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Posts posted by Virginia

  1. Noll, I'm so glad you found a new place! I'm sure you will make it your own. You could do sheer colored drapes, you know, ceiling to floor. You can track then up and change then out. You could do any color to mute the yellow and give it a gauzy Arabiuan or Bohemian look.


    Rainy, cold, miserable to be outside type of day so I'm staying inside.

  2. Hope you feel better June, I hope your coworker's rope is getting shorter and shorter and he's out the door by the new year!


    Gaia, I'm glad you got to spend time with your brother and his girlfriend! Did he bring back some amazing pictures from his trip?


    I"m done with Amazon. My hands just wont cooperate and I'm going to listen to them. Its not worth early onset arthritis (already have it in my neck and ankle) and adding corprol tunnel isn't on my list of things to do.


    I spent the day thus far, fiddling in my study/craft room trying to organize some things. I pulled out my many journals, my beading and drawing supplies. I found our passport applications that I misplaced last year and will work on that on and off. I also am working on the packing. My mom called to tell me that she's buy Kizzy and doggy jacket. You have to understand. Growing up on a farm and being a city baby boomer, my mother was NEVER one to spend anything on animals. They got fed table scrapes and got flea collars, that was it. Now she's a doting and dotty grand-fur parent buying doggy coats and treats and clearing out a cozy space in the house. Who is this old woman and what has she done to my REAL mom?! Don't tell anyone but I overheard her talking to Kizzy on our last visit. She told Kizzy to "come to Gigi." Um, that's the name my grands have for her! LMBO!!! She'll never know I heard about it, unless I need blackmail material.

  3. After reading The Pillars of the Earth (a little over 1,000 pages) and World Without End (a little over 1,200 pages) and each in two to three weeks, I reckoned I'd be done with The Lord of the Rings before I knew it. Boy, was I wrong... I've been at this since September, though to be fair the first part took me two months. I usually never interrupt a series if I can avoid it, but after The Fellowship of the Ring, I needed a different book more than I needed air or coffee.


    I'm on The Return of the King now and it's a bit better, but a lot of it probably has to do with knowing I'm almost through! I hope I'll re-read these books in a few years' time and find out what so many people love about it. As has been discussed before in this topic, LOTR is one of those classics that you have to have read and loved to be seen as a "true" reader by many people -- unfortunately


    Alexander, you've got some pretty heavy books going on! I've enjoyed them all. I will say that LOTR's was more trying negates of all the battles. I had to put it down and come back to it but the wars never seemed to end! Follett is a masterful writer. I enjoy his work.


    I'm currently reading a Midsdomer Murders book by Caroline Graham and A Week In Winter by Maeve Binchy.

  4. Thanks all!


    I did pretty good last night as I took the pm's and kept drinking water. I slept really well but this morning (my day off) I do feel the pain in my neck and shoulders. I'm not doing much with my hands besides turning pages and a little keyboarding. Showing up on Thursday is up in the air. 


    These next couple of days will be spent washing hair and doing household paperwork to prepare for the new year.


    Tali, I'm amazed that your NONco-worker has been allowed to remain employed, That's something that would never be tolerated here in the states. In 9 out of 10 employers, he'd have been out of a job almost immediately, even with following termination protocol. Most times you'd just get a "don't bother to return tomorrow" and be escorted out the door.

  5. Thanks Peacefield, Lau_Lou and Onion Budgie!


    It really is surreal because now I'm getting asked the exact same question I was asked when I graduated high school almost 30 years ago, lol!! And the answer is "I let YOU know when I know! I have touched up my resume and will be putting them out in the new year. No need to do it now as it will only get lost by folks impatient for the holidays. 


    I spent the past two days working a temp position at Amazon.com. The last time I did it I hurt my ankle and was off of it for 2 months. THIS time I told them I wouldn't do that position EVER again. So they placed me in packing. That means I get to see all the weird, perverted and bizarre stuff you lot order, lmbo!! Unfortunately I started cramping up (hands and arms) and had to be sent home. Can't use my hands so I cant work. Oh well, it was only going to be till next Thursday. I'll have a little bit of extra cash so I won't complain.


    Since my hands and arm still feel not up to par, I will lay in bed and read. Thankfully, it doesn't take much to hold a paperback!!

  6. Hey y'all!


    I've started my self-care program to relax and "find" myself, lol! I spent the evening of my last finals stuffing myself and finishing off that bottle only to be sick in the wee hours. I had taken something for my headache without remembering that I had the wine only a couple hours earlier. UGH. Got thru it, lesson learned. Yesterday I had lunch with a friend and made a library run. Today I got up and drove 1.5 hours to my brother in laws house to get wood. The hubby was supposed to go but he got off work really late this morning and was just too tired to make that drive so I put on my work close and made the myself. I loaded our suv with lots of wood (large pieces) on my own, yaayy me! I then stopped at a roadside seafood market and produce stand and got some goodies. When I got back to town I decided to finish up the shopping while I was already out so I made three stops, came home unloaded the groceries and the wood.


