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Hugs to all who need them, but especially to Ben (Chrissy speaks very wise words above) and to Hyzenthlay and the people of Norway. :empathy:


I could use some support :( It's been a pretty shhhhhhh couple of days to be honest. There's so much grief and hurt in everyone right now, it's everywhere. I guess everybody's feeling pretty powerless.


I'm also thinking of the people of East Africa. It would be too trite to send them hugs, but I would like people to just send up a small prayer (even if you're not religious) for them in their terrible plight. :(

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:friends0: Ben, I have been in the same situation that you have been in and to be honest it was a rubbish time of my life, however things do get better. If you wanna cry, cry. If you wanna scream and throw things then do it. Get it all out of your system. Keep your chin up and things will get better :friends0: :friends0:


:friends0::friends3: To you Hyzenthly, cannot believe everything that has been happening in the world.


And also lots more :friends0::friends3: :friends3: to everyone.

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Hugs to you all as individuals :friends0: , and hugs especially to you Hyzenthlay :empathy: . The incomprehensible has taken place in Norway, and as a nation it will take time to heal.


There truly seems to be so much hurt in the world right now, through war, famine, terrorism. Global prayers / thoughts / vibes are needed, heartfelt and often.



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You will cope Ben, it wil just take a little time and some proper positive action and thinking. :empathy:


Break ups are horrendous, and you do feel like you will never again have someone in your life who 'gets you' the way that person did, but you truly truly will.


Don't allow yourself to wallow too much (a little is healthy, too much and you are likely to keep yourself from moving forward), and remember that you have life changing experiences heading your way that may well have triggered the end of this relationship anyway. She isn't the love of your life, she was the love of this stage of your life. Remember that all things evolve and change.


Be gracious in any dealings you have with her from now, and allow yourself to be dignified and calm. I promise you that you will move forward from this, life will not only feel better but will be better. You are at the beginning of the next stage of your life ~ embrace that.


In the meantime, you have lts of virtual shoulders to lean on and lots of ears into which you can talk. :friends0:

Oh Chrissy, you don't know how much it means to me that you'd take the time to type out those positive and lovely words; it means such a lot to have people on here that are willing to listen and offer words of advice when I need them the most. I am suffering at the minute but trying to keep myself distracted with reading and my writing, which is practically more incoherent than usual; but at least I'm keeping busy.


I know I have the rest of my life in front of me, and this I imagine is only a stepping-stone in a life that'll hopefully have connections like this one. Obviously because it's all so fresh at the minute I'm really struggling to come to terms with it, but perhaps when time's passed I'll start to see it in a different light; something that seems inconceivable at the moment, but we'll see in time. For the moment I'll wallow a little, and try force myself to think positively.


Thanks once again, this means more than you know. :friends0:


Hugs to all who need them, but especially to Ben (Chrissy speaks very wise words above) and to Hyzenthlay and the people of Norway. :empathy:

Thank you Janet. :friends0:


:friends0: Ben, I have been in the same situation that you have been in and to be honest it was a rubbish time of my life, however things do get better. If you wanna cry, cry. If you wanna scream and throw things then do it. Get it all out of your system. Keep your chin up and things will get better :friends0:

I'm just so.. conflicted at the moment; I don't know what to think. I know it's bad to think negatively, but it's hitting me hard, you know? :friends0:


Sending lots of virtual :friends0: and cuddles to Ben and Hyzenthlay.

Thank you Charm, I appreciate it. :friends0:

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Ben, I'm so sorry to hear your trip and break-up. :friends0:


Chrissy has, as always, spoken so eloquently in her post to you. I can't really add anything to it so I'll give you more :friends0: . You know where I am if you need to talk.


Hyzenthlay, I still can't believe what has happened over there. How one monster can cause such heartache and devastation...many :friends0: to you. I'm glad you and your family are safe.

Edited by Kylie
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I'm just so.. conflicted at the moment; I don't know what to think. I know it's bad to think negatively, but it's hitting me hard, you know? :friends0:



It will hit you hard, especially becuase you have been together for three years, and when you have been with someone for that ammount of time it does feel odd and strange and frankly sometimes heartbreaking when it ends. Try not to think about too much, although I know that this is what will be on your mind the whole time, it certainly was with me. Keep strong Ben, and just take one day at a time and things will get better :friends0: :friends0:

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And hugs to you Ben. It gets better, and once it does that feels so great.

Don't you worry about me, you have bigger fish to fry; I'm so sorry to hear what's happened over there. :friends0:


Ben, I'm so sorry to hear your trip and break-up. :friends0:


Chrissy has, as always, spoken so eloquently in her post to you. I can't really add anything to it so I'll give you more :friends0: . You know where I am if you need to talk.

Thank you Kylie, as always your kind words and hugs mean everything. :friends0:


It will hit you hard, especially becuase you have been together for three years, and when you have been with someone for that ammount of time it does feel odd and strange and frankly sometimes heartbreaking when it ends. Try not to think about too much, although I know that this is what will be on your mind the whole time, it certainly was with me. Keep strong Ben, and just take one day at a time and things will get better :friends0:

Yeah, that's the main reason why I'm taking it so badly; it's been so long, and the feelings of resignation are ones I can't banish. I'm trying so hard to distract myself by keeping busy and staying strong with positive thoughts, so hopefully one day that'll start to show. :friends0:


But quite honestly, enough about me; the world is a tragic and sad place and so much more hurt and suffering happens on a much bigger level every day. My heart goes out to all those in Norway, and my thoughts and prayers are with them too; it's such sad, tragic news. I often wonder about the start of our planet to be honest; why is there so much unnecessary death and pain? Half of the time to those that are just so innocent and undeserving. It makes me sad to know we have an uncivilised planet.

Edited by Ben
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I'm trying so hard to distract myself by keeping busy and staying strong with positive thoughts, so hopefully one day that'll start to show. :friends0:


You're very wise, Ben. This is the sort of thing my therapist has been talking about. :friends0:


:friends0: to everyone.


I haven't been around much, partly due to restricted internet access for a few days, but now I'm back to annoy you all with my ramblings again. Mwahaha. :wink:

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