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What is your favorite spot to read

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I definitely have to lay down otherwise my back and my neck will start to hurt. I also like to read at night before I go to sleep which isn't always the best thing because if the book is really good I tend to stay up way to late. Reading in the car unfortunately makes me sick  :o

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I usually read on the sofa or in bed if it's before sleeping. I've been dreaming of a reading nook for ages now but the space is always very limited so I can't bring in an armchair or a rocking chair. 


In the summer I sometimes go to the countryside and read in my hammock under a big tree. That's definitely the best spot. 

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Wow, a lot of people read in bed! I used to do that when I was a child, but then I didn't have a sofa or such in my room to read on. I did have a desk chair but when I was a child I found the bed more comfortable. That changed when we moved into this house, because I could no longer lean against the wall sitting on my bed, because there was a window ledge there. At first I propped up pillows, but I did hit my head a couple of times. Once I got an old sofa from my grandmother, I used the sofa instead. Probably also my desk chair. Nowadays I usually read in my desk chair or on the sofa. On occasion I read sitting on the bed. I don't usually read in bed just before bedtime. I used to do that more, when I was a child and teenager and student, but nowadays I don't normally do so. Sometimes I do read in the evening, usually when I feel too tired watch something, but not that often.

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True Athena, I read most in the bed, sometimes in the desk chair. Sitting by the windows is a good spot I guess. I shifted to a new house and  it has a window to the backyard garden. The view is so beautiful. I was considering setting up a bookshelf over there around the window and make my reading spot. I got the inspiration  from this article http://www.heritagehomedesign.ca/blog/these-cozy-reading-nooks-will-turn-you-into-a-book-lover/The 3rd picture in it is so cozy and lovely for reading books. SO, mabe, I would be making over that spot. 

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I read on the sofa when ever I get time to, this is usually a book.  Then when I go up to be I will read from my phone or ipad a different story, I like to keep a few things on the go at once.

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Where I read tends to depend on the season as much as anything else. My favourite place will always be outdoors, but of course as we get closer to winter and it starts to get a bit chilly, that will soon be impossible. When it does get too cold to sit outdoors, bed is for me probably the best place.

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Sometimes I read for half an hour in the morning before work if I have time and then try and fit an hour or two in in the evenings.  I'm lucky that I only work during the week so my weekends are mine so to speak and this is when I tend I do the main bulk of my reading... particularly on a Sunday!


I usually like to curl up on the sofa or read on my bed, propped up with pillows/cushions.  I don't tend to read in bed though because I find I get too warm and then my eyes begin to droop and when that happens I lose my concentration.

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I always read in bed at nightime but my new favourite place to read is in my new reading chair in front of my new Bi-fold doors overlooking the garden...only if I can get to it before Jojo though!!! :D


:D Awwww, too cute!! :wub: (Have you seen this video? :D )


I would love to have a nice comfy armchair for reading, but as I don't, I read on the couch, and if I sit on it, my neck starts to ache, and so I have to lie on it and then I'll easily fall asleep :rolleyes: I love to read when going to bed, before I fall asleep. That's when I do most of my reading. 

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