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Posts posted by Brida

  1. I refused to read The Da Vinci code because it was so popular, and it just made it less interesting and appealing. I said refused because before it was recomended to me daily for a while, and by now it's being mentioned much less, so now I don't even think of it. I have seen the film and it was ok, but I think that type of subject is more movie material than book material.

    I could very well be wrong. :blush:

  2. My vote goes to the 80's too.

    They were fun and chipper and cheesy on the one hand, and there was dark stuff on the other. What's not to like :blush:


    My favourite band *ever* is from that decade, still present today - Depeche mode.

    But I also listen to music from other decades too.

  3. Hi Brida :), I saw a couple of Paulo's books at the library today, but I didn't dare add to my already groaning TBR shelf, but I definitely want to read more of his books .. what is your favourite book of his?


    Oh that's a tough one :D

    I don't have a favourite, but the ones I maybe liked more than others are The Alchemist, Veronika decides to die, Brida, By the river Piedra I sat down and wept :)


    I hear ya :roll: Libraries can be mean sometimes haha. When you see 10 titles staring at you, and you have NO time to read so many books, along with the ones you're already reading, and the ones on your tbr list waiting to be read next xD


    Anyway, I was gonna say that if you find the time, I think it's worth giving them a read. The Alchemist is an easy read, not long, and pretty relaxing, well it was for me anyway.


  4. I've read Combray in school, and I think you just need to be in the mood for it in order to like it. But hey, it's like that with all books. And music, and movies, and work and many many other things too.


    There really is a lot of description, well, it only consists of description lol, but has interesting views on life and relationships, and human behaviour and whatnot, and if you don't only focus on the text, but look at the big picture (the big picture being lets say, your thoughts on the book as a whole, after finishing it) it's really interesting :irked:


    Yes, it can be tiring at times, but as I've said, in the right mood, it can be fantastic. It's very picturesque, which I liked.


    Also, another book might get you in the mood for Proust after reading it, and that book is Alain de Botton's ''How Proust can change your life''. Nice book, too :D


    Anyway, hope this helps. I haven't read anything else by him I'm affraid.

  5. Welcome to the forum, nice (1st) post :irked:

    I see you're already enjoying the forum, so no need to wish the same.

    Hope you'll continue your studies in the math/physics/history direction :D

  6. Hey there Poppy, I saw your review on (?) The Devil and Miss Prym (yes, I know I'm really behind, but I haven't been here for a while xD ) and just wanted to say I'm glad you liked it after all :roll: I hope you'll keep reading his stuff :irked:


    The Cellist of Sarajevo - Steven Galloway

    The Piano Teacher - Janice Y.K. Lee


    I love the musical theme :D Will be waiting for the reviews.

  7. There is nothing to it, it is just about picking someone who interests you.

    How about Papillon (Henri Charrere). That is an amazing book.


    Or Angela's Ashes.


    I knew about the film Papillon, so I expect the book to be great. Also, googled Angela's Ashes, it's on my tbr list now :tong: Thanks!

  8. ^^ Yup it's short, and it's a fast read, so no worries :lol:

    And lol about the book leaping out thing, that happens to me too, esp now that I've joined the forum :tong:


    Kafka has unfortunately been neglected for a few days due to Tucker's book, and studying xD But I've already read half, and so far I can recomend it :D

  9. The Devil and Miss Prym - Paulo Coelho


    I love Paulo Coelho, but this book is not amongst my faves (in the category of his books). I blame it on the translation though, because the story is great, and the idea(s) (as always :lol: ) are as well, but the text itself didn't leave me ... ''wow''. I'll be glad to see what you think, maybe it really was the translation. :tong:

  10. Yep i always do that!


    Its more to stop the natural wandering that the eye does when it scans a page so as not to read that very last line, often the most memorable part of a book.


    I also do the same when coming to the end of a particularly exciting chapter and i sense a twist coming so i read the last page line by line by lining my bookmark up to the lines and revealing it slowly.


    I know, very sad!


    That's not sad, that's fully enjoying a book! :lol: Right?...Umm...? :tong:

  11. The Rotter's Club by Johnathan Coe.


    My friend made me read it because she loves Coe's stuff, and I loved it :lol: I wanted to read the sequel, but never found the time (it's on my tbr list though). I hope you'll like it :tong:


    I finished Shout down the moon by Lisa Tucker (yaay it only took me a few days - can't remember the last time that happened during school / uni time of year *happydances*). Not quite sure what I think about it yet though. I have to give it some more thought...

  12. Being on time irks you? :tong:

    But hey, new books to read - never a bad thing :D Speaking of memoirs (a couple of posts back), I was thinking about reading some but have no idea where to start...Have to do some research.


    The reluctant fundamentalist sounds like fun :lol: Reminds me of my Physics teacher(s) lol.

  13. When I was younger I used to read the last page of a book before even starting it.

    I still don't know why I did that...Anyway, that short period ended and I don't do it anymore.

    Sometimes I read a bit faster towards the end of a chapter but all in all - I'm able to control myself :friends0:

  14. I can't watch any scene where someone is shaving or has a razor near their throat, any scene which involves cutting someone's throat.


    This reminded me of Blackadder :

    ''... and we are all very grateful indeed that he stepped in at the last moment, when the previous returning officer accidentally brutally stabbed himself in the stomach while shaving.''




    I remember the scene in The Piano when Ada's husband cuts her finger off, that made me pretty uncomfortable when I saw it for the first time as a kid. Not as horrible now as it was the first time :lol:

  15. Brida, I love candy too! Have such a sweet tooth.

    I've already mentioned this , but I love King of Queens! Kevin James is so cute.

    Leah too!

    I'm fairly quiet, soooo the opposite of my husband!


    Hahaha I've just spent the past 5 days laughing with my mom about the ''Doug & Carry, D&C, D&C, D&C, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur.....'' scene :lol: So ridiculous.


    And all of the above you've mentioned - we have that in common. Well except for being married of course :friends0:

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