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Posts posted by Virginia

  1. Got home from Virginia yesterday afternoon. We dropped the littles off first, then came home and unloaded. I basically did it as hubby's shoulder is still causing him major problems. I can't put off unpacking so as soon as everything was in the house I put them away, then ran out to pick up some groceries as the son left us with pretty much empty cupboards. I woke up this morning and fixed my first cup of decent coffee in 8 days and as soon as I settled back into bed to sip and watch television, the phone went off. My nephew and stepson needed rides to work. Ugh, its Monday morning and it's storming. Why is it that they can call ME and no one else?


    Anyway, while I was out I took care of some business before heading home. Got in the door, saw my poor pooch and remembered I forgot to get her dog food. So I guess I'm headed back out there shortly.


    No work til Thursday and will probably have to call in on Friday to take care of more business. Did I mention that we are moving? Hubby starts his new job this week. Its two hours away. He'll stay with family til we can find a place and come home on weekends. I will be up there as soon as my last day is over.

  2. Hey y'all! I'm waving to you from Virginia!


    What a hectic few days its been. I met my father's family, took care of some business related to his death, visited my brother, took hubby to a Veterans Hospital for a pinched nerve and logged many miles and hours in my truck. I am finally able to sit down and relax on this porch with a cup of coffee and my mom's laptop. It would be so quiet and peaceful if it were not for two unholy tiny terrors.  The family reunion starts tomorrow. We'll be leaving my mom's house and heading to the hotel. Hoping we can get some relaxation going on!

  3. I love Ireland of the Welcomes but their distributors no longer sell to Barnes and Nobles. I sent them an FB message and they said they were currently searching for a new distributor. I love the magazine but can't afford the subscription so I really hate not being able to buy it from them. Of course it would happen when I start working there. It will be my luck that they will start selling again once I'm gone!


    Two of my other favorites are Country Living UK/USA and Country Life. I also enjoy History magazine, Mother Earth and Victoria Bliss magazine.

  4. I couldn't watch it, Too early in the day to start crying.


    Have fun ring shopping Tali! Glad Coran is better. Heat is NO joke.


    So much to read and catch up on....


    I've got the littles today and they are, shall we say, active. I had to put the baby gate up to keep us separated. The little female Tasmanian she-devil is the worst of the lot, lmbo! She has far surpassed her two year old reigning Tasmanian he-devil brother. And THAT is saying a lot.


    Besides watching the children, I'm getting the house ready for our vacation to Virginia. We'll be taking the littles with us as they probably wont be able to spend much time with their Gigi (great grammy) after November when their daddy gets his orders and the clan will move (maybe North Carolina, maybe Okinawa)


    I've got lots to tell but I won't clog up this board so if you want to know the rest, I'll be updating my page in a minute.


    Have a great day all!

  5. I'm off today and plan on keeping it on the down low. My daughter has a habit of  needing to occupy any free time I have, to keep the kids. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE keeping my grands but I have to have time to do what I need and want to do. Besides, I'm a little ticked at her right now. She has no sense of appropriate times to call. We work very hard and when we sleep, its well earned. Imagined how disgusted we get when the phone rings at 2am because she needs the password for my Netflix account because she's up and having her usual contractions. She calls my cell, which I put on silent at night because she would call, so then she calls the house phone and wakes both of us, UGH! She won't wake her husband up because he has to be at work in the morning, yet has no problem calling us. If she knows I'm off today she'll call asking if I can watch the kids because she has been up all night and feels bad. Sorry, I have heard that one WAAAY too many times. So, I'm playing hooky the rest of the week! ;):lurker::P

  6. We did a marathon of Northern Exposure one of our grandsons' asked what sound the moose made (he was watching the opening credits). For the life of me I couldn't tell him. I had to google it. Had a good laugh listening to him trying to imitate the moose!


    I'm hanging around in the music department at work ;(while working) nothing much going on. Don't think I'd like to be stuck over here all day or else I'd be tempted to surf the net ;):giggle2: . Can't wait till I get off. No work tomorrow which is good cause I am tired. Had the grands over last night and they didn't get picked up til after 1am. Trying to keep two toddler/wobblers out of mischief is an exhausting job. I'd have drunk a bottle of wine, (no glass needed thank you very much) if I had the energy to lift the bottle! Hoping I won't be too tired to start on my 1000 piece puzzle.

