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Weight Loss and Getting in Shape


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I like to stare at the layouts (which change round regularly so you don't get comfy lol) and I see that too. The whole out of sight products are usually far cheaper and healthier than the eye height ones. Often in the very middle of each aisle is the most expensive junk with the kids stuff flashing wildly either side of it.


I was doing some more research on coca cola too, it's terrible stuff, quite disturbing.

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That is very interesting how they stragegically place the cheaper products further out of sight/reach than the pricer ones. You have to wonder if there is some sort of supermarket research company who puts out manuals on how to dupe the shoppers into spending more. :blush:


Coke is absolutely awful stuff. We had a dentist and a doctor come into my anatomy class senior year and give a presentation on what it does to not only teeth, but the rest of your body. One of the displays they had was a 20 oz Coke bottle filled with how much table sugar is actually in that bottle. If I remember right it was somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 full of pure sugar. Its ironic, most people think they are 'eating' the Coke when its the other way around, Coke actually eats you from the inside out.

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I reckon there's a guideline sheet etc, a lot of people probably don't pay much attention to it's implications though, i'm fascinated by how things manipulate your mind like that, it's also very uncomfortable how often it happens and is put into effect.


Yeah, I haven't touched the stuff (coke) for years, i'll have a fizzy drink maybe once or twice a month (I think fizzy drinks once or twice a week is fine). I kinda learnt my lessons when my diet and environment for food and such wasn't brilliant for various reasons growing up and into late teens. I had it often as it was easy for me to get instead of more healthy options. We also lived in pubs for ten years :)


This is from a site I explore sometimes, some of it is probably exaggerated but I don't think it's that far from what occurs;


In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.


20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment)


40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.


45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.


>60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.


>60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.


>60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, ****** away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.


Again, unless you want to seek out healthy options and take a look at yourself, it will not be clear at all what it contains and how it interacts with you. Sorry for long info section but it's important I think. Extremely nasty stuff, I think maybe in fifty years we might look back at it as we did with smoking. Not before more money and opportunities have been taken of course :blush:

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So the calorie counting isn't entirely working - I keep lapsing! Willpower failure. I have been good during the week but on Monday nights we have a big family dinner and on weekends I tend to go out so aaalll my work is ruined!


To remedy my lack of determination I've decided to look at joining a Slimming World class. I've heard nothing but good things about these guys. A lot of my colleagues have joined and all seem to have lost weight, averaging about 10 pounds. I also had a look at the booklet you get when you join up (it's currently a

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Good luck Nienna, let us know how SW works out for you :cry::smile2:!


On the downside, I've been comfort-eating of late, with the consequences you can all imagine :irked: in fact, *goes to nab a packet of crisps from the kitchen*.


On the plus side, I've discovered that wearing shaping undies and hoisiery all day makes you pretty much immune to hunger, even when you eventually take them off :(!

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Has anyone tried Slimming World and if so what was their experience like?


Ney Nienna!


I joined weightwatchers last summer and lost 20lb ish. I stopped in the Autumn and have gradually put about 6lb back on with the usual winter foods etc. However, I've joined weightwatchers again and last week lost 3lb. I've discovered loads of new recipes and tips for super healthy meals.


Tonight for dinner I made a vegetable concoction. In a frying pan with a few squirts of 1 cal oil spray I added 1 red onion, 1 pepper, 6 mushrooms, half an aubergine, 6 cherry tomatoes, 1 tin of chopped tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, pine nuts and goats cheese. It's seriously good! and serves 2 people.



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Ney Nienna!


I joined weightwatchers last summer and lost 20lb ish. I stopped in the Autumn and have gradually put about 6lb back on with the usual winter foods etc. However, I've joined weightwatchers again and last week lost 3lb. I've discovered loads of new recipes and tips for super healthy meals.


Tonight for dinner I made a vegetable concoction. In a frying pan with a few squirts of 1 cal oil spray I added 1 red onion, 1 pepper, 6 mushrooms, half an aubergine, 6 cherry tomatoes, 1 tin of chopped tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, pine nuts and goats cheese. It's seriously good! and serves 2 people.



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Dieting hasn't been brilliant for me recently. I've kind of given up hope. Although I have lost weight, I can't see it in myself and my clothes don't feel any different. I feel destined to be this way forever and I hate it. I used to get bullied at school about my weight and looking back now, I was so skinny. I don't know what happened really :D I'm meant to be getting married at some point, but there is no way that I can do it in my current state.


Don't give up hope! How have you felt during the dieting, has it been easy or difficult? It's obviously worked for you since you've lost weight. It's sometimes difficult to see the change in yourself, the eyes are such liers! You should just keep at it and I'm sure you'll notice the difference in your clothing at some point ;) All in all, you are NOT destined to anything, your weight is something you can do something about and you've already proven that!


I've been a bit off the dieting and exercising lately, I've been to my parents and now BF is in town and the weather really hot and I haven't bothered exercising, eating's been pretty good. But I think I need to start my 4 day diet book scheme again. I wouldn't mind a bit colder weather...

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I wouldn't mind a bit colder weather...


Come visit me. :D It's quite cold here (well, maybe not by your standards, but it's cold enough for me!).


I had my first couple of personal training sessions the other day and I have another one tomorrow. I like my PT; she's really nice. I'm only supposed to be having three sessions with her but I think she'd like to do more. I'll have to look into the cost though. ;)


I just got home from a 50 minute session by myself so I'm feeling sore (from the other day as well) but pleased. :D

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Dieting hasn't been brilliant for me recently. I've kind of given up hope. Although I have lost weight, I can't see it in myself and my clothes don't feel any different. I feel destined to be this way forever and I hate it. I used to get bullied at school about my weight and looking back now, I was so skinny. I don't know what happened really ;) I'm meant to be getting married at some point, but there is no way that I can do it in my current state.


