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Frankie reads 2012


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Superb! Well done, Frankie :D


I wish they'd made you work in the sf/fantasy section, though ... *sigh* hours of fun :giggle2:;)



Edit: Oh dammit! I wanted to stay on 2,112 posts :(

Edited by Karsa Orlong
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Superb! Well done, Frankie :D


I wish they'd made you work in the sf/fantasy section, though ... *sigh* hours of fun :giggle2:;)



Edit: Oh dammit! I wanted to stay on 2,112 posts :(

Awww bless! I could keep putting your post count back for you if you like! :P

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- I think this show is actually going to make me like Martin Freeman again!!


- Benedict Cumberbatch :o:wub:



- Did I already mention Benedict Cumberbatch?



I didn't really know Martin Freeman before watching Sherlock, but now I adore him. Such a good actor, I love all the little details that he brings to the character.

And Benedict :wub: Perfect for the role!


I got a phone call today, saying I got the job! :D:exc: I'm actually going to work at the local library for two whole months. It's one of my dreams coming true :wub:


Congratulations!!! :doowapstart:

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Thanks everyone for the congrats! :flowers2: This is the best news I've had in ages, I'm still overjoyed and so excited and ecstatic! :exc: My plan is to be the best employee ever so they'd hire me for full time... Here's hoping!


And don't get excited, the package is not from me.


Don't worry, I figured it wouldn't be from you because your packages come through DHL or then I have to get them from a grocerystore, not the post office =D


It's probably me .. I've sent you something frankie. Hope you like it.


Congratulations on the new job .. well done


I did wonder for a second if it might be from you, because I did remember (briefly! It's not like I've been constantly thinking about it, begrudging you or anything, I promise! =D) that there was some talk of the Freakonomics book some time ago. But I wasn't sure at all. But the hand writing on the package gave it away (and your address on the back, LOL)


Thank you so much, poppyshake, it was such a wonderful surprise! I can't wait to get to the book, I'm pretty sure it'll make a really interesting read, and I know some people on here have read it and really enjoyed it :smile2:


And the other book was a really lovely surprise, thank you!! :flowers2: In case anyone is curious, poppyshake also got me In Defence of Dogs, which seems like a really great and intriguing non-fiction book about dogs. I will definitely treasure it!


And the postcard was beautiful, too, and the pre-read leaflets. I had no idea Pratchett was coming up with another book already? The other title sounded interesting as well, was it The House on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet? (I've traveled to Nurmes to visit my parents and to attend my cousin's wedding on Saturday, I don't have the leaflets with me. Oh and that's also why I got back to responding to these posts on here so late, the last fews days have been really busy.) I might actually have to get the book at some point :giggle:



I wish they'd made you work in the sf/fantasy section, though ... *sigh* hours of fun


I think you would be rather disappointed with the sci-fi/fantasy section. It's rather small. We have more English titles than sci-fi + fantansy novels combined. Which I don't personally mind :P



Edit: Oh dammit! I wanted to stay on 2,112 posts


That's some sci-fi/fantasy related thing, is it not?



I didn't really know Martin Freeman before watching Sherlock, but now I adore him. Such a good actor, I love all the little details that he brings to the character.


I recommend you watch The Office, UK version. Freeman was rather adorable in it (until I watched the US version and fell in love with the American equivalent of Tim, which is Jim.)


I'm hoping to catch up on other people's reading logs some time this week, I've really missed reading through what you guys been reading.

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I think you would be rather disappointed with the sci-fi/fantasy section. It's rather small. We have more English titles than sci-fi + fantansy novels combined. Which I don't personally mind :P


:o I think I've just been insulted :lol:



That's some sci-fi/fantasy related thing, is it not?


Close ... 2112 :cool::D

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Thanks everyone for the congrats! This is the best news I've had in ages, I'm still overjoyed and so excited and ecstatic! My plan is to be the best employee ever so they'd hire me for full time... Here's hoping!

You will be so don't sweat .. I'd be over the moon if anyone in my library knew half as much about books as you do :friends0:

I did wonder for a second if it might be from you, because I did remember (briefly! It's not like I've been constantly thinking about it, begrudging you or anything, I promise! =D) that there was some talk of the Freakonomics book some time ago. But I wasn't sure at all. But the hand writing on the package gave it away (and your address on the back, LOL)

Yes :D .. you've not been waiting for it for long .. much!! I remember asking you about it eons ago .. stuff got in the way like stuff does :blush:

And the other book was a really lovely surprise, thank you!! :flowers2: In case anyone is curious, poppyshake also got me In Defence of Dogs, which seems like a really great and intriguing non-fiction book about dogs. I will definitely treasure it!

It was in the window of Waterstone's .. not that actual copy but their promotional one and I just thought 'FRANKIE' when I saw it :D .. but then was worried to look on your lists or anything to see if you had it already .. I did a sort of half squint and convinced myself you didn't. I hope it's good frankie .. I've no idea if it is but it has a lot of people on it saying it is :D and so I know you'll blame them if it's cr*p.

