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  1. Today
  2. I find that most of the books I really enjoy are Marmite books, some people loathe them, others adore them. I can see why you might have found it boring, the pace wasn't fast at the beginning but the sly humour made up for it imo. Good things reading tastes are so different - it means lots of variety!
  3. Yesterday
  4. Dingle, who immediately bit him painfully on the thumb. Dingle then took off up the Major's whatnot, sending valuable ornaments crashing to the floor, one Dresden shepherdess hitting Daddy on the head, knocking him clean out. Dingle remained perched precariously on top of the whatnot, yowling loudly. Little Miss Horlicks, the Major's next door neighbour had heard the ruckus and came to investigate. A confirmed spinster, of indeterminate years, she loved cats. Ignoring the Major completely, who was moaning and groaning on the floor surrounded by broken crockery, she reached up ...
  5. put in motion the process.' Sending Dingle round to daddy's abode, by express courier service, was happily met by daddy exclaiming, ' by Jove, another delightful feline courtesy of my dear son in law John Forbidden..how blessed am I', and at that, he stroked
  6. Last week
  7. Welcome to the Pleasure dome - Frankie goes to Hollywood
  8. I liked it. It was a charming, cozy read that I really enjoyed!
  9. I just finished Wolf Blood by Steve Morris. It's classed as an Apocalyptic novel so don't know if you'd be interested. It's not a typical horror novel either, imho, just so that you know.
  10. Finished Wolf Blood by Steve Morris. Werewolf apocalypse, marvellous.
  11. Want to trade. We are having chicken noodle soup.
  12. We had a chicken breast stew with a side dish. Lately, I've been choosing rice as the side. It takes me about half an hour to make the whole thing, and then dinner's ready.
  13. I am about half way through. Beowulf has killed the Grendel by ripping off his arm. Beowulf must have been pretty strong, because I image the Grendel being as strong as a grizzly bear. I expect Jeff Capes would have had a problem ripping a grizzly bear's arm off.
  14. aspidistra plant, Rosie's pride and joy. I shooed him away and he moved onto gnawing on a table leg. It was starting to look worse for wear, I feared he'd gnaw right through and the whole thing would come crashing down on top of him. He really was a trial. I had a sudden brainstorm, 'Rosie, what Daddy needs is something to keep him company, take his mind off himself ... cheer him up no end.' 'What a lovely idea, what do you suggest, dear?' 'Well, I thought one of the cats. We've been so blessed with them, I think we should find it in our hearts to share the joy. Dingle would be an ideal companion for Daddy.' 'Well ... OK ... if you really think ...' 'I do! I do!' I enthused, 'I'll just ...
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