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Posts posted by runner

  1. Just finished the above book and it was amazing crime but with a gothic/horror overtones :roll: This is the first John Connolly book I have read and have just picked up another from the library Badmen which I propose to start reading later.It is always fantastic to discover a new author and then to buy and read all his books. This was such an easy and fast read...a joy to while away the hours...

  2. I suppose it's linked to the horror/sci fi section but in a more general way I thought I would discuss here. I and my wife and our youngest 12 year old have become hooked on the above series, I am not a religious person but watching this series has made me think about existence and things that go bump in the night. The sceptics amongst us will say the programme is staged...but I am not so sure :roll: On June 24th I am going to see the show live at the Bristol Hippodrone i'm in the front seat so when they ask for a volunteer I will be first on stage.....what do you think?

  3. I love that magazine, it's one of my favourites to curl up with, with a cuppa .. and then I trawl the internet looking at some of the titles that have caught my eye.

    I was totally intrigued by the big advert they ran for Dan Rhodes's books (on the back cover of the current issue) ... the line 'fairy tales for grown ups' had me hooked .. anyway he's on my TBR now.


    i think it is an excellent mag interviews with authors and book recommendations...the last one i think had an interview with Patrick Gayle...when is the next mag due?

  4. Janet

    This book is superb it was recommended to me by a work colleague and by pure luck I saw it in the for sale bin at the local library...it cost me 10p...best 10p I ever spent :roll: Ben Elton's books are a bit hit and miss but this ranks as my all time favourite....have you read birdsong by Sebastian Faulks?

  5. I often think that tv detectives can make or break a good book....by that I mean watch the tv series and when you come to read the book all you can see is the tv actor. That is fine, in my opinion if the actor and acting is good and my two favourites are Brannah and Stott. Stott is the the second actor to play Rebus ( the first being John Hannah....who in my opinion was a very poor reflection of the character of John Rebus) Stott brings a real heavy and durr presence to the screen as the worn out Rebus nearing the end of a long successful and questionable career...however the real star of recent times is Kenneth Brannah as the unbelievably tatty, forlorn, unshaven, washed out,depressed suicidal Kurt Wallander. Of course what both detectives share in common is lonliness and the inability to form any sort of female relationship (although are fingers are now crossed for Wallander in the tv series :roll:)

    What is fascinating about Wallander is the way the series has been shot, the real star is the camera work, the washed out colour, the panoramic views and the rather 60's look and feel of the Sweedish police force. I also love the way Brannah has almost absorbed his character Wallander, he doesn't sleep in a bed, never seems to change his clothes, and his eyes are always red and bloodshot.....but as always even though their ways are unconventional they always win through and bag the baddie!....so long may they both continue to bring to life two of the greatest detectives of all time :)

  6. hi nicole

    great to have another horror fan on the forum...look forward to your recommendations...and a dental nurse too!! now about that lower left i'm having a bit of trouble with :blush::D welcome back to the forum from a newbie

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