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Guilty Pleasures Books

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Books which are your guilty pleasures, what books are you embarassed about reading or which books do you put on the book on the shelves that are not in full view of everyone in your house.


My guilty pleasures are:


Marian Keyes - I love her books but i hate chick lit

Dennis Wheatley - due to the titles of the naked ladies on the covers


I will have a think for the rest

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Marian Keyes - I love her books but i hate chick lit



Probably my Jeffrey Archer ones too - his earlier ones, that is! (Kane and Abel, Shall We Tell The President?, Not a Penny More, not a Penny Less...)


Also, the 'Mrs Pargeter' series by Simon Brett - they are a bit like a Mills & Boon style detective series!

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Ssh...... Rebecca Shaw, Judy Astley and Jilly Cooper:roll::sleeping-smiley-009

Oh yes, I've read all of Judy Astley's too! I normally take them to read on holiday as they don't require much thought! I've never 'met' anyone who has ever read/heard of her before!


Someone bought me a Jilly Cooper for my birthday - it has over 1000 pages. :tong:

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My guilty pleasure books are Dragonsinger and Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey.

It's about a 12 to 14 year old girl. It's all emotional icky girl stuff -- I've read them a hundred times!


On DVD, I've Mulan, Parent Trap, She's the Man, Ice Princess -- all go into the bottom drawer when the boys come over to play poker and scratch themselves.

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I don't thin I have any "guilty" pleasures - mine are all out there on my shelves for all the world to see,, and I take whatever I happen to be reading at the time everywhere with me in my bag, which I then openly read in public.


Dale seems to think I read a lot of "naughty" books though and looking through my titles there seem to be a fair few with either steamy sex scenes in them, or are renowned to be steamy ni one way or another:


Maia by Richard Adams

Savages by Shirley Conran

Girl with a One-Track Mind by Abby Lee

The Sexual Life of Catherine M by Catherine Millet

Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure by John Cleland

Lady Chatterley's Lover by D H Lawrence


And that's just off the top of my head - there are certainly more. I'll be getting a reputation if I carry on like this!

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I have only one: Exit to Eden by Anne Rice. Her writing is, as always, right on and the rather erotic nature of the story is addicting, combining literature and fascinating plot into one great read.



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Oh yes, I've read all of Judy Astley's too! I normally take them to read on holiday as they don't require much thought! I've never 'met' anyone who has ever read/heard of her before!



Pleased to meet you Bagpuss! Sorry, but I haven't. What am I missing out on?


Probably my Jeffrey Archer ones too - his earlier ones, that is! (Kane and Abel, Shall We Tell The President?, Not a Penny More, not a Penny Less...)



Have all these. Loved them when I first read them, which is ages ago - but I certainly don't hide them. Just lent them to a friend actually.

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Heehee, I had one guilty pleasure. The Passionate Pirate! :):blush: shhhh!!


Erm - guilty pleasures now though? I don't have any. I read kids books but that isn't a guilty pleasure.


Oh, but I have a kinda want for a guilty secret.


I want to read Darcy Takes a Wife by someone. I just ahem... don't want to pay for it or be seen buying it! Or seen reading it. Or aheh. It is a um, rather erotic sequel to pride and prejudice. I've read extracts *snigger* Elizabeth and Darcy have sex and he has a big thingy. Mmm Colin Firth.

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Heehee, I had one guilty pleasure. The Passionate Pirate! :):blush: shhhh!!


Erm - guilty pleasures now though? I don't have any. I read kids books but that isn't a guilty pleasure.


Oh, but I have a kinda want for a guilty secret.


I want to read Darcy Takes a Wife by someone. I just ahem... don't want to pay for it or be seen buying it! Or seen reading it. Or aheh. It is a um, rather erotic sequel to pride and prejudice. I've read extracts *snigger* Elizabeth and Darcy have sex and he has a big thingy. Mmm Colin Firth.


That's a laugh-out-loud posting, fiona! Thank you for that, you've added at least a year to my life. :sign0072:

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Sorry, but I haven't [read any Judy Astley]. What am I missing out on?

