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Everything posted by Argon9

  1. Still. The ones you borrow it too don't pay for it either. I trade my books a lot or buy them second hand for a very low price. The authors don't get any for that either. It might be on a smaller scale but its similar to pirating. The first to put it online has often payed for the product too. well......... Its very common practice at the uni to copy the relevant chapters of reference literature so not everyone has to buy the entire 2000 page book for just 20 pages.
  2. only 12? Mine charges 25. You pay seperate for the mug and lid T-T They won't give us any lockers either so taking food to school means you have to carry it around the whole day. I wonder though. If you borrow a book to someone else then this person does not pay for it either. It is in a way the same as pirating. You download it, you read it, you delete it. So, would borrowing out your book to several other people (like a reading chain) be the same or simular to stealing?
  3. Why not? They are not all bad....
  4. I am not very bothered by it either actually but we get so much free commercial stuff from big companies who try to get the students on their side that I never have to buy pens or notebooks. Lab-coats, vinyl gloves, safety glasses, molecular sets, student security, door passes, laptops (all mandatory depending on what you study. I've had to buy all of those) and everything else we do have to buy makes being a student rather costly. Schoolbooks are really expensive too but are always ordered online so if someone steals those its stealing from a student, not from the school. And yes, the uni is free in Sweden but my "bidrag" does not cover my rent at all. I share a 12 squire meter room with my brother at the moment and find a lot of my food at night, in supermarket skips because I cannot pay for rent and food at the same time. The "find a job" thing is also a bit overrated. Of course I want a weekend job, and with me 10 000 other students in the same city. Its not like they are just there for the taking. I make ends meet through working my ass off in summer vacations (I had 4 jobs this year) and being very careful with my money the rest of the year. I'm one of the few without a student loan, living on just under 2700kr (320 dollar, 220 pounds (??)) a month. I don't steal out of principle (and being a wimp) but if someone takes a few extra loafs of bread from the cafeteria or a notebook from the magazine I won't hate them for it. Particularly if they are just as me trying to make ends meet. (those breads are overpriced anyway. The school charges even for warm water) Stealing for the kick of it is totally wrong though, books or otherwise. I have, however, downloaded a few pirated PDF's of my student literature to keep the costs down. I suppose that is stealing too, in a way. Though I cannot say that I feel very sorry for that.
  5. I read The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. I really really really really liked it. Oh poor, poor Basil T-T
  6. Is that in the second book? I don't remember it being mentioned in the first. Also, weren't it directors? You know, a whole bunch of them?
  7. I read Gone With The Wind a few weeks ago so that's one more ^.^
  8. You have never taken anything by accident either?
  9. Well, I've read it And liked it, it wasn't half bad actually. I had expected a kobayashi maru approach on letting her and Peetah escape but more spontaneous duel suicide idea worked good enough. They never really make clear why they so desperately need a winner though. Wouldn't it be much smarter to let them both die and deny district 12 their prize? In that way, any contestants who think of pulling the same stunt in the future have not only themselves but also their entire district to worry about making it very unlikely that it will be faked or repeated by future contestants.
  10. Raced through The Hunger Games in just 2 days. I have a few small annoyances with the story and character but the book in its whole was a lot better then expected and very entertaining I've had never read anything of him before and I had expected a much more scientific text then what I got. I had also read somewhere that it was supposed to be very, very funny. It was, to my slight disappointment, not that scientific and not really funny. It was interesting enough to keep me reading it until the end though ^.^ So it isn't bad or anything, just, not my style.
  11. Read The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson in one go yesterday evening ^-^ It was relaxing enough but not really great. I guess that non fiction doesn't agree with me that much.
  12. Doesn't keep me from answering it anyway
  13. Well.... we are not allowed to spoil....
  14. Then I will read them on your recommendation Now just to find someone who I can borrow it from... or maybe I should just wait until school begins again when I get access to the library once more ^.^
  15. Meh, I don't steal, more out of a believe that its not worth it and I can get by with what I have then out of any more moral reasons. I guess that embarrassing myself over 40sek feels a bit dumb. I get, however, wrongly accused of stealing so immensely often that I begin to wonder why I don't to it. I never take the shampoos from hotels either. Many bottles are refilled if they are not taken and handed out again. At least, they were at the hotels I worked at. The Calculators where handed to us in the first year and we where expected to hand them back after our study was done 3 years later. Damaged ones were to be thrown out -donated, but no one knew to whom or what- and they only took them in to prevent other students from damaging theirs so they could keep them too. I later learned that they had thrown them all out that year and stepped over to a new model. So I guess thats a bit in the grey scales of stealing since no harm was done and no one got poorer on it. Its a bit like getting something out of a skip. Its technically against the law and according to that law its stealing. Still, I have survived on discarded food from supermarket skips for some time and I sure as hell don't feel any remorse for that.
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