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Everything posted by MountainGirl

  1. I have a different outlook on bookmarks... I have favorites, but I dont use them.. I tend to leave the bookmark in the book I used it for.. I dont know why... I think I feel like the book mark made it through that book, there is some connection there, and that connection should stay together, so I tend to have to find, use or create new book marks for each book... and always leave them in. Though my sister bought me a nice one... and so the last few books I've been transfering it from book to book because I feel like its a gift, i should use it more than once lol. but I still feel out of place when I make that transfer
  2. Awesome, thanks guys!! Edit::: I read the thread, and I was thinking about Odd Thomas but now I'm thinking The Taking.. though I'm not sure about aliens! Hmm... This may call for a change in plans (as I am going tomro to buy a new book) Has anyone read... The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?
  3. I've been looking at my next choice for my reading, and Im looking at Dean Koontz, Odd Thomas -- Does anyone have any feedback on this author and book? He has a ton of books out, and I haven't read any.. What do you think about them?
  4. 5/7/2010 I just finished House Rules by Jodi Picoult last night. I found it very entertaining! I enjoyed the different perspectives of the characters, which sometimes will throw me off. It has subtle funny moments that made me laugh right out loud. I give it four and a half stars because it was interesting, but it was also frustrating to struggled through the pages, as Jacob, the main character is diagnosed with Aspergers. I think she writes this book in a way that makes you struggle with him, and the people in his life, when you know what he needs to say, but he just cant.
  5. Thanks guys, I went to buy it tonight, and started reading it in the store, and I really couldn't get past more than a few pages -- I just don't like knowing what happens, especially when such a big twist is in store. Have you guys read anything else by this author? I really enjoyed the movie, so I wonder if maybe I should read something else by him? Any suggestions?
  6. I like my books to look nice... though I don't really mind if something happens-- or at least I tell my self it adds character!! I don't know about loaning my books out too much, I seem to not get them back! For some reason I love having all of my books is that weird?
  7. So would you guys say if I've already seen the movie, that it's still worth while to read the book? or because I know the ending will it kind of ruin it?
  8. "At first glance, she looked like a saint: Dorothea Puente rented out rooms to the elderly and disabled in Sacramento, California, in the 1980's." House Rules by Jodi Picoult
  9. Lexiepiper, I've read that book, how do you like it so far??
  10. Wow! I had a dream about a book I was reading late into the night! I just woke up from it! And I too always have lengthy, detailed dreams, and my friend/family think I've gone over the edge when I tell them my dreams because they are so vivid and detailed! I never really thought about the connection before, but you're right! I have these dreams while the semester is in too, which I do not have time to free-read... so maybe theres a connection between just using your brains more...
  11. I usually buy my books, but then again I have limited reading time, so it doesn't get too expensive. I like having all the books I've read so that when people come over, they may say something about it, and maybe even read one. It's also a look I like, shelves of books.. i don't know why but it's very pleasing to me!
  12. I usually spend at least an hour in any given bookstore. I really enjoy just looking for books, even if I cannot buy them at the time. I love just reading a few pages and then adding it to the wish list. This is the short version, then when I actually get to take one home! I spend longer, because I have to spend the time going over everything on my wish list to pick only one.. it could be hours. If my boyfriend does go with me, he is interested in the magazines and car books so he can usually entertain him self for about an hour and then he just waits, and doesn't usually rush me. He's nice You'd think he'd get annoyed when I don't even buy anything.. but nope and he doesn't even read.
  13. Thanks Angel! Do you have any favorites by PD James?
  14. Ahh! Thanks Michelle! I was looking for something like this.. obviously not hard enough! Is noise allowed? The TV or the children? I don't get bothered too much by noise. If I have a headache though and am still trying to read then I cant handle when people are talking AND the TV is on. One must go, and its usually me - to another room. Indoors or out? I really love reading outside on the deck, or when I'm camping, out in the sand by the lake. there is something about being sucked into the book, and (a) knowing that the beauty is right there for you, to ( look up at anytime you lift your head. But if it's windy, I come inside and read where ever I find a good spot. Morning or Evening? All the time, I have a bag just big enough for my wallet and one book, that way I always have it just in case the opportunity presents itself! Do you read on sofa or do you prefer to snuggle in bed with a good read? Love both, today I snuggled up in bed with my dog as it was raining and windy on and off. Is a cuppa close to hand? Do you feast while you read? Lately I have had tea.. don't usually eat though unless the book is soooo good I cannot put it down and therefore need to multitask. Does everything have to be just so? No, not at all. I can read whenever, wherever. I think my boyfriend likes that about me, because I can go with him when he has to do something manly like, help a friend chainsaw a tree, while I sit there and read.
  15. I usually do not go back to read the book I've put down. In the rare case I do, its usually while i'm in between books and have nothing to read at the moment, and hope that maybe the book will appeal to me now, though this is usually never the case. I usually put books down when they switch character views, Jodi Picoult likes to write like this, which is ok to me if quick, but in Second Glance, I couldn't get into after the first switch and just stopped reading.
  16. Where is the best place to read? If you had a whole [beautiful] day.. where would you go to read? I'd probably go sit by the lake, or just in my back yard under a tree. When its raining, I love curling up with my dog and reading while she naps, dreams and kicks me in her sleep
  17. While I'm reading a book, I usually still go to books stores or see books & stop to look, and I'll make a list in my phone of books that caught my eye or are must reads (at the time). Then when I'm done I'll go and look at those and many other books to make my decison, its usually a lengthy process at this point, but I have so much fun doing it!! O my, I feel like a dork
  18. I really enjoy a book, when its so good its hard to put down. I love missing the characters when I'm finished reading it, and feel sad that I no longer will have them with me everyday. I love to be able to picture characters in my head, but don't over do it. I cannot stand when authors write a good book, but ruin it for me by repeating information over and over again, as if someone hasn't been reading the book the whole time and just jumped into it in the middle, its like-- just to remind everyone of the obvious that you've been reading, let me write a whole page about what you already know. Also when they go off on some subject that really isn't that important.. and could have been summed up in about three sentences.
  19. I'm (currently) an 18 year old with Aspergers, driving (riding) to the court house for my murder trial.
  20. Has anyone read The Private Patient? I'm looking into reading it, but want to make sure it's a good buy before hand. It will be my first P.D. James book, should I read something else by her first?
  21. I read a lot of YA books last summer, some of my favorites were: The Hunger Games & Catching Fire ***** The Forest of Hands and Teeth *** Wake & Fade ** Unwind *** The Maze Runner **** (I recently read this)
  22. I loved these books, I could not put them down! I read them last summer, and am still waiting for the third one, does anyone know when it comes out?
  23. I didn't read through all of these posts, since there's a lot... but I'm thinking about getting The Private Patient by P.D. James. Does anyone have anything to say about this book, or the author? If this has been talked about, let me know!!
  24. You have no idea how hard it is Thanks for the welcome!! I'm happy to be here, I've been looking for a good book forum for a while and I think... I'm in the right place
  25. I hate to say it but most times I judge a book by its cover first and then if I cannot even get through the description on the back or inside cover, I put it down. Usually the description tells me yes or no, because by the first few sentences I'll either have zoned out or be really interested. If I am really interested, Ill start to read the first few pages.. and then If I want to continue reading, I'll buy it. I have a rule for my self now though, I must finish one book before buying another. I cannot always guarantee my self that I will want to be reading the same type of book after I'm finished, or same author even. So I allow my self to look, read a few pages, and still wait. This way I don't spend a ton of money on a book, I end up not even wanting to read, even though I was really into it not even a week ago.
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