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  2. knew when he was onto a good thing and henceforth behaved impeccably, living a life of luxury and treated like an adored princeling. Meantime, the Major was awoken from his semi-conscious state by the incessant ringing of the phone. 'Hello Daddy, it's me,' said a cheerful voice, 'just ringing to see how our little Dingle is settling in. It really played on our heartstrings to part with him but we felt you ...
  3. Today
  4. Get this - did you know that snails can sleep for up to three years without eating a single thing? Crazy, right? It's like they're in a never-ending food coma.
  5. KEV67

    Women in Love

    I wonder if the title 'Women in Love' should have a question mark after it. I like some parts of the book. The description of Mr Crich's death was very good, for instance. Mr Crich was Gerald's father, who is one of the principle characters. Now it has been established that the story is set in the Edwardian era, I wonder whether Gerald and Birkin both survived the war. I think Women in Love was a sequel to The Rainbow. Perhaps there is another sequel. They would be mid to late 30s by the time war broke out, but they are both officer class.
  6. Nope, sorry, you’ll have to come back
  7. It does tend to be the main criticism of Stephen King books, doesn’t it? The slow pace. I’m still working my way through Watkins Book of English Folktales and I love it. It’s perfect if you’re interested in how folktales develop and how they’re categorised! I have started to feel like I’d like to dig into a longer story now though, so I might be tempted to read something alongside it .
  8. Yesterday
  9. If you don't know anything about the Celts, this book might still be enjoyable for you. For me, the book didn't provide any new information.
  10. and took poor Dingle in other arms, whisking him away to her own abode, where Dingle will this evening be spoon-fed clotted cream plus essence of re heated tuna, then pork scratchings as pudding. He....
  11. Last week
  12. The novel is quite hefty, it takes a while to pick up pace. In the beginning, it's even a bit boring, only from the middle on do some action scenes start happening. Overall it's interesting, but not as thrilling as expected.
  13. I find that most of the books I really enjoy are Marmite books, some people loathe them, others adore them. I can see why you might have found it boring, the pace wasn't fast at the beginning but the sly humour made up for it imo. Good things reading tastes are so different - it means lots of variety!
  14. Dingle, who immediately bit him painfully on the thumb. Dingle then took off up the Major's whatnot, sending valuable ornaments crashing to the floor, one Dresden shepherdess hitting Daddy on the head, knocking him clean out. Dingle remained perched precariously on top of the whatnot, yowling loudly. Little Miss Horlicks, the Major's next door neighbour had heard the ruckus and came to investigate. A confirmed spinster, of indeterminate years, she loved cats. Ignoring the Major completely, who was moaning and groaning on the floor surrounded by broken crockery, she reached up ...
  15. put in motion the process.' Sending Dingle round to daddy's abode, by express courier service, was happily met by daddy exclaiming, ' by Jove, another delightful feline courtesy of my dear son in law John Forbidden..how blessed am I', and at that, he stroked
  16. Welcome to the Pleasure dome - Frankie goes to Hollywood
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