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Don't Believe the Hype

Coffin Nail

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What movies have you found to be the most disappointing?


Before I get virtually lynched I urge you all to remember that film is a highly subjective medium.:D


There's a long list of movies that I loathe but I'll start it off with Titanic. It was too long, badly scripted and apart from Kate Winslet I didn't understand what the fuss was about.:lol:

But I know that loads of people loved it.


I realise that my next choice is akin to peeing in the Queen's handbag, but the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I've never made it to the end of any, I've always fallen asleep, much to my son's despair.


So what films disappointed you most?

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I never saw Titanic, just couldn't stomach it at all, Loved LOTR though although that might have been Viggo !!! sigh!!! for my part most recently it was Clash of the Titans and I think quite a few others on here have expressed the same sentiments a real let down, relied to much on its hype and 3D which was rubbish.

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Just a few I've seen very recently (the first one I watched last year, the rest were all this year - not a great track record for films this year, really - LOL!).


Disctrict 9 - I thought it started well, with the documentary concept, but when it then changed from documentary to film, it didn't make the transition well. I thought it very, very dull and I couldn't get invested in any of the characters. I couldn't understand why it was nominated for any Oscars at all!

The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - Oh. My. Gods. This was one of the very worst films I have ever seen. Visually, it's stunning, but on every other level it was utter cr@p. I can't believe we sat through the whole thing, but we wanted to see if it would have a point by the end. It didn't.


New Moon - Twighlight was OK (better than the book), but New Moon completely sucked and I cannot believe I know people who went to see it multiple times in the cinema! I'm pleased I didn't part with any cash at all to see it, because it was so bad I almost gouged my eyes out. The only reason I didn't was because I'd no longer be able to look at Taylor Lautner if I had done that!


Where The Wild Things Are - It was dull. Dull, dull, dull. I was pretty much bored out of my skull watching what I hoped would be a wonderfully whimsical film, but instead I was annoyed from the off by Max shouting “Feed me, woman!” at his mother (a smacked bottom would have ensued if I’d done that as a child!), and then numbed by the sense of absolutely nothing happening for the rest of the movie.


Shutter Island - Far too predictable. It's been done before and done better in Identity. Also wasn't helped by the near-constant music which threatened to drown out the dialogue at times. I only watched to the end to make sure I'd been right when, about 20 minutes into the film, I made a prediction on the outcome. I was 100% correct.If I can tell you the ending just 20 minutes into a film that's more than 2 hours long, then they've not done all that great of a job on it.

Not Forgotten - Fairly predictable plot. Simon Baker is gorgeous to look at and puts in a decent performance, but not his best. Pretty unconvincing stuff overall.


Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief - Fairly disappointing and highly predictable (my hubby, who hasn't read the book, picked out the culprit as soon as the character made an appearance, so if that's not predictable, I don't know what is!). Nowhere near as good as the book, despite having a fairly good cast. I won't be bothering with the sequel if this is the standard we should expect. The effects were pretty good, but that's about all there was to recommend this film. Pity, really.


Sherlock Holmes - Perhaps I was expecting a little too much from this film, but I was slightly disappointed by it when I finally got to see it. The plot itself was quite faithful to the spirit of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s books in that Holmes was very physical and agile (I loved the inclusion of the boxing!), but Holmes loathes women, so having him even a little drawn towards one in this film was a major departure from the original character and a slightly unwelcome one at that. He is a confirmed bachelor and quite asexual. The progression of clues being there but not “revealed” till the end when Sherlock puts it all together for the benefit of everyone else was also typical of the books (doesn’t Holmes just LOVE to display how much smarter than the rest of us he is?), but made for a slightly unsatisfying element of the film. I’m a HUGE fan of Robert Downey Junior, so he was the main draw for me, but although he certainly played the role well, he spent much of the time mumbling, so I missed huge swathes of dialogue and possibly, because of that, major plot revelations.

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I actually like Titanic - if you skip the first hour or so.


I have only tried Lord of the Rings once (years ago when it first came out) but I was so bored that I haven't been anywhere near it since. Spiderman is another. I have a phobia of spiders but I don't think that's what's keeping me away :D

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What movies have you found to be the most disappointing?


Before I get virtually lynched I urge you all to remember that film is a highly subjective medium.:D


There's a long list of movies that I loathe but I'll start it off with Titanic. It was too long, badly scripted and apart from Kate Winslet I didn't understand what the fuss was about.:lol:

But I know that loads of people loved it.