  7. I'm listening to this on audio as I spend so much time in my truck by the time I get home I'm too tired to read. Anyway, I find that I'm not caring much for this particular book. I know many on here who have read Scarlett and despise it. While I don't despise RBP I cannot make myself really like it. I'm find that the characters are cardboard people who one can't really get to know enough to either love or hate. It seems, to me, that the story just fills in the holes about Rhett's family and while I know this is kind of what it is, it just seems to lack depth. At least in Scarlett you could continue to hate her with the same intensity that we did in GWTH, lol!


    Any opinions on the book?


    I had a much better post written but I lost it and I can't gather the energy to search my brains again!

  8. I agree. Something tells me they have had a habit of doing this without consequences. Most of the younger staff wouldn't care but Ihave real life responsibilites. If they can make it work, I'm willing to give it a try but if I sense an attitude then off I go into the wild blue yonder, lol!


    Work, work and more work. I still love it but its taking a toll on my legs and neck. Tomorrow marks the one year "anniversary" of my spinal fusion surgery. I had no cartilege from my C3 to C7 vertibrea. Without that surgery Iwould have been at risk of being paralized had I been in an accident. Not to mention the brutal pain in my neck! It seems to be remembering my pain as I am feeling discomfort. I think I'll be calling my doctor tomorrow to have another looksee.


    Lifes pretty hectic. I seem to be getting called in on my days off. Might as well not give me the days off! I'm going to be saying no a little more often after I get back from vacation in July. I did complete a book last week. I spent over half my pitiful paycheck on merchandise at work as we were celebrating employee appreciation week which meant we could purchase stuff at a SERIOUS discount! I then got sick off the dip they served, caught a major migraine headache and then yesterday, my left arm cramped up so bad I was walking around like Quasi-moto (sp) until my manager found out, made me si in the breakroom and push down two bottled waters and a bottle of gator aid (which he went out and purchased for me). I was so touched by the jester that I stayed later to help close the store.


    Now I'm tired but cant close my eyes and actually sleep but I know I need to because Ihave to hit the floor running tomorrow.

  10. Been MIA for a few days. I've been putting in lots of hours at work. I haven't been able to spend lots of time with my grands so I took them out with me today. I took them out and about today. Our oldest and our number 3 share the same birthday and although I got number 3's gift off in the mail, I hadn't been able to pick up a gift for number one. Here's a lesson I learned but completely forgot...NEVER take a bunch of kids with the birthday kid to pick out a birthday gift. Iended up getting three other toys to keep them from raising cane in the store.


    Here's a funny. After picking up the items I needed to purchase. I got to the checkout line and went to pull out my credit card. Imagine my embarrassment and frustration when I realized I had left it at home on myt dresser. UGH! I had to call the hubby to meet me so I could use his card. There was NO way I was going to be able to leave Walmart without those toys!


    I took the littles to the farmers market and bought some honey that my history professor sells. He has several hives and has won all kinds of awards in the state. Its really good and also good for number one's allergies.


    Now I'm home with the kiddos and relaxing. They'll hang out here to til this evening then home they go. The littles are having lots of fun with their new toys!

  11. There is this crazy, racist church, Westboro Baptist. They turn up at the funerals of dead soldiers saying they died because God "hated fags and this was their punishment." Yeah, we grow all kinds over here. Anyway, they are planning to picket Ms Angelou's funeral because she comforted them... The evil founder of this church died earlier this year and his hate was so strong and prolific that they even kicked him out of his own church.


    I say a dog is gonna bark, a snake is gonna strike and a fool ain't satisfied til the entire world knows just how big a fool he/she is.

  12. I decided that I am spending way too much time in English villages and have decided to give my hometown another go. We have some really good writers of the genre and I feel Ineed to give them a chance, so I bought a nook version of a book called "In For A Penny," by Kathyrn Wall. The stories are actually set HERE in my hometown!! Even the names are names I'm familiar with. I'm really looking forward to spending some of the summer viewing my hometown through new eyes.

  13. Yes, management seems really nice and accommodating and friendly. They want to keep the employees. From what I understand, they've had a major shake up and lots of turn around with people moving on and such.


    Wedding was nice, had a good time watching my family dancing and having a great time, especially after the loss of my brother in law. It was good to see my mother in law laugh!


    Now its time to settle down for the evening and write up something inspirational for our Mother's Day program at church.

  14. First full day at Barnes and Noble and I had a great time but boy did I hustle! My "mentor" said I should be trained within a couple of days since I am like a sponge, lol!


    I was scheduled to work today but as I have a wedding to attend, they graciously let me have it off seeing as they just got the schedules made and added the new employees. When we get home, I think I'll just hit the sofa.

  15. MOOC is free only university courses hosted by different colleges. NPR is the National Public Radio in the USA. They have many subsidiary stations in several countries, like IPR.

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