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One Book ... Multiple Titles?


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I checked around first to see if there was an existing thread discussing this, so Mods: please weave this post into the proper place if I somehow missed an existing thread. :lol:


I was book shopping yesterday, and came across a book called "Spellbound" by Jane Green. I'd never seen the cover or heard the title, and was pretty sure I'd read all of her published books. I skimmed the back, but most of her books I'd read so long ago that I had trouble remembering if I'd read this one. I put the book back, planning to research Jane Green's site when I got home to see what was going on. I was thinking it may also be published under another title in the U.S.


When I searched Jane Green's site, the book wasn't listed at all under her "books" section. Baffled, I did some Google searching and found out that it IS a second title for the book that I know as "To Have and To Hold."


Was thinking it may be handy to have an easily accessible list somewhere on this board of books with multiple titles, for easy look-up in the future?


For example.. now I know about Jane Green, and I know Sophie Kinsella's

"Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" also goes by "Shopaholic Abroad" and "Confessions of a Shopaholic" also goes by "The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic"??

Any more that anyone knows of right off?


Also, neither Kinsella's nor Green's sites list more than 1 of the titles under their "books" section which is really confusing.. I get the sense that many authors don't like being forced into "multiple titles" area, but it's confusing to look at their sites and not see the books listed by ALL of the titles sometimes. :lol:

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One of Stuart Macbride's books was retitled for the American market - Broken Skin became Bloodshot.


Also, Marley: A Dog Like No Other is bascially an adaptation by John Grogan of his own book, Marley and Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog. Seems a bit pointless to do an adaptation of your own book...

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There was a thread like this once as I remember posting in it but I can't find it either so I guess it was culled!


I can understand the Shopaholic Abroad/Takes Manhattan, as America isn't actually abroad if you're American!


Emily Barr (or rather, her publisher) is a culprit and I nearly got caught out by ordering Solo by Emily Barr from Amazon. I don't know what made me check the reviews* as I don't normally read them until after I've read a book, but luckily I did as I discovered it was a renamed Atlantic Shift, which I'd already read.


Her book Cuban Heels was also renamed Cuba but that was at least a bit more obvious!


Very recently I nearly ordered Wycliffe and the School Bullies but checked with someone who runs a W J Burley site and found that was renamed from Wycliffe and the Schoolgirls, which I've already read.


It pays to check!


* Just checked Amazon again and there is no synopsis for the book!

Edited by Janet
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I've never come across it before, but I imagine it's a tad confusing.

Not really if it was published under another title it’s usually mentioned in one of the front pages with the copyright notice ,

If you open up a copy of the golden compass you should see that it was originally published un the uk/Ireland as Northern lights



Seems a bit pointless to do an adaptation of your own book...
I am sure he thaught the same thing untill the publisher offered him a masive check
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Oh, they've retitled Q&A by Vikas Swarup because of the film Slumdog Millionaire!


Have they really? Changed the book title? That's just stupid! (Well Slumdog millionaire is actually a better title I think but I find it weird to change it just because of the film...)


And of course there is Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone/ sorcerer's stone.

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I checked around first to see if there was an existing thread discussing this, so Mods: please weave this post into the proper place if I somehow missed an existing thread. :lol:


I was book shopping yesterday, and came across a book called "Spellbound" by Jane Green. I'd never seen the cover or heard the title, and was pretty sure I'd read all of her published books. I skimmed the back, but most of her books I'd read so long ago that I had trouble remembering if I'd read this one. I put the book back, planning to research Jane Green's site when I got home to see what was going on. I was thinking it may also be published under another title in the U.S.


When I searched Jane Green's site, the book wasn't listed at all under her "books" section. Baffled, I did some Google searching and found out that it IS a second title for the book that I know as "To Have and To Hold."


Was thinking it may be handy to have an easily accessible list somewhere on this board of books with multiple titles, for easy look-up in the future?


For example.. now I know about Jane Green, and I know Sophie Kinsella's

"Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" also goes by "Shopaholic Abroad" and "Confessions of a Shopaholic" also goes by "The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic"??

Any more that anyone knows of right off?


Also, neither Kinsella's nor Green's sites list more than 1 of the titles under their "books" section which is really confusing.. I get the sense that many authors don't like being forced into "multiple titles" area, but it's confusing to look at their sites and not see the books listed by ALL of the titles sometimes. :P


You'll need to watch out for Jane Green's next book as well, as the US title is Dune Road while the UK title is Girl Friday. In her blog, she put a little aside about the reasoning:


I finished the first set of edits on my new book today, Dune Road in America, and Girl Friday in the UK (different markets with different needs require different titles, but we
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Originally Posted by Janet viewpost.gif



That's not much use if you're purchasing online though, is it?! :P



It's not much at all! OR if you happen to be trying to bargain with a book-seller and you only have time to hurriedly check out Jane Green's website from the Blackberry! Time is ticking, and when you don't see it listed, you just move on and vow to research it later.

They should REALLY come up with a good system for this. And for example, with "Q&A ".. it's NOT listed in the copyright passage, because Q&A was published FIRST. It may well be listed in "Slumdog," but that doesn't help me much if I'm holding "Q&A!"

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Apparently Lee Child has books with multiple titles. I didn't know this until I looked at my Librarything recommendations today & saw what I thought was a new book by him. Turns out it was a book I have already read, just with a different name. No idea whether he has more than one book like this, but the one that I have come across is The Visitor/Running Blind

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I was looking at the book that Kate has just read - Back on Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber - and the following comment was left in the feedback section...


This book - Back on Blossom Street - is the same as Wednesdays At Four; don't get caught like I did and buy them both! Very annoying and expensive mistake.
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