I realise that my next choice is akin to peeing in the Queen's handbag, but the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I've never made it to the end of any, I've always fallen asleep, much to my son's despair.


So what films disappointed you most?



I quite agree with you, I think there was quite a big sheep mentality towards Titanic in that people felt they had to love it because of the fuss being made.


I also own the 3 LOTR films and have not even been able to get through the 1st without falling asleep, and i've tried about 5 times to get into it. I've never even looked at the other two and the 3rd is still in the wrapping.

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^Since all it has to do with celine Dion is that ONE song, that doesn't really matter. I liked Titanic, dad used to love it, and I've seen it too many times. That song was played at my dad's funeral cause he wanted it, so won't be watching the film again anytime soon. :lol:


Oh, oh oh. I have one. Paranormal Activity. It was SUCH a hype, scariest film ever, and this guy at work said he couldn't sleep after watching it. I almost fell asleep watching it, and it was SO annoying, the only reason I kept watching was because I was hoping it would get scary sometime. Nope.


The Resident Evil films. They were hyped, of course, because of the games, and don't get me wrong I like watching them, especially the first, but they're not great films, actually they're quite boring and just.. meh.


The Dan Brown films, both, they're okay-ish films, better than the bit of the DaVinci Code I managed to plow through, but I don't see the hype. I don't like Dan Brown.


Bet there's more, guess I will have to think a bit on this, I tend to get my hopes up for films and then I find them utter :D.

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Lord of the Rings?!






I too think Titanic comes in for more flak than it deserves. It's not the best of films I'll grant you, but as I have said elsewhere it does get a lot right.


My entry on this list is the ultimate cinematic let down:


Star Wars: The Phantom Menace


I waited 16 years of my life for this film. 16 years!


The trailer looked bloody awesome, and then look at what we got . . .


A friend and I booked tickets for the first two showings; for the second we were meeting a friend and the looks on our faces told the story before we even got the chance to slag it off.


Given all the effort the production crew put in, Lucas really should have come up with a much better plot.

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Avatar - A great example of style over substance. A great story displayed in a very poor manner, reliance on effects rather than carefully developed plot. What a let down.


That's the first time I've heard it described that way around, I thought it was a poor story with great visuals?

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That's the first time I've heard it described that way around, I thought it was a poor story with great visuals?



Perhaps if it concentrated on building drama rather than Relying on action I would have enjoyed it, for me it just seemed like the action was an attempt to keep children interested.

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Well that would be less boring and less painful than sitting through three hours of LOTR.

The French and Saunders version was ok though.:D


People will be coming for you with sharp sticks (especially for the French and Saunders remark!).

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Avatar - A great example of style over substance. A great story displayed in a very poor manner, reliance on effects rather than carefully developed plot. What a let down.


I agree with you, I thought the dialogue and the plotline were terrible. The animation was stunning but the film went on for too long lessening the impact.


Titanic had all sorts of problems, some of the CGI wasn't good, parts of the storyline were awful, parts were downright insulting to the original crew members and parts were just ludicrous (like the rude gesture made by Kate as she entered the lift .. as if!) ... but I thought because it was based on a true event, it still had a lot of impact.

I couldn't get some of the images out of my head after .. especially of the people in the sea, and the ship going down. It's never quite been bought to the screen as realistically as that before. There's no excuse for Celine Dion though .. that's unforgiveable.


I loved the Lord of the Rings, occasionally it was a bit creaky. Those child doubles for the hobbits were very evident at times, and I thought the pile of burnt Orcs looked very much like a pile of latex heads and limbs .. which was exactly what they were (you would think they could've got real Orcs but no .. cheapskates!). On the whole I thought it was fantastic and as near as we're ever going to get to seeing the book come to life. The realisation of Gollum on screen is one of the most fantastic things I've ever seen at the cinema.


King Kong was silly though, too long and awful dialogue and overuse of CGI again.


I hated Pride & Prejudice, Keira Knightley cannot act, Mr Bennet was not Canadian and what on earth had happened to Longbourn???? I haven't been so affronted since I saw those new style Winnie the Poohs where the Hundred Acre Wood had sprouted waterfalls and canyons. They thought Shepherd would turn in his grave at seeing the animation for the original Disney WTP films ... he'll be dizzy by now.

