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Nicola Booth

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Posts posted by Nicola Booth

  1. Like a few others on the forum, thought it might be interesting to see how many books I read in a year! I have not read for a few weeks now as I could not seem to get into a book!




    A Study in Scarlet, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Forever Friends, Kate McCabe

    The Perfect Man, Sheila O'Flanagan

    Girl Friday, Jane Green Did not finish!

  2. Two memorable reads at school for me would be: -


    To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee

    Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck



    Incidentially I noticed that To Kill a Mockingbird is being sold in Tesco and Asda at the moment in their chart section!


    Discovered yesterday in another book shop that it is 50th anniversary of To Kill a Mockingbird, it all becomes clear!

  3. Saw an interview with Bryce Dallas Howard who is thrilled to be Victoria! She does look good in the clips!




    However, I find it strange that they changed Victoria in this movie as I am pretty sure she dies in this book anyhow. Did anyone hear why they were not bringing back actress who starred in first two movies?



  4. 1) One Book that made you read it More Than Once: The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenger



    2) One book you would want on a desert island: 101 ways to cook a coconut :)



    3) One book that made you laugh: This Charming Man, Marian Keyes



    4) One book that made you cry: My Sister's Keeper, Jodi Picoult



    5) One book that made you wish you had written: P.S. I love you, Cecilia Ahern



    6) One book that made you wish had never been written: The Book of Tomorrow, Cecilia Ahern



    7) One book you are currently reading: Forever Friends, Kate McCabe



    8) One book you have been meaning to read: The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas



    9) One book that changed your life: Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte

  5. I have to agree with Nicola, I really struggled to get through Nine Dragons, wasn't as good as all his previous books but I would still buy his latest novel if it had Bosch in it. I did love The Lincoln Lawyer, which isn't a Harry Bosch book, but does feature him.



    Have you read The Brass Verdict? It brings Bosch and Haller together again. He also has a new one coming out in October called The Reversal which features both characters.

  6. Like a few others on the forum, thought it might be interesting to see how many books I read in a year! I have not read for a few weeks now as I could not seem to get into a book!




    A Study in Scarlet, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 7/10

  7. I am becoming a Nora Roberts fan. I have even ordered her Irish trilogy from the library


    Joe, don't get me wrong, I love Nora Roberts but take care as you will soon see a formula develop and all the books become the same and very predictable! Her trilogies are great and I would recommend: -


    Key Trilogy

    Garden Trilogy

    Born In Trilogy

    The Circle Trilogy


    Also try Remember When, where she cleverly combines her romance book with her other pen name J.D. Robb!

  8. I've not read any of Furnivalls, Clare, but they sound intriguing! :blush:


    I'm a big fan of Matthew Pearl's works, which are usually set in the mid-late 1800's and involve famous authors like Dickens, Poe and Longfellow. I also love Tracy Chevalier and Susan Vreeland.



    I also love Tracy Chevalier books!

  9. Tesco used to be good for bargain books!


    I went into my local tesco today for some shopping and as usual had a browse at books first. I was delighted to see a huge sign saying buy one get one free on all summer reading! On closer inspection I noticed that the books were priced at

  10. A copy of Tracy Chevalier's Remarkable Creatures turned up in the post today. I think it's a "thank you" from the publisher for reading the proof copy of Plague Child. It looks a female-orientated book on first viewing, but I stand to be corrected. Has anyone read it?


    I have read it! Not sure of your taste in books but I would say that you are spot on in your thoughts! The story is told from two points of view but they are both women!


    I enjoyed the book but felt that nothing much happened. Incidentially I was in London 2 weeks ago and I went to the Natural History Museum and saw Mary Anning's fossil. It was pretty cool!

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