    It has been a really productive day and sleep will be sweet. We are expecting fridget temps this weekend, starting tomorrow. We have wood, food, wine, movies and no desire to leave the neighborhood (gotta walk the dog). This will be my first weekend without having to study so now I can read to my hearts delight!


    I passed my biology class and now I'm just waiting on my philosophy grade to post. It may take a while as he's grading papers and essay exam questions. Why would a professor do that to themselves?!


    Whelp, I'm going to relax, surf the net, pick up books to read and put them down to pick up something else, lol!

  7. Took my very last final. If all goes well (waiting on my philosophy grade) I will be college graduate, with a Bachelors in English. Now I must try to turn my brain off and get my nerves regulated. Think I'll finish off this bottle of wine and get royally soused, lol! I wont start looking for "real" work til after the new year so this will be my vacation.

  8. I've honestly tried to like dark chocolate. The only way I can really enjoy it is when its wrapped around caramel or milk chocolate. Its just too bitter for me. I just get so disgusted because I know its supposed to be good for me but its the same with red wine. I don't like it as its too bitter. Whodathunkit? Two of my favorite things and I don't like them. lol!! :P

  9. Glad you haven't succumbed to the crud Flip! I've got two more days of being around these college kids who don't understand basic hygiene concepts. smh, you can pay 6 digits in education but I swear, you can't buy common sense. I actually observed one young woman come out the bathroom stall, cell in hand. She walked towards the sink area (which only had one person there and it has 4 sinks). This girl walks towards the sink then backs away as if someone put up garlic cloves and hung up a cross. Then she stayed in a corner of the bathroom for several more minutes, texting. Texting will kill the world.


    Hubby and I took an unscheduled walk around the mall and we picked up trousers, snazzy suspenders and a bowtie. We also got some yummy garlic shrimp. The ride home was sheer murder. I promised him I'd only eat ONE shrimp and I did, but oooohhhhh the temptation was real. We got home ate the shrimp and then realized we would need more food. I ordered buffalo wings and while waiting I decided to pick up some wood. Thisis the perfect weekend for sitting in front of the fireplace eating wings, drinking hard cider and studying.


    Tomorrow will be a nasty, cold and rainy day. So I'll be repeating what I'm doing now (sitting in front of the fireplace, with my laptop and hard cider) and not leaving my house. 

  10. Overcast with rain later today. It's been pretty warm the last few days which is driving me crazy. My yard looks like a sea of multi-colored leaves, the sky is gray and folks are walking around wearing shorts and sweaters....I blame Trump. I start off wearing a thick jacket and scarf but by the middle of the day, I'm down to short sleeves. 

  11. June, I am SO happy for you! I always knew you'd finally be given the respect and credit you deserve for doing what you do! What a wonderful Christmas present!!!


    I'm sitting here procrastinating once again. I've got one last paper to do for my philosophy class which is due on Thursday. I finally decided on which dead long winded git I"m going to write on, John Locke, simply because he's the least asinine of the group, Hume, Kan, Leibniz...Can you tell how fed up I am with this class? Thank God my final is on 5 December! 


    I took a lab exam week before last. It was like musical chairs. We had 1.5 minutes to name the dissected parts of frogs, crawfish and starfish. There were 30 stations and we had to follow the arrow, label the parts (1-3) and move to the next She mixed them up so that your brain had to move from the frog to the starfish to the crawfish, to the starfish to the frog, so that you really had to know your stuff. I knew my stuff. Aced it!! Today we each had to do presentations to present to the class. Mine was on the Chesapeake Bay Renewal Program in Virginia. I passed that one with flying colors. No more lab for me! I take my final biology exam next week. Next week I'll be a graduate and I am so happy!!!


    Hubby set up the tree and I decorated it this afternoon. Its put me in a better holiday mood. I was about to feel sorry for myself what with all my kids and grands being away from home but I'm getting used to it and can be happy even though I miss them all.

  12. Went to see Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them on Tuesday, and thought it was really good.  Lovely to see a film with the magic of Harry Potter but with a whole new set of characters in a different location, and one I didn't know the how the story ended before I even started watching the film!

    I went to see it last night. I think I liked it. It was weird knowing it was an HP movie yet only recognizing two names, Newt and Grenelwhastshisname. Loved the beasts!

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