And the postcard was beautiful, too, and the pre-read leaflets. I had no idea Pratchett was coming up with another book already? The other title sounded interesting as well, was it The House on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet? (I've traveled to Nurmes to visit my parents and to attend my cousin's wedding on Saturday, I don't have the leaflets with me. Oh and that's also why I got back to responding to these posts on here so late, the last fews days have been really busy.) I might actually have to get the book at some point :giggle:

I got Terry Pratchett's Dodger sample from Waterstone's but the extract from The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet was one of the last things Alan printed before they made him redundant at his last job (the company folded but I don't want you to get the idea that it was because Alan was bringing home too many samples .. you always have to run overs .. and these were officially overs :D) I've no idea again if the book is good because I haven't read my sample yet :giggle:


Hope you had a nice time at the wedding :smile:

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Congratulations on the job frankie! I am soooooo jealous that you are getting to work in a library.. Some of our local libraries over here are soon going to be run by volunteers as the councils can no longer afford to fund them (or are not willing to prioritise their funding to support them!) I'm tempted to put myself forward but I've also said I'll help more regularly in school from September and there is only so much of me to spread around!! You'll have to start a frankie's library blog to keep us up to date! :) :)

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Congratulations on the job frankie! I am soooooo jealous that you are getting to work in a library.. Some of our local libraries over here are soon going to be run by volunteers as the councils can no longer afford to fund them (or are not willing to prioritise their funding to support them!). :) :)


More a combination of the latter and central government deciding that, amongst other things, waging war and cutting the taxes of the extremely wealthy is more important (sorry, I just can't not say it - it just makes me soooooo angry).

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You will be so don't sweat .. I'd be over the moon if anyone in my library knew half as much about books as you do


Aww, thank you kindly :blush: One thing I do worry about: I've been taught to keep really quiet in the library, and because of that I expect others to be quiet-ish too. So I'm always rolling my eyes if somebody's keeps making noises. And I will be stationed at the kiddies section, and I can't really expect kids to be really silent, can I. I'm one of those people who can't stand loud noises for long, or sudden screams or yelling, it's one of my pet peeves. I will have to try and be more patient in the future...


Yes .. you've not been waiting for it for long .. much!! I remember asking you about it eons ago .. stuff got in the way like stuff does


Don't worry, I know how life can be like :D Sometimes things just pile up :shrug:


It was in the window of Waterstone's .. not that actual copy but their promotional one and I just thought 'FRANKIE' when I saw it .. but then was worried to look on your lists or anything to see if you had it already .. I did a sort of half squint and convinced myself you didn't. I hope it's good frankie .. I've no idea if it is but it has a lot of people on it saying it is. and so I know you'll blame them if it's cr*p.


I wouldn't be worried if I were you, it's a doggy book so it's going to be great! I confess I did a little delighted shreak when I saw the doggy on the cover and realised the book's about doggies =D I've been actually thinking I need to get some info books on doggies, so far I only have mostly fictional novels on them, and I want to be more prepared if I'm going to get a dog some day in the future!


Hehe I agree, it must've been screaming 'frankie' :giggle2: Thank you for sending the poor book home!


I got Terry Pratchett's Dodger sample from Waterstone's but the extract from The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet was one of the last things Alan printed before they made him redundant at his last job (the company folded but I don't want you to get the idea that it was because Alan was bringing home too many samples .. you always have to run overs .. and these were officially overs) I've no idea again if the book is good because I haven't read my sample yet


Stupid place for making Alan redundant, silly sods! :censored: I can't believe you haven't read the sample yet =D The title alone made me very curious.


Hope you had a nice time at the wedding :smile:


I'm sure I shall, I can't wait to meet my cousins again, and my aunts and their husbands are nice folk too, I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun, they are a fun, relaxed sort of folk.


Congratulations on the job frankie! I am soooooo jealous that you are getting to work in a library.. Some of our local libraries over here are soon going to be run by volunteers as the councils can no longer afford to fund them (or are not willing to prioritise their funding to support them!) I'm tempted to put myself forward but I've also said I'll help more regularly in school from September and there is only so much of me to spread around!! You'll have to start a frankie's library blog to keep us up to date!


WTF is up with the councils and the government over there?!? I am appalled. I think a decent, smooth running library in one's home town should not be a priviledge but a basic human right.


Maybe you could volunteer at the library with your kids, every now and then? I'm not sure if we've discussed this, are they avid readers? I think if you made it a family thing to help out at the library, it would be great for them in so many ways. It would teach them good values and how it's important to chip in for the community, and to keep active, etc =)


Hehe, a library blog, aye? I'd actually considered doing on, but not on here and not in English... I'll think about it =)



More a combination of the latter and central government deciding that, amongst other things, waging war and cutting the taxes of the extremely wealthy is more important (sorry, I just can't not say it - it just makes me soooooo angry).


Make libraries, not war :doh:

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I signed the contract today, I met the boss of the bosses and she seemed really nice! :) I start work on Thursday morning, I cannot wait :) I've already started going to bed at a reasonable hour so I won't have too much trouble adjusting to the new regime. And I've already been to some sections of the library that the customers aren't allowed in, I already felt like I was a regular worker and privy to the inner workings of the library :giggle:


I'm also really happy about the fact that I will now have to walk 40 minutes everyday to get to the library and back home, and I'll be also spending a lot of time on my feet, arranging the bookshelves and all. If I stick to a healthy diet, I think I'll be able to shed some kilos without having to make a huge effort.


I honestly can't remember when I've been this excited about my life.

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I almost forgot! Coincidentally there's also an international library conference in Finland next month, and there's a satellite meeting in Joensuu as well, and apparently I'm attending, too! :D


Here's the program for the Joensuu meeting, if anyone's interested. The theme will be Libraries for Young People: Breaking through boundaries. How exciting is that?!

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Couldn't happen to a nicer person. It sounds like you have found your dream job .What a neat chance to get to see the books arriving before the rest of the people do !

And the walking to work will be good on the budget to save on gas, on top of being a healthy routine for you .

Sounds wonderful ! :)


Are you allowed to come in and give us a heads up on a new book that arrives, so we can go hunt it up in our area ?

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