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Everything posted by Amesy

  1. Spaced was hilarious. Truly amazing series, that.
  2. The Big Bang Theory gets my vote hands down... and the first 2 seasons of True Blood (Not liking the 3rd season)
  3. In the past 2 days I've managed to put nearly 6 hours into The Naked God and I'm still only about 1/4 of the way through. I don't believe I've ever read such a massive book.
  4. Went to see Submarine the other day. I didn't know anything about it apart from it is made by Richard Ayoade (Moss from The IT Crowd) It's about the daily life of a Young Teenager in Wales and his attemp at juggling the disintegrating marriage of his parents and trying to sleep with his Girlfriend. It's never going to be a blockbuster, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's very witty and quite humourous throughout the entire film. I'd reccomend it to everyone.
  5. Amesy


    Hello and welcome.
  6. Everytime I picked up my book over the weekend, someone or something interrupts me. There is just no rest for the wicked!!!
  7. I've finally re-organised my selves to accommodate my books. Looking much better now.
  8. Amesy

    Your Age?

    Good for you Chrissy. I love being in my mid 20s and still reasonably good looking (for the meantime). There's nothing I can't do, I've got amazing friends and Family, a secure job and a wonderful Fiance that Loves me. And to round it off it's Sunny and warm outside.... Life is rather good about now.
  9. I'm so excited it's untrue. The only problem is, because the clocks go back, the race will be even earlier and I'll effectively be waking up at 4am to watch it.
  10. Got in another hour or so last night... still haven't seemed to put a dent in The Naked God... why do I have to pick such large books?
  11. Ames was my nickname in college, which started as a bit of a wee-take because I said or did something a bit retartedn(I can't remember what it was) and I actually liked it compared to James... it seems to roll off the tongue better. My current friends all call me Amesy now as well.
  12. I Love the book desk in the library. What an amazing idea. the Planeters are really cool too especially with a bonsai.
  13. Paul (Simon Peg and Nick Frost). Laughed uncontrollably throughout most of it.
  14. I used to use my Library all the time when I was young. Now days I don't get anywhere near as much time to read as I would like and therefore haven't been in years. If I managed to get through a book a week then I would use my Library.
  15. A Game of Thrones starts on 18th April on Sky Atlantic. I can't wait. It's one of my favourite books. I will recommend the Hobbit, All of the Harry Potters (I didn't like the films either until The half-blood Prince), and ALL Terry Pratchetts (Mort has been my particular Favourite thus far)
  16. I did this with "The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy". I finished the book, flipped it over and did it all again. I was on holiday at the time.
  17. I purchased Mike Oldfield's "Ommadawn" to widen my Oldfield collection. I love his eclectic style.
  18. Is this the book that spawned the Jim Carey film or is it the other way around? The film was absolutely hilarious so I'm betting the book is pretty good too. Danny Wallace is a pretty funny guy so I'l be adding this one to the books I'd (eventually) like to read.
  19. And it's an even longer wait now that the first race has been canceled
  20. Thoroughly enjoyed it. The story was compelling and heart warming. Exceptionally well cast.
  21. I picked up Joe Abercrombie's "The First Law" trilogy at Waterstones as they were in the 3 for 2 sale and I had £10 of book vouchers to use. I read the first page of the first one "The Blade Itself" and already I'm hooked. I can't wait to finish my current book so I can get onto these.
  22. Rise Against - Revolutions Per Minute (Album) I've only just discovered the joys of Rise Against. I didn't know what I was missing. They are fantastic.
  23. I don't have nearly as much time as I would like, I'm lucky to get through a book in a month at the moment. and with a Peter F. Hamilton, 2 months.
  24. She's been a Bond Girl Which on it's own is a rather notable accomplisment in an Actresses career. But you're not wrong about her being absolutely drop dead gorgeous. Someone earlier mentioned George R. R. Martin's A Game Of Thrones is to be made? Most of the book was rather racy. I Hope HBO make a good job of it. Personally I'd like to see A Night's Dawn made into a 26 Hour Long Episodes-a-season TV series. I think it would adapt onto screen so very well. If only the books weren't so long. Listening to Peter F.Hamilton Himself, he said he has spoken to a few producers and none of them can see how to script it properly without cutting vital parts. He did however say he was more than open to offers. Something to look out for.
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