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Zoe Heller - Notes on a Scandal


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The 'blurb' on the back of my book explains this book better than any synopsis I can find, so I'll do without. (The book has gone back to the library.)


The book is described as being about Sheeba, a teacher, and the affair she had with one of her students. However, the more interesting story is Barbara.. the older teacher who befriends Sheeba, and writes an account of the affair and all the issues around it.


The author gives us an interesting insight into Barbara, looking at loneliness and obsession. Barbara's thoughts and words give so much away about her character.. and you're never quite sure whether to dislike her, or feel sorry for her.


I have today discovered that this has been made into a film.. released very soon. With Dame Judi Dench as Barbara, it could be really good.. but it could also be possible that this suits a book better than a film.. so go read it before the film is out! :)

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Sounds really good, thanks for sharing.


I read 'Everything you know' which is also by Zoe Heller...


Here is some info..

Willy Muller has survived imprisonment for murdering his wife, years of hate mail from the public, and, most recently, the suicide of his daughter, Sadie. While recuperating from a heart attack, he finds himself drawn into the lonely world of his late daughter's dairies.



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I'll be reading Notes at some point this month for the Posh Club. I did start reading it a while back & couldn't get into it, so I got shot of it. I've just arranged a swap to get another copy back - LOL!

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I'll be reading Notes at some point this month for the Posh Club. I did start reading it a while back & couldn't get into it, so I got shot of it. I've just arranged a swap to get another copy back - LOL!


We had this at our book club last month, and there were more people at the meeting than ever before! Even better we had all finished it! There was so much for discussion!


I can't say I liked any of the characters, but I did enjoy reading it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I'd add my own review too:


Notes on a Scandal

Author: Zoë Heller

ISBN # 0670914061

Publisher: Viking

First Published: 2003

244 pages

Rating: 5/10


The Blurb:

When the new teacher first arrives, Barbara immediately senses that this woman will be different from the rest of her staff-room colleagues. But Barbara is not the only one to feel that Sheba is special, and before too long Sheba is involved in an illicit affair with a pupil. Barbara finds the relationship abhorrent, of course, but she is the only adult in whom Sheba can properly confide. So when the liaison is found out and Sheba's life falls apart, Barbara is there...


The Review:

According to the note on the front cover, Notes on a Scandal was short-listed for the Man Booker Prize in 2003, however, I really can’t see why.


When the basis of the plot is an older female teacher becoming embroiled in a relationship with one of the 15-year-old boys in her class, you expect something a bit risqué, perhaps a little tantalising, somehow sensationalist in its approach; but this is nothing of the kind. In fact, the one word I could really use to describe it all is “dull”.


There were no remotely likeable characters to be seen – Sheba was naïve, selfish and incredibly stupid; Barbara was just plain odious – a creepy, immature, stalker-type hanger-on who insinuates herself into the lives of those she chooses as her “friends” to the exclusion of all others in order to make herself feel important. This could have been in interesting foray into obsession, but it was just too boring – in fact, I barely made it to the end. It had so much promise but utterly failed to deliver.


To be perfectly honest, this was my second attempt at this book and I wouldn’t have bothered revisiting it at all if it hadn’t been chosen as this month’s reading circle for discussion. I found it pretty pointless and a real chore to plough through. There is no way I will ever read any of Heller’s other work, even if it gets picked for a reading circle – I’ll just pass thanks.

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I have to admit that I am really struggling with this one. It is dull. As Kell said, all the characters are unlikable. There were times when I disliked Barbara so much that I wanted to leave the book unfinished, but it is our book club read this month. Actually, I don't know if it is apparent further on in the book, as I am only halfway through, but I keep expecting to find that Barbara is a closet lesbian and is after Sheba for herself. Or is it just the obsession of a lonely older woman? I don't know yet, but thats what comes across to me.

Not enjoying this at all.




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Wow, just watched the trailer....what a change for Judi Dench! Looks like a good movie, and the book is in my TBR stack thanks to the original review in this thread. :blush:

Thanks for posting the link Kell.

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Ditto. Wow! You wouldn't think it was the same book.


The characters are really well cast...Judy Dench is exactly how I imagined Barbara, and as soon as Richard opened the door I knew it was him. It looks like its going to be one of those rare cases of the film being better than the book. (Sorry Zoe , if you happen to read this), but I am now motivated to get on and finish the book. I am about 3/4 of the way through.


BTW what did the posh club think of it Kell?


Thanks for the trailer Kell. Well worth a watch I would say!



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Thank goodness Sugar and Louise also enjoyed reading it!

Without wanting to spoil it, I'm not quite sure enjoy would be the word that I would use! I also didn't like the characters - but I thought that was Heller's point! I'm glad I read it, and there is a lot to mull over after you have finished it. It's another one that I won't forget for a while!


The film look interesting - one to look out for, I think!

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  • 2 years later...


Synopsis from Amazon:

When the new teacher first arrives, Barbara immediately senses that this woman will be different from the rest of her staff-room colleagues. But Barbara is not the only one to feel that Sheba is special, and before too long Sheba is involved in an illicit affair with a pupil. Barbara finds the relationship abhorrent, of course, but she is the only adult in whom Sheba can properly confide. So when the liaison is found out and Sheba's life falls apart, Barbara is there...

Sheba is a new teacher at school; she is a pottery teacher and is instantly spotted by Barbara. She is different from the other new teachers, she keeps herself to her room and doesn't participate in staff room gossip. Sheba meets Steven Connolly in detention, where she discovers he has some artist talent. She starts giving him tutorials after school, where their relationship blossoms. Soon they are having a sexual affair, a pupil and a teacher. During this time the friendship between Sheba and Barbara has been blossoming. Sheba confides in Barbara about Connolly. This affair cannot remain hidden forever, and when the people find out what has happened Barbara is there for Sheba; but what is her motivation?

This is a book which focuses on a controversial issue - pupils having sex with students when they are underage. Heller is brave writing this book, especially as she questions the portrayal of these teachers, and the different treatment male and female offenders receive. Heller looks at reasons why teachers would enter into this relationship, the effect feelings have over a person, regardless of age and who will stand beside you whatever you have done. She also studiesspinstership, how the woman is portrayed and what it could do to you.

I enjoyed this book but I didn't like the characters - I was gripped by the story and what the outcome would be. I found it an interesting read; a sensitive subject manner and I wanted to know how Heller would write it. I found Barbara manipulating and judgmental and Sheba delusional and a liar. This is a good read because even though I didn't like the characters they did spark a reaction.

This was not a fast read but a well written book and a good read.


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I read this with my reading group a couple of years ago, and I found it a very uncomfortable book to read. I read it to the end, but mainly because we were going to be discussing it in the group. I could appreciate the quality of the writing, but I didn't enjoy it and would never read it again.


It wasn't the subject matter or sympathy with the characters that was the problem, it was the tone of the book that I didn't like. It is possible to write about difficult subject and unsympathetic characters and still make the book interesting to read (I would cite A Lifetime Burning by Linda Gillard as an example), and I just felt constantly uneasy as I was reading this book, which made the reading experience unpleasant for me.

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  • 1 year later...

I loved this book, initially I liked Barbara her observations about other people are very funny & the fact that she stands by Sheba when nobody else does endeared her to me but by the end of the book when you really get to know Barbara I found her quite scary almost predatory.

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