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Coffee or Tea?


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I'm out of my Yorkshire tea. I've stretched it as far as I could. Hopefully I can order some next week or so, whenever hubby's unemployment kicks in. I found that if you boil a bag in the kettle, you can get several cups of tea over two/three days. By adding a little fresh water each day it really stretches the bag and doesn't decrease the flavor. I think I have about two cups left.


I'm off the coffee again. I seem to only want it when I have to travel in the am. Oh well...I've still got plenty of tea!

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Had a new flavoured coffee the other day - salted caramel mocha. Yes, it did sound one of the strangest flavour ever, but I tried it, and it was delicious! :smile:


Wow, that's an interesting flavor! :o And a salted one at that. I wonder what that would be like! Well apart from delicious :D


I'm currently drinking my second mug of coffee of the morning. I've started drinking from smaller mugs, though. Moomin mugs, to be precise. All of a sudden I own two different Moomin mugs. The other one I got from Auntie S as a housewarming present, and the other one I got from Auntie T as a Christmas/Bday present. 


post-4458-0-32808800-1423729690_thumb.jpg post-4458-0-18649800-1423729753_thumb.jpg

Edited by frankie
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Moomins are also.....creepy

Pish tosh! :P The Moomins are not creepy - I admit that some of the characters in the Moomins books are creepy, like The Groke and the Hattifatteners. But the actual Moomins and most of the other characters are adorable!


But do they drink coffee or tea. That is the question! 

The Moomins definitely drink coffee.  :smile:

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Their eyes say they're wired on coffee :P

Maybe they are not so weird after all... :lol: *drinking coffee while writing this, as it happens*

:D Hey, there could be a relation between their coffee drinking habits and their eyes looking that way :giggle2:

Edit:I love your Snorkmaiden mugs.

Edited by Marie H
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Moomins are odd but I only know them visually .. I want to know more because so many people love them. This might be the year I read a Moomin book .. it's good to have a goal :D


With tea, I wouldn't say I'm a short dunker but I hate stewed tea .. cannot bear it if all I can taste is tannin. I only have a medium length dunk .. and would be more happy with a shortish dip than a long wallow. I don't mind a weak cup of tea but prefer that to be because it's milky and not because it hasn't had long enough in the dunk. I hate it if it's watery or looks like a muddy puddle. As you can see .. getting tea right for me is a nightmare but like all British people .. I will drink it out of politeness no matter what  :D

Similarly I hate strong coffee .. a tiny little cup of robust espresso is my idea of hell .. the  sort that take the enamel of your teeth I mean. I have to have a medium sort of strength with all the caffeine taken out and a whole lot of steamed milk pumped in. 

There is a coffee called 'Death Wish' apparently .. I can well believe it.

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I associate Moomins with minestrone cup-a-soup, as I remember getting home from school in the winter and having a cup-a-soup with my mum and watching The Moomins together!


My tea sounds very similar to yours Kay, I like it reasonably strong, but with a good slosh of milk.  Milk always goes in first, then either put a teabag in the mug and pour water on it, or if it's brewed in a teapot, pour the tea in the cup after the milk.

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  • 2 years later...

My first drink of the day has to be Tea, I then feel the day has begun, if I am on a work day my next drink has to be a cup of coffee, if it is a day off I can have another cup of tea but then move on to coffee. 


I always drink black coffee at work mainly because I was too lazy to keep taking milk into work but I do prefer it that way.  I have stopped drinking latte's as I find them too milky now. 


In summer I do throw in some fruit teas at work as they are quite refreshing.

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Two years ago my preference was apparently tea.


I didn't drink either, really, for ages, but now drink both regularly. OH likes tea, so I often make it for him in the evenings and wind up having some myself, but I definitely get cravings for milky, sweet coffee sometimes too. (Yes, milky and sweet! Made like tea but with that extra coffee kick! .....Don't judge me.)

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I will drink both, although I prefer coffee - preferably decaf and preferably Kenco. I was brought up drinking tea and until a few years ago that was my drink of choice but then I changed. I never used to even like coffee, but one day I was taking the trolley round at work for all the residents at the nursing home I worked at for their morning coffee, and the Manager decided she didn't want the coffee I had poured for her, so I drank it and I found that actually I did like it. I have been drinking coffee ever since. 

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I have offended myself this morning to see that I apparently never posted in this thread!  Appalling, really :P  


I'm a coffee person all the way, although I'll have tea quite often in the summer because when my sister comes to visit she makes it constantly and is always offering to bring me a cup.  I'm pretty basic, just PG Tipps, milk and a bit of honey.


As for coffee, I'll drink any brand as long as it has cream and sugar in it.  Nothing flavored though, unless it's chocolate ;).  I have a coffee shop near my new house and the other day I had a blended iced coffee with espresso and dark chocolate in it, oh my!  

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Tea for me, though only decaff as I got used to the stuff whilst pregnant and never went back to 'full-fat'. Normal tea just tastes too strong for me now. :hide:


A coffee tends to be my second hot drink of the day once I've got into the office, and I'll have the other odd coffee now and again if I'm feeling particularly tired, or if it's as part of a 3 course meal affair. I'm happy with most instants, though proper filter coffee is the best. :)

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