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Harry Potter Books by J. K. Rowling

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There's a part in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which cracks me up;

they are exploring St Mungo's hospital and they bump into Gilderoy Lockhart who's there obviously as Ron's wand backfired and erased his memory in CoS and he's like 'i can do joined up writing now :mrgreen:' it made me LOL xD

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While re-reading them I have realised how annoying he was in previous books, there was just something annoying about him and I was agreeing with everything Snape said. Can't believe he could get worse until re-reading OotP!


Harry ----> :D

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I'm re-reading the books now, completely whisked away by them tbh (today was my day off from work and apart from one appointment I had a completely free day - I read the last 50 pages of Prisoner of Azkaban and the entire of Goblet of Fire). But Harry really is annoying. I can see Draco's point of view - I mean Harry gets away with everything. I'd have a strong dislike to him too if I were at Hogwarts!



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Eck, I hate Harry. I just..hate him. He's so TYPICAL. :readingtwo: Like, a typical I want to save everyone hero. It's annoying. And of course, who DOESN'T hate that old hag. Uck. Her and her stupid "Hem hem" EVERYTIME she does that I just wanna slap her in the face silly. Grr.

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OK people, I'm going to be a little controversial here about our Harry!


He is treated less than kindly (remember the cupboard under the stairs) throughtout his childhood by his only relatives after his parents

are murdered

. He first learns of his heritage when he turns 11, then attends a new school where from the off a malicious teacher carries out a bullying vendetta against him

because of his own childhood treatment

. He has to face life threatening danger as a matter of course, and he has a headmaster who prefers not to inform him of his past or his destiny because

it doesn't suit his (DDs) master plan

. He faces

Volde as Quirrell

in 1,

Tom Riddle & snake

in 2, Pettigrew etc in 3, The (fixed)

Triwizard Tournament + Volde

in 4,

Umbridge and Death Eaters

in 5,

Revelations in 6

and the entire

Death Eaters, Voldy etc

in 7.

In loses that affect him we have

his Mum and Dad, Cedric, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Dobby & Dumbledore.

plus other too numerous to list.


He is a teenage boy, with pressures beyond anyone elses in the magical world who has to deal with puberty and

saving that world. He lives with constant lies being told about him, the hatred of a number of powerful adults (Death Eaters), and later the knowledge that people he cares for could be hurt just by their association to him.



Yep he is grumpy, stroppy and often self righteous - but give the poor lad a break. He also manages to stay sane, not kill his aunt and uncle, remain loyal to his friends,

fall in love with all the ensuing nervousness that entails.

He fights hard, takes each revelation on the chin, and doesn't shirk from his ultimate responsibility.


Phew! :readingtwo:

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I did feel sorry for him in a way. Like Chrissy pointed out he had all that stuff happening to him and he had to face it on his own - there was no books or anything that would tell him how to face it, no-one else has done it before so he had to manage by himself. Ok, maybe not always by himself Ron, Hermione and Neville do help out a lot but essentially

it's him who defeats Voldemort at the end, admitidly everyone else contributes and without that he wouldn't have succeeded but it's him and him only Voldemort wants.



The way Snape treats him really annoys me too; it's not Harry's fault that he had a rough time as a kid and that James used to bully him and

Lily chose James over him despite that Snape had loved her for a long time

. He's just jealous and needs to move on. Also

Harry names his son after Snape after hating him for, like, 6 years. I thought he despised him so much and would never forgive him yet he's all "he's brave and noble" etc to his kids. Make up your mind Harry :readingtwo:.



Another thing was that Harry never asked for all the attention - it was only once he started Hogwarts that he knew the truth (well some of it) of his past and who he is. It was everyone else who made him the centre of attention, they were interested in him just because of who he was and he just wanted to be a kid and have an education. There were plenty of other people who were just as noble, talented and clever than him who never got the recognition they deserved for their roles in helping Harry - which he always tried to point out but everyone else was too focused on Harry.


And don't get me started on Draco Malfoy. Harry saved his arse a few times and he was still an arrogant little git. Jealousy much?

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Gee, sucks to be Harry.


Yes, fair enough that he's gone through a LOT (pff, understatement) in his life. I mean, what with losing his

parents and being mistreated by the Dursleys

And also, just when he met the one close

relative (sirius), he dies two books later. How unfair is that, ay?



He's still ultimately gullible though.