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The Blair Witch Project - Possibly the most overhyped horror film of all time. "Oh, it's so scary - I could hardly watch." "Oh, it's all true, you know - those students really did disappear while making that film!" "Oh, the film makers were cursed after making it and they all died shortly afterwards in bizarre accidents!". It was utter tosh. It was badly filmed (and gave me a headache!) and not remotely scary. The only thing that was handled remarkably well was the marketing! It certainly got people talking, and I know many people will disagree with me, but I thought it was a dreadfully dull film.



Oh, and I hated Titanic too. I mean, you start the film knowing it's going to sink - LOL!

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I have to add my voice to Raven's in defense of The Lord of the Rings! Great movies! But the book is still better... :D


As for those that are overly hyped, definitely Titanic. I saw it once, couldn't understand the big deal, never saw it again. I have no desire to see Avatar for the same reason. Maybe it's a James Cameron thing.


I also agree with The Blair Witch Project. It was a little creepy, to be sure, but nothing like what people were saying.




Pearl Harbor

Romeo + Juliet

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Well I love both Lord of the Rings and Avatar. I went in to seeing Avatar expecting to be disappointed, so maybe that help. I loved every minute of it. Second time around, same thing. I sat there grinning like a kid the whole time. Yes, the story isn't much, yes, it's more action than story, but when a film looks like this and feel so much like a fairy tale, who cares? I was totally, utterly charmed. Only thing I liked less was that the Na'vi were a little overly based on some African and Native American tribes in my opinion, you could almost see those tribes in certain scenes.

But what can I say, guess in my heart I am still a kid.

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^Since all it has to do with celine Dion is that ONE song, that doesn't really matter. I liked Titanic, dad used to love it, and I've seen it too many times. That song was played at my dad's funeral cause he wanted it, so won't be watching the film again anytime soon. :lol:



I did not mean to offend you Univerze, I am sorry, I have just never got round to seeing 'Titanic', so despite my post, I don't know whether I would like it or not, I understand why you will not be watching the film soon, I am sorry about your Dad, thinking of you. :D

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I actually liked District 9 (...

the flowers *sobs incontrollably*!

) and adored The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, I personally thought it was pure genius. I also thought Avatar was unbelievable - granted, it's Pocahontas with blue aliens, but it pushes all the right buttons and is beautiful, therefore I really didn't care.


I agree with Raven [paraphrases] that the LOTR films rock - I went to see each of them at the cinema 5+ times, and I was so made up when the extended versions came out and reinserted all the bits which should never have been cut in the first place, because anyone who can sit in a cinema for 3hrs can sit in a cinema for 4 (i.e.,

Faramir's family issues; to someone who hasn't read the books Faramir may look like a jerk at times, but his jerkiness is completely understandable in terms of wanting to please an ultimate-jerk father who doesn't love him



I also heartily agree about The Phantom Menace - what. a. desecration. of. my. childhood. The remastered original trilogy is the first non-kiddie showing I've ever seen at the cinema, it was the most amazing thing I'd laid eyes on and I was so excited when the long-awaited prequel came out... very soon, I was so disappointed I'd fallen asleep. I didn't even bother with the other two.


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy film was a travesty - the only two good things about it were Neil Hannon's opening credits tune So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish and Stephen Fry's voice as the Guide. Other than that, it was utter, utter pants and a complete shameless betrayal of Douglas Adams's vision. Give me the 1981 TV series any day.


I refused to see the 2005 Pride & Prejudice, partly because I loathe the sight of Keira Knightley, and partly because the BBC had got it so perfect a decade before I felt no need to see any other version ever.

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I did not mean to offend you Univerze, I am sorry, I have just never got round to seeing 'Titanic', so despite my post, I don't know whether I would like it or not, I understand why you will not be watching the film soon, I am sorry about your Dad, thinking of you. :D


Oh, wait, I didn't mean to come across as if you'd insulted me, cause you absolutely didn't. :lol: Just meant that hating Celine Dion wouldn't be a reason not to watch the film, because it really doesn't have all that much to do with eachother, think (can you see how much attention I payed to it since I don't even really know for sure) that that song's only played in the film without her singing. :tong:

But if you're in the mood for sappy, obvious, sometimes hilarious romantic films, then I'd think you'd enjoy this, as long as you don't hate Leonardo or Kate.

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