Kimmy, we all get like this, but you have already lost weight! Whatever your doing has been working! However, it's clearly psychologically difficult (for all of us, not just you :D) and the best thing for this is encouragement from friends and family, or other dieters like us. You should try to keep talking to others who are in the same position - we all struggle, but we can all help too.


If, however, it's just a little too much, I would recommend a book: Paul McKenna's I Can Make You Thin. It's all about the psychology of dieting and positive reinforcement, body image and not restricting yourself too much. Its main focus is on listening to your body's needs, for example being able to identify when you want to eat for comfort and when you are actually hungry. Also stopping when you're full is important. He encourages you not to deny yourself anything, but if you aren't physically hungry, just don't eat it right now - it won't disappear! I found it an interesting read (it's a very short book) and a really good approach to dieting, although you do have to re-read it once in a while to re-motivate yourself!

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Come visit me. :) It's quite cold here (well, maybe not by your standards, but it's cold enough for me!).


I had my first couple of personal training sessions the other day and I have another one tomorrow. I like my PT; she's really nice. I'm only supposed to be having three sessions with her but I think she'd like to do more. I'll have to look into the cost though. :D


I just got home from a 50 minute session by myself so I'm feeling sore (from the other day as well) but pleased. :D


What's the temperature down under? It's been over 20 degrees Celsius here for a whole week now, on some days it was almost 30 degrees which always makes the news and people are happy (well, some of us... :)).


Your personal training session sounds great, I'm happy that your PT is so nice :D It's so motivating to have a person to tell you what to do, when to do it and how to do it. And keep one at it even if one doesn't always feel like doing something. I hope you have the funds to have more sessions with her!


And weldone with the session by yourself, very inspiring! ;)

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Thanks for the words of encouragement, I can use the confidence boost at the moment.


In addition to swimming, I am going to try Zumba with some mates next week. I really don't enjoy the gym (I love swimming), so I am hoping that this is a good alternative.

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Thanks for the words of encouragement, I can use the confidence boost at the moment.


In addition to swimming, I am going to try Zumba with some mates next week. I really don't enjoy the gym (I love swimming), so I am hoping that this is a good alternative.


Anytime Kimmy, we're all in the same boat :D Zumba is great fun and a very sweaty kind of exercise that'll burn them calories! I hope you enjoy it ;)

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What's the temperature down under? It's been over 20 degrees Celsius here for a whole week now, on some days it was almost 30 degrees which always makes the news and people are happy (well, some of us... :roll:).


It's been getting just below 10 degrees Celsius of an evening. Once winter really starts it will get much closer to 0. Our maximum is a little over 20 at the moment.


Your personal training session sounds great, I'm happy that your PT is so nice :D It's so motivating to have a person to tell you what to do, when to do it and how to do it. And keep one at it even if one doesn't always feel like doing something. I hope you have the funds to have more sessions with her!


Thanks! It's definitely motivating to have a PT pushing you constantly.


Kimmy, I hope you enjoy the Zumba class! They sound like quite a workout but a lot of fun.

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It's been getting just below 10 degrees Celsius of an evening. Once winter really starts it will get much closer to 0. Our maximum is a little over 20 at the moment.


No fair, that's really warm for winter. I wonder how you'd like the -20-25 degrees we get here? :D


Instead of exercising last night like a good girl, I read and watched a movie :roll:

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Reading is mind exercise, frankie. Technically you still got a workout in :D


Yes, indeed, what a wonderful way to think about it! You know, the body is a temple, but soul and mind are a part of that and I think I haven't been exercising my mind that much lately. I might have to exercise it the whole weekend :roll:

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Reading is mind exercise, frankie. Technically you still got a workout in :D


Yes, indeed, what a wonderful way to think about it! You know, the body is a temple, but soul and mind are a part of that as well and I think I haven't been exercising my mind that much lately. I might have to exercise it the whole weekend :roll:

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Exactly! That sounds like an excellent plan. They all really do go hand in hand, don't they? Body, mind, and soul. If one is off it just seems to throw the others off too.


I've lost another 4 lbs this last week and am feeling pretty good in that respect. Tomorrow I plan on starting a routine of going to the gym so that I can start toning things up a bit.

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I've lost another 4 lbs this last week and am feeling pretty good in that respect. Tomorrow I plan on starting a routine of going to the gym so that I can start toning things up a bit.


That's excellent news CaliLily! :D Good luck with your routine, I hope you have fun at the gym :roll:

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No fair, that's really warm for winter. I wonder how you'd like the -20-25 degrees we get here? :D


I think you can keep those for yourself! I never understand you crazy people who live in such cold/hot climates. :D How do you stand it? :lol:


I've lost another 4 lbs this last week and am feeling pretty good in that respect. Tomorrow I plan on starting a routine of going to the gym so that I can start toning things up a bit.


Congratulations! That's great news. :roll:

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Day 3 of Slimming World diet (they don't like people calling it a diet, but it IS). It's trickier than it looks! I am craving chocolate, which I can have, but if I eat a bar of, say, dairy milk, then I have about 3 syns left for the day and I can probably get away with having those in my dinner for sauce. If I go over them then I'll be super annoyed! Bah! I better have lost something come my next weigh-in. :roll:

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