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Which Fictional World Would You Live In?

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At first I thought Hogwarts for the sweeties and Professor Snape but then I decided I don't like Voldemort and giant spiders.


Then I thought Rivendel but when I read the books I got the impression that the weather wasn't very nice. (I don't know why!)


Personally I think I'd like to travel around the Discworld and meet the Witches and Wizards and hopefully NOT meet Death. Who wouldn't want to go for a drink with Nanny Ogg?

  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hmmm the comic geek in me wants to live in the DC Comics Universe.


I suppose with books it would be interesting to live in the Dune fictional space. Riding sandworms and drinking your own recycled sweat could be interesting for a short break. Otherwise probably Harry Potter.

  • 2 months later...

The fictional world (great posting topic this) I would like to live in, would be a lotto winning story., In which I would win 3 mill on the lotto, and yes, it would change my life. I would make sure it did. And that I enjoyed every moment of my new (fictional) affluent life style. What would please me most, if this posting were a blog. And that I had actually won £3 mill, on the lotto. But then I could not have answered this posting topic. Because it would not be fictional. It would be fact. So, maybe I shall just keep with this fictional version after all :)



LOTR is tempting - especially if the scenery looks anything like it does in the films (I LOVE New Zealand!) but think I'll go with Harry Potter as I remember when I read them I couldnt help but wish it was real!!!


Anyone for Quidditch?!!!!!!!!


Harry Potter's Magical world .. I'd have a job if poss at Flourish & Blotts, take my lunchbreaks in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour and catch the nightbus to Hogsmeade at weekends to drink butterbeer in The Three Broomsticks. Life would never be dull again.


I don't think I can choose, I want to go to hogwarts, but at the same time I want to go to narnia, and when I was a little girl I wanted to be luke skywalker and be a jedi. Can I visit all 3 then decide?

  • 1 month later...

It is not in your list but to me Earthsea (the world where some of Ursula K. Le Guin's novels are set) seems a really fascinating world therefore that would be my choice.

  • 2 months later...

I'm tempted to say the Shire, but I think I'm going to choose Hogwarts. I'd love to learn all of the magic spells!


I'd like to live on ghastly bespokes tailor shop in skulduggery pleasant, to have all those whacky people around me fighting crime hehe everday will no be the same


Harry Potter :smile: When I was little I believed it was real and I was so disappointed when I didn't receive a letter from hogwarts when I turned 11 :P


LOTR - would keeping hopping between The Shire, Mirkwood, Lothlórien, and Beorn's wood house near the Misty Mountains.


(Can I add at this point the I'm new here and seeing this question made me want to cry a bit - I've always had thoughts like these in my head - never vocalised them - and to see so many of you discuss things like this, makes me feel like I've come to a place which knows my language)


(And now that I typed that out, I realise how soppy that sounds! Ick.)

  • 2 months later...

Although in essence dangerous realms, Middle Earth and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter have much to recommend them; man, elf, wizard, and witch standing side by side fighting with honour, integrity, loyalty, and courage beyond belief against malevolent forces. And many a magical thing to set even the hardest of fantasy fanboys' heart aflutter.


However, my heart is lost to another place. A place far, far away. A place that encompasses worlds that are consistently plagued by violence, shoddy politics, nefarious alien overlords, smugglers, a force wielding ancient monastic peacekeeping organisation, cloned soldiers who need more rigorous blaster training in order to hit what they aim at, nifty X-wings and speeder bikes, a tall, dark, heavy breathing dude....and a decaying Emperor in a Death Star. Yep (!), it would be the Star Wars universe for me. :D


Yep (!), it would be the Star Wars universe for me. :D

Hopefully not the CGI'd-up-the-wazoo version ;):D


Hopefully not the CGI'd-up-the-wazoo version ;):D


No, no, I'm old school, it is the OT (original trilogy) all the way for me in regards to the films, and the OT and post OT EU(expanded universe) as far as the novels are concerned. :D


No, no, I'm old school, it is the OT (original trilogy) all the way for me in regards to the films

That's okay then! :D


I haven't read any of the novels for a loooong time.


I haven't read any of the novels for a loooong time.


*scuffs ground with toe and blushes* I admit that I'm a huge Star Wars nerd, and in saying such I must own that I keep up to date with the novels...so much so that I pre-order each new release. Everyone has to have some nerdy/geeky literary weakness! ;)


Everyone has to have some nerdy/geeky literary weakness! ;)

Some of us (I.e. me!) have nothing but :blush2::giggle2:


I'll keep your secret if you keep mine. ;):D

I didn't realise I was keeping it a secret :lol:

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