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I'm finally getting around to posting after lurking for a couple of weeks. This is the first time I have registered at a book forum. Hopefully, I will start a book blog thread, contribute where I may actually have something to contribute, and maybe even say an interesting thing now and again about some of the books I've read.


I'm in the USA, 20 minutes from Philadelphia and 90 minutes from Manhattan, living in a great big suburb called New Jersey. Last year my favorite read was 2666 (The Savage Detectives my previous year fav), and it's author Roberto Bolano has quickly become my new literary hero, and I will catch up on his shorter works in the coming year.


Also, I am a new owner of a Kindle. I test drove a friends Kindle over the holidays and read The Girl Who Played With Fire. At first, I was "no way, I want a real book". Now, well, once again, but this time forever, I am in love with an electronic gadget.

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Hellooo New Jersey *waves* Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy this place :lol: The Kindles and eReaders and whatnots may seem very impersonal and clinical to the booklover who's used to sniffing and feeling their books, but they are quite practical.

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