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Everything posted by pickle

  1. I read it years ago, the book belonged to my dad, however I think most of what I remember now is from the film with JOhn Mills in it..
  2. wow has she finally seen the light and realised everyone was getting fed up with 99% sex..might go back to them now. I am re-reading Modesty Blaise fantastic book, the series have just been re-released and if you like strongunusual women its just the thing...
  3. Its definitely not as good as I and it doesn't have the great Beat Kitano in it does it?
  4. Pinchitos (lovely marinade of spices on pork) and pasta, with something chocolate to follow
  5. I have read the whole series and the other books by her, including the teen ones so now waiting for the 3rd Nadia Sittaford and the third Chloe one and only just resisted buying the hardback new Werewolf one yesterday becauseIi limited myself to 4 new books (already read 2 of them..boo hoo) i need to save at least 2 for my holidays on Wednesday. Glad you are enjoying the series. Have you seen the Rachel Vincent series which are about a pride of big cats also very good. i just got the latest..
  6. The japanese are the masters of horror, the opening scene in battle Royal with the girl clutching her teddy bear..great film though
  7. Hot chocolate and chocolate covered malted milks i am having a chocolate themed night
  8. We would be rivals for the same ones..hmmm you can but dream. You ever get the impression the author takes it all a little to seriously though?
  9. That was brilliant, loved it..thanks for that laughed outloud
  10. True I have CSI NY on now as wall paper in background
  11. I have been on that thought it was a bit cheesy really, wish they were real though if you had to chose which of the brothers?
  12. I have read The God of Small Things and it was a very interesting book, there were some beautiful passages and it painted some beautiful pictures in my head, but at the en the day i am not sure i can tell you what it was about and i probably wouldn't re-read it.
  13. I guess the problem is whether you consider them to be horror films of horrible films aren't they in a sub class called slasher movies..really can't watch the gruesome kind of film torture really makes me feel sick.
  14. I don't really watch scary movies because I find them to scary but the film which springs to mind is 'Event Horizon' I watched it on my own in a strange B&B
  15. Winter Olympics..ski Jumping you gotta admire those guys I have seen the jumps in Garmisch and they are scary
  16. A-ha the sun always shines, I had such a crush on Morten (however you spell his name) as a teenager
  17. You might be interested in 'The Molecule hunt how archaeologists are bringing the past back to life' by Martin Jones though not strictly speaking dinosaurs its a fascinating study of how dna and other stuff ( sorry very non scientific) can aid in determining the past a step away from the usual artefacts recovered on archaeological sites...anyway this is not a very good description but have a look its not a bad book.
  18. Bellowhead - Fakenham fair..folk rocks:mrgreen:
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