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Sometimes, the most interesting and fun foods are the ones we eat as snacks or appetizers. What interesting or just plain delicious snack have you had today?


I just had an cup of Pomegranate/Acai Berry yogurt. It was unbelievably delicious!!:readingtwo:

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These days I find myself nibbling on a lot of crystalised ginger in an attempt to stave off morning sickness. I love ginger anyway, but I'm starting to get a bit sick of it already!


Also dry crackers - Carrs Water Biscuits or Cornish Wafers are favourites at the moment - again, it's anti-morning sickness stuff.

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I don't very often eat these, but my favourites would be honey roasted peanuts, roasted cashew nuts and dried apricots. Once I start eating them I can't stop :readingtwo:


(angerball, just noticed you and Muggles are reading the same book - you'll have to compare notes)

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Peanuts! Peanuts! Peanuts!

I adore peanuts, but aparently they should be avoided during pregnancy because they can cause an allergy in the little'un. How nuts is that? (Sorry, I couldn't resist a small and terrible pun there!). I'm going to have to ask the midwife if that extends to ALL nuts or just peanuts, because I'm kind of missing cashews and almonds right now too...

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Kell, I think that is only if you have an allergy in your family, as it prevents the baby from getting the allergy.


This thread is so good for a heavily pregnant woman with a toddler. I usually snack on fruit or crackers, or maybe toast since being very pregnant, but I am just so very hungry with having both children and have been struggling to think of healthy snacks that are substantial enough to get me through the morning, or afternoon with the children, but not too much. Keep the ideas flowing. I need them..(and so will Kell).

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Today I've snacked on potato chips, Krispy Kreme donuts, chocolate, white chedder cheese puffs, and 3 diet cokes. It's that "time of the month"....:readingtwo: No wonder I've been putting on weight.

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I'm really into twiglets at the moment and I have a bag of them every day at work. I do snack a lot as I have problems regulating my blood sugar and need to eat little and often. My snacks of choice tend to be fruit and yogurt, but today I have been naughty and had white chocolate raisins :readingtwo:. Oh and pistachio nuts. I had some of those today too. I luv 'em.

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