Not a lot really! They are pure fluff - sort of family sagas - but an easy read and perfect for if you don't want to concentrate!


Have all these. [Jeffrey Archer] Loved them when I first read them, which is ages ago - but I certainly don't hide them. Just lent them to a friend actually.

I don't hide mine either - they're on the bookcase in the lounge for anyone to see! I just think they're the sort of books the some people wouldn't admit to owning!

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I read a lot of different types of books and while some people might raise their eyebrows at certain aspects of my "taste", I can honestly say that I personally have enever been embarassed about admitting the indulgence. For example, I have a big collection of 'Silver Age' American comics which I still read and enjoy; likewise, I am a fan of old (1950s & early 60s) Science Fiction short stories, often edited by the likes of Groff Conklin or Judith Merrill. I am unashamedly addicted to the very sexist and gloriously politically incorrect thrillers by James Hadley Chase - a legacy of growing up in India in the 60s.

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  • 9 months later...

I'm not reading the Alexander McCall Smith ones in public.


Not because I'm ashamed to be reading them, but I'm ashamed I've come across them so late and don't want to be seen as jumping on the 'Post-TV' bandwagon. I would hate to be thought of as being on a bandwagon

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I don't thin I have any "guilty" pleasures - mine are all out there on my shelves for all the world to see,, and I take whatever I happen to be reading at the time everywhere with me in my bag, which I then openly read in public.


Dale seems to think I read a lot of "naughty" books though and looking through my titles there seem to be a fair few with either steamy sex scenes in them, or are renowned to be steamy ni one way or another:


Maia by Richard Adams

Savages by Shirley Conran

Girl with a One-Track Mind by Abby Lee

The Sexual Life of Catherine M by Catherine Millet

Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure by John Cleland

Lady Chatterley's Lover by D H Lawrence


And that's just off the top of my head - there are certainly more. I'll be getting a reputation if I carry on like this!


Might I recommend Sleeping Around by Catherine Townsend? I quite happily read that on the bus; it made me feel a bit naughty. It's never bothered me, reading erotica in public. :lol:


I'm not reading the Alexander McCall Smith ones in public.


Not because I'm ashamed to be reading them, but I'm ashamed I've come across them so late and don't want to be seen as jumping on the 'Post-TV' bandwagon. I would hate to be thought of as being on a bandwagon


Me too. I get embarrassed at the thought of being caught reading books with 'movie covers'. In fact, if I have a book which is then made into a film, I avoid reading it in public for a while after it comes out in case of the accusations of, "You're only reading that because the film's just come out." Why it matters to me I don't know but you can safely say I'm a book snob.


I always read the book before the film (except in the case of Notes on a Scandal and I see they Hollywoodised the ending of that one too by

Making sure Sheba was seen to be punished, rather than ending the film at the same point as the book, where she was merely awaiting trial

). This is because I'm a great believer in the book always being better and I want the author's pictures in my head, not the film director's and whichever one I experience first stays there.


I got The Kite Runner out of the library this week and it's the movie-cover edition. I'll read that at home, I think! :) I prefer to read books because I want to, not because they're popular (although I've fallen for hype before; mea culpa) and I too get hives when I think of jumping on any passing bandwagon.


But back on topic. My guilty pleasures? There aren't that many books I actually feel bad about reading - I've always loved children's books and one good thing JK Rowling has done for the industry (!) is make kids' books cool. Adults can read them too.


I'd feel embarrassed as hell if someone caught me reading a genre romance so I avoid them like the plague anyway - although I do have two M&Bs on Mount TBR as it's the company's 100th anniversary this year I believe so I thought, "Hmm, might give them a go and they're only a couple of quid each." I wouldn't read them in public though. :tong:


I must admit that if I'm going on a long journey I'll choose a book with a bit more substance to it, so that if I come over all weird and get chatting to a stranger, we'll have something of note to discuss rather than, "Ooh, I like Harry Potter too! Did you like the part where he-" But again, for example, when JS&MN came out, I avoided reading that in public in case people thought I'd hitched a ride on the nearest wagon du bande.

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