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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/book/9781403962591/The-History-of-Cuba Book Depository is your friend.
  2. I don't use it as much as I should.. But that's because I'm nearly always tardy with bringing the books back. Those fines just completely kill my budget! I'm better of just buying them. Believe it or not, it's cheaper.
  3. Social interaction.. it's a world of misinterpretation, isn't it? I've had the same experience countless of times, so I know where you're coming from. Simply too polite to deny someone a conversation. I prefer reading on my own, in a calm, warm (when it's cold out) and sereen environment. A cup of coffee, the sound of classical (or lounge) music coming from across the room.. those are the perfect circumstances as far as I'm concerned. when it's hot out, I like to go reading in a nearby forest. On a bench or under a tree, whatever takes my fancy. I take my bike, some books and off I am. The lonely traveller. Perfect solitude. The way I like it.
  4. It's alright Nollaig, there's no need for that. You talk as much as you want. It's always appreciated.
  5. Consider it done, then. Now, I only require some amount of time to actually pull it off.
  6. I've been racking my brains over this one, and I've come to the conclusion that my very first book would have been Jules Vernes' "20 000 Leagues Under the Sea". Must have read it at the age of 9, so a re-read is most certainly warranted. But in English (French is still a bit of a stretch) this time, not Dutch. First Fantasy was probably "Lord of the Rings" (how original ), with an Anthony Horowitz novel (don't remember which one) as my first horror.
  7. Publishers (of books that have been made into films) that use images from that movie as cover. Bugs me every time I see it.
  8. It's a series I've wanted to see for ages, and now I've finally been able to borrow it from a friend. I'm about 6 episodes in and I love it to death, it's just so morbidly funny!
  9. Thanks Nollaig, that's so nice of you to say. Here, a virtual hug . It sure looks nice (I like black and red ), but it's the reviews themselves that I'm not terribly satisfied about. I do realize I'm not writing in my native language, but I just wish they were better.. Am I too harsh for myself again? I certainly don't mind you 'following' me, but I can't guarantee a fresh supply of reviews every week, month, or even year. I've been thinking about starting a blog concerning a whole array of subjects (film, literature, manga, comics, etc..) so if that one works out, I'll put the link in my signature. Thanks again! Edit: You too, Nicola. Thank you.
  10. Always glad to hear other people are interested in your thoughts, of course. Ah yes, I had a blog once.. About film. Been 2 and a half years since I last updated the bloody thing. I loved doing it, but the lack of feedback was a bit demoralizing. Should start again ( I feel more secure in my writing now), but I would need more time, I'm afraid. Oh well, if you're interested (it has THOUGHTS! ), here's the link : http://capitalcinema.blogspot.com/
  11. What can I say? I'm a tormented soul. Many thanks for the suggestion. I would love to check it out.
  12. It's not that I hate it but - and I'm talking about film, as I don't have much experience READING "sap". - I don't have much affinity for the modern sappy/love stories. I just don't believe in them. Now, in the old days, that was good sap. The musicals of the '40s and the '50s, those are more up my alley. 'Meet me in St. Louis' for example is,to me, the best in its kind. That film is simply magical, and what cinema should be all about: pure, heart-wrenching, unrestrained emotion. I will always have a soft spot for that era, as it's something we will never, ever, get back.
  13. I'll put on my thinking hat and start brainstorming right now. ;) Haha, yes I guess you will. No, I won't be making any attempts to destroy the uniqueness of it. You have my word as a gentleman. :)

  14. Aarghh, the pressure! I'll sure try to make it as entertaining and informative as I possibly can. Should be all kinds of fun, I adore writing reviews.
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