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  1. Today
  2. "The Star’s Tennis Balls " by Stephen Fry - Tough. Really tough. But as you keep reading, it draws you in...
  3. I feel OK.. indeed, were it not for social conventions and the diktat of our father Lord, one would squeeze your ..ahem'. Rightly shocked, Rosie protested, but the vicar, looking inebriated, kept on grinning and being a fool. Anyway, he received a slap from Rosie,which, if nothing else, will have brought to his mind the saying, ' no greater wrath have the a wild cat, than a female scorned'..or was it a female scone..?
  4. Yesterday
  5. I really liked the quote. The main character is talking to a masseuse, and she tells him: 'I don't know why, but if a person doesn't drink sake at all, they can't be truly happy, and nothing good remains in their memory...' - which completely captures my personal mood about the novel's main character.
  6. Thank you Madeleine and Poppy. I feel fortunate that I’m getting some sleep and can actually breathe properly, my brother can’t (sleep or breathe). We are leaving our father in bed because he looks very frail out of it - he has constant access to bottled water for hydration.
  7. We've had that here, and the cough that lingers has been called the 100 day cough. Have avoided it so far but had absolutely streaming hay fever the other day, which is quite early, normally it's June so I'm hoping June won't be even worse. Hope everyone feels better soon.
  8. like a rooster's comb. 'Goodness Vicar,' she giggled, 'you're a veritable lady magnet today, aren't you just!' The Vicar blushed and simpered, 'Oooh you are such a tease. I'm looking for that hubby of yours, just the little matter of his generous donation of burgers for the less fortunates. Went down a treat!' 'But what about all the complaints of food poisoning, I've been so worried about it.' 'Weak constitutions, I'd say, I ate six and ...
  9. Sounds nasty. Hope you're all feeling much better very soon xx 😘
  10. Espedair Street Ian Banks Wilt Tom Sharpe The Star’s Tennis Balls Stephen Fry Gone Baby GoneDennis Lehane Shutter Island Dennis Lehane The Burglar Diaries Danny King LA Requiem Robert Crais Skin Tight Carl Hiaasen The Green Mile Stephen King Awakening Sharon Bolton
  11. Last week
  12. Our weather has grown warm too. All of us have the cold. It's a bad one too. My father has taken to his bed, my brother was sent home from work and can't go in tomorrow and I have a cough that is impressing me! Neither of us can be bothered doing anything as we are all exhausted.
  13. As we're having a few warm sunny days I've been on a seed planting frenzy, have planted 3 types of sunflower, including Sun King, which is a huge yellow pom pom like flower I saw today in the garden centre when I went to get some compost, 2 types of zinnia, some cosmos, snapdragon and some cornflowers. Fingers crossed they don't get eaten! First lot of sunflowers planted last week are already seeding well.
  14. It sounds pretty interesting and unusual. I'll probably add it to my reading list.
  15. I feel its best he leaves well enough alone...what a waste of our time..' Offended, Rosie swept wistfully out of the living room, down the drive, out onto the street,carrying a purse, a bag, a comb....and who did she meet coming towards her, other than the vicar, dressed in vicar type clothes, with his hair gelled and standing up......
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