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Kell's 2006 Reading Log - July to December


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And now there's a beaver in it when it's a very English book & Beavers are native to Canada, North America & some northern parts of Mexico - not Britain! Argh! No, it's no good, I can't continue with this book - it's driving me dotty with the inconsistencies!


Am now moving onto a book of short stories called In the Frame - it's by various authors & is aimed at teens & young adults...

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I've not been doing too well lately with books I've given up on - I guess I'm just not into short stories very much at the moment, so In the Frame has been put down.


Instead, I am picking up Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett - I've really been looking forward to this one & I got given it last night as a birthday present from my buddies, John & Katy. I just can't wait to start it!

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Got another three birthday books today:


A Tale Etched in Blood & Hard Black Pencil by Christopher Brookmyre

Girl With a One-Track Mind by Abby Lee

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde


Looking forward to all three of them immensely!

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Have finished Girl With a One-Track Mind by Abby Lee & Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett (both were birthday books) & enjoyed both of them a lot. :)


Moving onto two at once, as one's an autobiography:


Stand & Deliver by Adam Ant

A Tale Etched in Blood & Hard Black Pencil by Christopher Brookmyre.


I've really been looking forward to the new Brookmyre as I'm a HUGE fan of his. I'll be starting that one tomorrow...

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I've yet to be disappointed by Brookmyre - his latest novel, A Tale Etched in Blood & Hard Black Pencil, is no exception - thoughrally enjoyed it. :D


Am now moving onto my 2nd Jasper Fforde - The Eyre Affair.

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Have just been told to expect a package any day now from CBUK which will include, among others, the last book in The Edge Chronicles (the 3rd in the Quint Trilogy). Ooh, I love getting packages at the best of times, but packages of books are even better! Am all excited now!

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My Dad came round last night with an old book of mine he'd found called Wizwam and Kelley Under the Sea. It's one of those books that parents order with their kids' names in them, adding the names of friends and family at various points in the story and it was one of my absolute favourites when I was small, as it gave me a real thrill knowing it was all about me. I had another flick through it last night and the trip down memory lane was awsome!

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I changed my mind ibn the end & went with The School for Husbands by Wendy Holden. It was a light bit of fluff, but quite funny & enjoyable.


Am nowmoving onto one of the books I was lent by a lady at work - The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.

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Got another three birthday books today:


A Tale Etched in Blood & Hard Black Pencil by Christopher Brookmyre

Girl With a One-Track Mind by Abby Lee

The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde

Looking forward to all three of them immensely!

I am curious. Have you read The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde yet. If so, what did you think of the book.

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Have just finished The Kite Runner & all I can say is Oh! My! Gods! It's absolutely beautiful, poignant, heart-rending - it kept causing that tell-tale prickling behind my nose that meant my body was actively trying not to cry. I loved every second of it. I wish I'd read this sooner!


Am now moving onto the October RC choice of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley...

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Have just had a lovely package of books arrive from CBUK:


Eoin Colfer - Artemis Fowl & the Lost Colony

Alex Duval - Vampire Beach: Initiation

David Eddings - The Belgariad: Pawn of Prophecy

David Eddings - The Belgariad: Queen of Sorcery

David Eddings - The Belgariad: Magician's Gambit

Sam Enthoven - The Black Tattoo

Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell - Clash of the Sky Galleons (Quint Trilogy #3)


Also had a swap arrive from RISI:

Richard E Grant - By Design (OC - Swaziland)

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Am starting to get more into Frankenstein now. I remember reading this when I was about 7 or 8, however, it's becoming more & more clear that i read an abridged verson (I may have been an advanced reader, but I think this would have been very challenging in its full format when I was that age, & I certainly don't think I grasped the full implications of Frankenstein's actions back then!). I'm rather enjoying this - I'd always meant to revisit it, but never got round to it before the reading circle gave me the perfect excuse (isn't it great when you get pushed on like that by a group? I love that I'm looking more deeply at what I'm reading so that I can discuss it more fully with everyone else!). It's amazing to think that Mary Shelley was barely 19 when she wrote this story - that someone so young should have such a profound grasp of the true horror of such a subject is mind-boggling!

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I don't think the gory bits would be in a 7yr old version either Kell. The reason I am not joining the group this time is that I cannot get hold of blindness (which sounds fascinating) and I know that I would have nightmares after Frankenstein. It scared me at school, and the films did too. Not something I wish to relive.

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It's not actually been gory at all so far, Icecream - the method of reanimation isn't described AT ALL (as Frankenstein keeps that back to prevent anyone else committing the same atrocity) & so far there's only really been a death by strangulation, which we hear about 2nd hand anyway. Give it a go, icecream - i think you may well be surprised! :dunno:

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I snuck a quick vampire book in - I just couldn't resist! Vampire Beach: Initiation (the sequel to Vampire Beach: Bloodlust, which I read not long ago) by Alex Duval was calling to me, so I picked it up & read it all today. Very good. Definitely 8/10.

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Finished Clash of the Sky Galleons ( the last book in The Edge Chronicles) by Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell this afternoon & it was wonderful!


Am about 2/3rds of the way through Frankenstein & enjoying it too.


Have put Adam Ant on hold at the moment, as I have so many others to choose from...


Will be moving onto Artemis Fowl & the Lost colony by Eoin Colfer next...

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Well, Louise, I loved it! Just finished it tonight & I really loved it! I shall write a proper review in a short while, but let's just say it definitely gets an 8/10 from me! I have no idea where Eoin Colfer will take the Artemis Fowl storyline next - I just hope he continues with it!


Moving onto the first book in The Belgariad series; starting with Pawn of Prophesy by David Eddings next. I have books 1-3 sitting here to be reviewed for CBUK, so I'ld best get started on it tomorrow!

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Finished Frankenstein last night - I enjoyed it, but not wuite as much as I remembered liking it when I was 8!


Couldn't get into the Belgariad books, so I've put it down in favour of The Black Tattoo by Sam Enthoven, which is a debut novel & is so far shaping up quite nicely...

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I hit something of a reading slump while I was ill & it took me forever to get through The Black Tattoo, despite the fact that i was enjoying it - I just couldn't get the motivation to read at all, but then again, I was compeltely shattered from lack of sleep, so that probably had a lot to do with it.


Received another package of books from CBUK:


Eldest by Christopher Paulini

The Ribbajack & Other Curious Yarns by Brian Jacques

The Waterless Sea by Kate Constable

The Angel Stone by Livi Michael.


Seeing as how I just couldn't get into Eragon at all, I'll not be reviewing the sequel, but the rest of them look rather interesting.


Am now reading The Abortionst's Daughter by Elizabreth Hyde, as it's the Posh Club book for October & we're meeting next Tuesday to discuss it. I'm only a couple of chapters in so far, but it seems easy-reading & quite interesting...

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