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Posts posted by Brida

  1. Still reading KOTS and I have to mention how original the story is (imo) :lol: Where does he come up with these things? I especially love how he starts off with 2 stories that seem separate and then further on you slowly see the link between the two.

    When I started reading I kept thinking I wonder what that's got to do with the other thing...A fun read by all means :)

  2. 1. I wanted to be a vet all my life.

    2. I quote movies/books/lyrics too much in all situations imaginable.

    3. Learning languages is one of the things I love too, but I'm not learning any atm. Hope it'll change soon.

    4. I'm rather introverted, probably a bit too introverted. Ok, a lot.

    5. I love all sorts of candy :lol:

  3. ^^Yes, some things seemed to be overly described. As for the edition, since I haven't read the original, there was much lost in the translation to begin with.


    That's why I would like to be able to read the originals. I'm affraid my German's not that good to be able to read Kafka :lol:

  4. The Trial has a really great story, with all those absurd things happening (him not knowing wth he was acused for and then - again - dying for a reason which is not defined -oops, should I hide the spoilers or?), but somehow I didn't like it as much. The story is great imo, but a bit boring to read. That's just my opinion.

  5. Hello Susie, welcome :) I'm rather new too, but I find this forum really warm and fun, and I hope you'll enjoy it too. There's just one thing you should be aware of: it makes your TBR pile grow with warp speed :lol:

  6. I remember when we discussed Metamorphosis in school, our teacher always used to ask why Kafka didn't say Gregor passed away, rather that he died. It's hard to translate it but we have a few words for ''die'',''pass on'' and the one used for Gregor was more cold, lacking warmth and compassion (maybe even respect), one you would use for an insect to describe the lack of humanity (not really a nice word). But despite it not being nice, obviously it was a good and intentional choice.


    I felt compassion for Gregor because he's like everyone else (well, if you ignore him being an insect and all...), rejected from his family, all alone, and in the end disgusted even by himself. I rarely feel compassion for characters (I mean really, physically if you will, feel compassion and sadness, not just know I should feel it, still being aware that it's just a book) and in this case I did.

  7. Despite having too much work to do, I still couldn't resist getting Shout down the moon by Lisa Tucker when I saw it at the library today so I'm excited about reading it. Don't know how I'll manage to read this one too, but hey, doesn't hurt to try :lol: I've also broken the pact I've made with myself about not reading books in English for a while, because the last few books I read were in English so I need to take a brake.


    And I'm a bit more than halfway through Kafka, which I'm enjoying very much as the story is one of the most inovative and wth-moment-provoking stories I've come across in a while. Or maybe even ever. I'm not sure whether it'll be one of my favorite books of all time, (I have a feeling it won't), but it definitely will be one of the most original, story-wise :)

  8. Don't worry, you haven't wrecked it :lurker:


    Yes, it's a proper book, can't really say whether it's a good one or not, for obvious reasons...I tried reading it after reading We children from zoo station (is that the correct title in English?), to continue with the drug theme, but this one, unfortunately, did not get finished.

  9. Haha funny, but true :lurker:


    I also find that a huge tbr list can potentially make reading ''a job'' or rather an obligation, cos you think of all the books you need to (want to) read, and then you start reading automatically. But luckily you can snap out of it just by realising how much you enjoy reading.


    Yeah, maybe Death has all of our tbr lists. What if Death knows our complete TBR lists before we do? :D lol.

  10. ^^ Judging by the review, you really enjoyed the book. Since I've registered here, I got from not even considering to read this book, followed by putting it on the TBR list, and now moving it closer to the top of the list xD Lol.


    Also, I've noticed you're planing on reading Trainspotting. Tried reading it once (haven't even seen the film), but the language just put me off. I mean I'm not a prude, but I could hardly follow the story :lurker: Mkay, I'm exagerating a bit, but still... I hope you'll like it though. Will read the review if you post.

  11. I do! I do! Tell all the good stuff Brida....


    Haha,well not much to say really, we put meat in a jar, with some coke, and it disintegrated. It looked pretty ugly. Basically, that's what it does to your stomach. Only, there's also a sort of protection in the stomach, because of the mucus (it's not that simple but no one wants to go there), but still you can't really ignore the acidity. So...it can cause lots of things, starting with ulcers and gastritis...Of course, drinking it once in a while won't kill you, but you know, it sure won't help :lurker:


    EDIT: oh, and about the tooth thing - obviously they won't disolve over night. Then all of the people drinking coke would be teethless. But when you add up all the effects of drinking coke (and coffe, and juice, and other stuff) it's bad for your teeth. One can of coke will not make your teeth fall out, but they will definitely be less stronger. And you can't regenerate your teeth. Believe me, it'll be easier for your teeth to go bad, and break, and fall out, and every tooth missing is less food chewed enough which can couse other digestive problems and subsequently affect your whole body and...Ok, got carried away. I'm really serious about this. :D

  12. ^^To tell you the truth, it took me a long time to read the book, when the shipwreck part started (I loved the first part), but I just wasn't in the mood for it at the moment. I wasn't in a reading mood at all actually. I didn't give up, and ended up loving it to the end. Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it should you try to give it another go :lurker:

  13. In the spirit of my slow reading style, read a few more chapters of Kafka. I'm really enjoying it, cos it's one of those books that you don't only read, but you stop and think about every once in a while. I stopped worrying about it taking me so long to finish it, because it's more important to enjoy one book than to read tons in a short while. No matter how large your TBR list is :lurker:

  14. I use all kinds of things - peaces of paper, pencils, tickets, those sort of promotional bookmarks you find in bookshops (promoting new books), one I made out of a specific kind of paper I don't know how to name in english (:lol:), and a plastic one in the shape of a dog, which you can sort of ''clip on'' to the page. And I use the post it coloured ones only for uni books. Don't know why I don't like to use them for other books. Strange.

  15. Double posting, but I thought of how they're making a film based on this book, and I'm affraid it's not going to be good enough to do the book justice.

    It's just a specific story and I'm affraid it's going to be either boring or just not...touching enough. Or at all.


    Of course, I didn't think Cast Away (with Tom Hanks) could be very interesting, but I ended up loving it and rewatching it afterwards , so I could be wrong.



  16. Start yourself either a members thread or a reading blog or both and put your TBR titles in there.

    5 people you meet in heaven is on my list too, haven't read it yet but haven't heard any negative reviews at all on that one.

    I just read Lovely Bones which was good.


    Lovely bones is also on my TBR list :lol:


    Thanks for the tip, but I'm not sure whether I'll start such a thread or not because I don't think I'd have much to write in it (as far as reading diaries go xD ). I'd feel really lame seeing you guys read X-XY books a month, when I'd be lucky if I managed to read one :lol:

    Although in a ''members thread'' I could hide the embarasing lack of reading with other random posts. A member's thread might be the way to go :D

  17. No one's mentioned the acidity of Coke (diet or not), which is bad enough itself without the other toxic and cancerous ingredients. We once made a simple experiment with coke and meat...I'm sure nobody want's to know :lol:


    I've learned that etching is a synonime for erosion.

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