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Posts posted by Brida

  1. Thanks :roll:


    Yeah, tell me about it. I'm going to try to avoid them for a while now, until I at least finish these 4 :blush:


    So far I've heard nothing but good things about The book thief, so I'm really excited about it.

  2. Went to the library today and picked up


    1. The book thief

    2. Catch 22

    3. Ghost children

    4. The Gaudi key


    all of which are on my tbr list.


    Now I don't know what to start with :D I tried Ghost children but I'm not in the mood for it right now so I'm gonna start TBT along with The 5 people... I'm currently reading.


    Libraries are mean. They just make you borrow more books and mess up your *reading* plans ;)

  3. Thank you all for your posts, I've actually started reading 1984 last month, but it destracted me from studying so I had to stop xD


    And The 5 people... has been interesting so far. He's about to meet the 3rd person now, don't know who to expect ;) I like the whole seeing a story from 2 different points of view theme, it's so true that sometimes we just think about otherselves and fail to notice how our actions affect other people.


    As for The lovely bones, the sadness is what appeals to me the most. I sometimes don't understand why I like reading books that are sad and make me feel emotional even though they're fiction :D I guess I'm just masochistic...

  4. ...thread about books. :D

    I though I'd give this reading list/log thing a go, though I know it won't be updated as often as most of the others.



    Books of 2010 (Goodreads)



    Books of 2011:

    - Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

    - Starter for Ten by David Nicholls

    - A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon

    - On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan

    - The Rich Boy by F. Scott Fitzgerald

    - The Waste Lands and other Poems by T.S.Eliot

    - The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

    - A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami

    - Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami

    - The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

    - A Year in the Merde by Stephen Clarke

    - Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

    - Amsterdam by Ian McEwan TBP CHALLENGE

    - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon

    - South of the Border, West of the Sun by Haruki Murakami


    The Remains of 2011 TBR:

    1. Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

    2. Enduring Love by Ian McEwan

    3. Amsterdam by Ian McEwan

    4. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon

    5. A Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Oe

    6. Snow by Orhan Pamuk

    7. Dead Famous by Ben Elton

    8. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

    9. This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald

    10. The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper

    11. Life & Times of Michael K by J.M. Coetzee


    Feel free to comment, ask, tell, recommend etc :D

  5. I've finally taken a look at the list, and I've read about 15 books from the ones mentioned; compared to the total number - LOL.


    Anyway, I've noticed The Divine Comedy as well as Inferno by Dante listed, as far as I remeber Inferno is a part of The Divine Comedy so it does make the list shorter :D

  6. I've recently read Shout down the moon, and though it was a fast and easy read, it didn't leave me as fascinated as the two books I mentioned in post #1. It was ok, enjoyable but nothing special.

    The story is like a typical movie about teenage romance and pregnancies, and growing up, which is the, I shall call it, lame part of the book, but as always I felt involved in the lives of the characters which were portrayed pretty realistically and, how shall I put it...fully. Don't know how to describe it, I'm hoping you'll bare with me. There's also the part about the main character's mother being an alchoholic, her boyfriend being madly in love with her but also just...mad (kidding, he's actually just a drug/gun dealer :) ), as well as other problems not unusual for life today.

    At least tv life.


    Anyway, as far as characters and description goes, I like it, story-wise, I might be a bit dissapointed, but all in all, not a bad read.


    About the book:

    Everything starts with the blues for Patty Taylor, singer with a hard-luck road band, mother of a little boy she adores. But Patty's journey will force her to change from a girl who can put up with anything to a woman with a voice that can bring the house down.

  7. For a while I thought it was just me, but guess not :roll:


    I read A long way down, About a boy, High fidelity and as previously mentioned, they were easy reads, and entertaining but nothing special.

    I was particularly interested in A long way down, but it seemed like it was not finished. Like it was just a draft, missing character and/or plot development (I think that was mentioned a few post ago too). The same thing with High fidelity, and least IMO in About a boy. The latter I liked most. Liked the film too :D


    Anyhow, I'm glad I came across this thread, now I'm at ease :D

  8. twinkle I think it's great you tried finding another way to help yourself instead of just using meds, cos it's always better not to use them if you don't really have to :D


    Diet coke as well as alchohol - it increases the level of CO2 (an asphyxiant) in your blood, which causes low blood pressure as well as headaches. I'm pretty sure some CO gets involved here, but can't remember how exactly. Anyhow, CO being toxic and all...nuff said.


    Headaches are a really horrible thing, especially when they last for a longer period of time. They leave you so exhausted, and helpless, and sometimes you just want to die to make it stop ...


    Anyhow, good luck to all of you, hope you feel good ;)

  9. Wow, you all are so sophisticated, we just have plane teabags here. One type for...everything. But my fav tea got ruined, it's not as tasty as before and I'm quite dissapointed with that. Tea is one thing I looke forward to in the morning, such a great way to begin your day - with a cup of tea, and also, I love the idea of snowy/rainy days spent inside with a cup of great tea (perhaps a book too), so bad tea = sad me xD

    But Twinings, thank the Lord, doesn't seem to change so I've at least got that :smile2: Twinings green tea.Yummy.

  10. Hi Brida,


    it is Jack Vance's masterwork, and the best fantasy book...


    Aha, it's fantasy - explains why I haven't heard of it :smile2:

    I must admit, I've never read fantasy books. They sound interesting, but I can never get into them I guess.

    It does sound great though (Lyonesse), I think I might give it a try sometime in the future. Just hope it won't end like Guy Gavriel Kay's Lord of emperor's - unfinished. I did start reading it, but the next day I just wasn't in the mood for it any more and picked up something else :irked:

  11. Wow Depeche Mode. There's a name I forgot about. They started off all lightweight arty types and were much darker by the end of the decade. I really liked them.


    That they did lol, but then Martin took things over and Alan got more involved in the recording/production and voila - dark DM was born :blush:

    Although sometimes I love to listen to the early stuff, which they admit to being slightly ashamed of themselves xD.

    How could you forget, shame on you :) Kidding.

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