedroom ready for the hospital bed and I sat with my mother in law for a bit. I don't believe in putting people in their graves before time but one thing I've noticed about my in laws. They don't believe in being in hospice. They usually pass on before the first or second visit. Such is life.

  15. Exhausted, done in, knackered. I raked leaves for about an hour, moved bricks from inside to outside (about 20 lbs each x 8), swept the entire house, dusted, cleaned a few windows, moved our king sized bed/mattress and headboard out and set up a new headboard. Cleaned the kitchen, did three loads of laundry and did some paperwork. I laid down on the new mattress but was too chilled and achy to take much pleasure in it so I will be taking some pm medication tonight! No need to hit the gym, my work out is done for the day.

  16. I have yet to get up the nerve to read the really disturbing books but if I had to name one, it would be one by John Forshe (I think) I'm not even sure about the title. It may have been 60 Seconds. It was about the US being hit by some kind of terrorist attack that affected the computer system, the power grids, etc. This thing left the entire country isolated from each other, chaos reigned. It got ugly. One teacher managed to salvage some kind of humanity in his little town in North Carolina. I've got to find the name of that book!

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