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I could never ever relate to Harry, really i couldn't. He just seems to have no personality! It doesn't help with how Radcliffe bloody portrays him like a wooden, emotionless doll. I love Ron, Hermione and almost every single character J K Rowling created, they are all so wonderful and intriguing, even Malfoy, i think is brilliant! But Harry i never cared for, it sounds insensitive but i'm not trying to be.

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I got so mad with him yesterday -

during Snape's worst memory. It is bad enough that he had to nosey into Dumbledore's pensieve in GoF and Dumbledore letting him off because Dumbledore is really nice to all students and I can't imagine him really punishing anyone (even though he did threaten Harry and Ron in CoS). But to look through Snapes memories like that! Snape made a point of using the pensieve every lesson because there was stuff he didn't want Harry to see. Why couldn't Harry just accept that?! But he was "tempted" to look because of: "Cho's anger, of Malfoy's jeering face, and a reckless daring seized him." I don't think that is a good enough reason to do what he did, but he can do whatever he likes :D


And they call Petunia nosey!


Plus Snape is my favourite character so maybe that is why I got so mad ;)



Wow, and I thought Bella irritated me :D

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To be fair, I can kind of see why he had a sneaky look. Snape made a point of extracting his memories in front of Harry, he could have done this before hand, but chose to wait until he was there to do it. I think that he was intriuged to see what he was 'hiding', especially as he has always been so untrusting of Snape. I know I would be tempted to have a look ;). However, Harry soon learnt his lesson didn't he, seeing his dad

bullying Snape. I did feel sorry for him there, James was just being an arrogant git picking on him when he was just minding his own business.


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I always hated how Snape despised Harry from the very first moment he met him. Like, if he had treated Harry with respect (which is beyond Snape's capability for anyone i think) and just didn't unfairly give him such a hard time because of things his dad did, which Harry couldn't possibly help, nor did he even know about their rivalry! Maybe he could have found some redemption for

Lily and all the **** he put up with off of James's gang etc. He added to his own hate, fear and anger. So ultimately it's his own fault as he never even tried to make something better out of it all, he just continued to wallow in misery and hatred instead of making things better for himself. Though i still feel sorry for Severus. Great character.

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With Snape though, I could never understand his rabid animosity toward Neville. He made that lad's life hell. You could possibly get the Harry thing, both from his (Snape's) past and from what he perceived to be Harry's constant 'getting away with it'. But what did Neville ever do to warrant the treatment he got? He tormented the poor lad without mercy. It was this aspect of Snape that made me loathe him as a bullying arrogant poophead!

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Harry has undergone a lot throughout his life as Chrissy rightly points out. However, he is given A LOT of privelleges once he goes to Hogwarts. And, he only got into half of the situations pointed out by Chrissy because he was a nosey little so-and-so.


I can't help but resent that Dumbledore's Favourite thing. In my eyes, people like Ron and Hermionie are the true heroes of the novels because they never had to put themselves in those situations. Harry was always going to be famous and was always going to have to be a fighter. Hermionie and Ron choose to be because he's their friend. I'm not so sure I think Harry actually sees it like that though. I'm reading Order of the Phoenix now and he's having right hissy fits because he isn't a bloody prefect.


Get over yourself Potter!!! x

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given A LOT of privelleges once he goes to Hogwarts. And, he only got into half of the situations because he was a nosey little so-and-so.

I found it frustrating when I first read them that there was an instinctive mistrust of adults with all of them. Why didn't they pass on suspicions to the staff?


There's no doubt that Harry's leaping to conclusions, assumptions, meddling and nosiness were used as a plot device to enable situations, but I felt he only reached out for adult help when the adult he wanted wasn't available!

Get over yourself Potter!!! x

I found people such as Neville a lot more appealing, he was solid and brave and had had a painful upbringning himself. He couldn't even mourn his parents as

they were still living



I'm not a Harry fan, but neither do I hate the moody little oik!

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I'm reading Order of the Phoenix now and he's having right hissy fits because he isn't a bloody prefect.


Get over yourself Potter!!! x


I am re-reading that book and read that bit last night. Completely agree with the last comment! Hahaha.


I think Tonks is great. I love how clumsy she is.

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I love Tonks and Lupin.

I'd completely forgotten that they died and so was quite sad when I realised



I'm actually quite surprised at how much I had forgotten happened tbh. Just finished re-reading them and feel a little void but happy because I got a lot more out of them. When I read them before I don't think I took everything in because of how fast I was turning the pages haha :friends0:



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