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Everything posted by vinay87

  1. The Acts Of King Arthur And His Noble Knights? That's a phase that comes and goes I guess. Right now we have fantasy fiction flying left and right. Maybe in a decade no one will even read fantasy fiction any longer.
  2. vinay87


    Heddy. I like that name. It's nice enough to say it twice Welcome!
  3. yay! That's the best place to begin. Try to find a copy of The Once And Future King by TH White that contains all five books. 1. The Sword in the Stone (1938) 2. The Queen of Air and Darkness (1939) (published separately in somewhat different form as The Witch in the Wood) 3. The Ill-Made Knight (1940) 4. The Candle in the Wind (First published in the composite edition, 1958) 5. The Book Of Merlin (written 1941, published 1971) (Posthumous) I wonder if there's an illustrated copy somewhere. It'd be a pretty magical copy with illustrations. My copy of The Book Of Merlin has illustrations. Merlin looks so perfect in them. It's quite clear to see how Merlin became the definitive old wizard with his eccentricities. After all, he is what Gandalf, Saruman and Dumbledore try to be. And White's portrayal, I'm not sure Tolkien ever read White's book (Wasn't LOTR published in the same year as the first book?), is just that.
  4. Time is the variable, sadly. I will watch all of them soon. I'm waiting for my Netbook so when I get that I get 6 hours extra time to do stuff on the journey home from college. (Yes it takes me 3 hours to and 3 hours from. Silly place is on a friggin hill in a forest 60km from the city limits!)
  5. Has anyone watched these? There are quite a few noncommercial fan-made movies based on the mythos of JRR Tolkien's The Lord Of The Rings which are actually good enough to watch. And besides, they're free! I've only watched The Hunt For Gollum and I say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Here is a page where you can find descriptions of some more. Parodies included. There's also Born Of Hope which I haven't seen, but apparently a lot more work has gone into it than into THFG so it must be good. This one is about Aragorn's parents and the birth of Aragorn himself, I understand.
  6. @ Kell: THOU MUST! The Sword in The Stone is a most adorable work of literature. Heck, I love it better than Peter Pan! And the movie!!! It's brilliant!
  7. Please give Time Traveller's wife a complete read!! It's definitely more than worth it! And hello.
  8. I feel most collectors abhor the idea of giving a library book back. Does Pabloses like its precious? It does, does it? But pray is Pabloses possessive too? Maybe it'll play me a riddle, precious. Silly little humies like to play their riddles. But only if it doesn't cheat... yesss? preciousss?
  9. haha I just downloaded a bunch of Beethoven's symphonies. And now Antonio Vivaldi's The Four Seasons has become one of my favourite songs ever! Helps load while writing too!!!
  10. Thy wish, it is granted. And mine too.
  11. Thank you for changing my style of reading!!!!! I read that and decided to try it. I get really distracted when listening to my usual selection of heavy metal and hard rock songs while reading, but I can't read in complete silence either. So I thought I'd give classical music a try. Not only do I enjoy the music now but I also read better!!!! Thanks again!
  12. Oooh! That's what Nollaig was talking about I think... I'll be sure to buy it as The Count is nearing my love for Les Mis right about now. I'll be sure to review it. I can already tell you that it'll be the totally biased review of Dumas's newest fan(atic) though.
  13. The print is ant-sized, single spaced. Edit: I just read your copy is tiny sized print too. lol Wordsworth Edition... most of my classics are. I don't think anything's cut out though.
  14. 60 pages of The Count Of Monte Cristo. I'm at 400~/700~ So far so good!
  15. I knew I'd read The Count Of Monte Cristo quicker! 60 pages today, and so far it's getting even better!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  16. I have the Book of Merlyn as a separate book. Both are in pretty bad condition though, I got them used. I haven't ever seen the books in a first hand condition anywhere. Funnily enough, I only picked up the books because a review for GRR Martin's A Song Of Ice And Fire says his writing is highly similar to TH White's. Even the storyline apparently. I haven't read past the second part of TOAFK so I am still confused to where the similarities lie.
  17. I love the Arthurian legends as well. Have you read TH White's The Once And Future King? The first book, The Sword In The Stone, in my opinion, is something every child should read growing up!
  18. Okies. haha I hate old English spelling. Rather I hate that I can't read it comfortably. Which explains why my copy of the Canterbury Tales lies unread.
  19. The Wheel of Time series! As a TV series rather than a movie though. Why? I don't want them missing anything out! But then again, considering how The Sword Of Truth series was seriously spoilt in the small screen portrayal, I think I'll just enjoy my own imagination rather than see the story of the Wheel of Time spoilt. And a Sword of Shannara movie!! It would be epic! Also a movie based on David Eddings's Belgariad!
  20. Ever noticed how your favourite book doesn't necessarily have to be about your favourite story? I don't mean short stories alone of course, though that's counted too. My favourite book is Les Miserables because of the depth of the characters, the name Jean Valjean, the description of the Battle of Waterloo etc. But it is not my favourite story! My favourite story is Don Quixote. And, surprisingly, I've not read it! I remember watching a program about it on Discovery Channel and I bought the book three days later. Sadly enough, P A Motteaux, the translator of the Wordsworth Classics edition, did not understand how to use paragraphs and that annoyed me to the point that I can't get past twenty pages. Even more interesting is how even my favourite author, Saki, never wrote my favourite book or my favourite story. So is it just me?
  21. OK, I knew I wouldn't be doing much reading once college starts. But I'm adjusting now, I think. I'm post-poning reading HG Wells's War In the Air for now. I restarted Alexandre Dumas's The Count Of Monte Cristo which, halfway-through, seems to be a better read than even his Three Musketeers! I'll be sure to review it later. Anyone wishing to buy this book, please buy the Wordsworth translation. It's a little short on the required amount of comments and study notes to understand the innumerable references Dumas makes to his contemporaries but worth it all the same. I doubt any other translation is this beautiful.
  22. Use http://www.imageshack.us or http://www.photobucket.com to upload the images from your computer onto their server and paste the URL that'll result in here. @Kell. That cover is disturbingly beautiful.
  23. My thoughts exactly.... hmn, I'll try it the next time I go to the bookshop.
  24. Terry Brooks - The Sword of Shannara (Highly Tolkienish) Robert Jordan - The Wheel of Time series (14 books, 12 done. Close, mythos-wise, but not many open similarities except for the first book, though that's intended.) David Eddings - The Belgariad series (Again, not many similarities, atleast not in the open. But nice nonetheless.)
  25. I tend not to read online reviews. Mostly because I seldom plan before going to a bookshop. And I never buy books online. Case in point. I know I'd find good reviews of Twilight online. But something about the name just reminds me of some old show on TV, which I can't for the life of me remember, where some guy used to say "An hour in the twilight zone" every episode. An eerie childhood experiance which has made me weary regarding the word. And even if a romance vegan vampiresque series named Twilight has reviews that try to convince me to read it, I will not. What's in a name? Why, everything sonny.
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