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Everything posted by itsmeagain

  1. Most certainly Madeleine. Once rapport is established, the conversation really flows. It's the feeling of lack of comfort I get from pointless chattered in the gym... That I loathe.
  2. The film is excellent. Big John Coffey is dead in real life, great character in the film.
  3. Thanks for this Athena . I have no diagnosis, but I do actually find casual conversations with strangers to be rather tiresome. Not tiring, tiresome, mainly because of the fact that I feel that small talk is pointless. Also I dislike the possibility of low level, casual, prying into my life. No need. If you encountered. me, we would both be ensconced in a book and hoping that no conversation was attempted.
  4. Gent. That is, gentleman in UK. Not the Belgian city. 🇧🇪
  5. I like the Asda very hot onion bhaji. Delicious if slightly greasy. Less fat in my food the better.
  6. I hope you had onion bhaji, Onion Budgie.
  7. Good point Nesa . I feel it is, generally, a brilliant book.
  8. Excellent book. I now know where the oft quoted "people know the price of everything, and the value of nothing", originated.
  9. Oh the old syndrome of a film being more risqué than the book, which is rather old. No wonder, as the book is decidedly gay and a modern film will bring out the salacious aspects of the book which Wilde didn't dare to write.
  10. Good luck with the move Nollaig.
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