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Everything posted by vinay87

  1. Sigh I knew reading would be hard to do after college started. In other news, I got three new books yesterday. 1. Hungry Stones And Other Stories by Rabindranath Tagore. 2. A Journey To The Centre Of The Earth by Jules Verne 3. Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi
  2. (It's been a long time since I was on here!) hmn 1. The Gathering Storm - Robert Jordan and Brendon Sanderson 2. The Time Traveller's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger 3. A Feast For Crows - George R R Martin 4. Straken - Terry Brooks 5. Dragon Rider - Cornelia Funke OR Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince - JK Rowling (Can't decide... )
  3. Why hello Jim. Welcome to BCF. Enjoy your time here.
  4. I really couldn't read the Malazan series no matter how much I tried. The writing, I just can't seem to understand what is happening in the series. A Song of Ice And Fire, though, is brilliant. Even if Martin is taking seven years to write the next book.
  5. The only friend of mine who needs to lose more weight than I has no interest. His motto in life is "One life, better fat than sorry." Which, I am glad to say, I don't agree with.
  6. I've been overweight for most of my life, and I've decided to change that now. I don't want drastic overnight changes, I just want to encorporate exercise into my daily life. I'm considering joining a gym to achieve this, but I'm really hesitant about doing so alone. Any soulsoup for the obese?
  7. I gave up on the book a long time ago... Didn't make sense and it just didn't seem worth it.
  8. Has anyone read the latest trilogy? The last book of his I read was Straken.
  9. I LOVE GREEN EGGS AND HAM!!! (Calms down) Yet I think it's The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I'd loved the story for years before I found out who wrote it. Then I discovered Horton Hears A Who.
  10. Yes! They're so stubborn when I tell them any different. Not that I care.
  11. Wheel of Time book 6 Lord of Chaos. LOTR The Lion The Witch and the wardrobe
  12. I have been confused with the same thing for years. People at my college deem it useless to have a habit of reading books. They call me a bookworm and label me a nerd for loving to read and write. I get irritated that they think reading is a waste of time when not more than a century ago, it was considered the most scholarly thing around.
  13. I've read Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell. It's an interesting book and worth a read though it's like a brick in size. The book is really original too and the closest thing to it would be the Bartemaeus trilogy. I don't know why but they remind me of each other. I've read and enjoyed The Time Traveller's Wife too. It's fantastic and one of the most original love stories of all time. I've never held much liking for Salman Rushdie though... But there are people who love Midnight's Children. Just don't let Ayatollah Khomeini watch you reading it
  14. I always believe that a book has a soul of its own. The story is something that has been around. The author is a medium through which a story is drawn out. This is true only for good stories, mind you. Every author puts a lot of his/herself into the book. And the book has a soul which tries to influence the reader. That's why some people like a book that others hate. We can't all like the same people. Same goes for books.
  15. @Vladd God both of them deserve to read each others' works to the death.
  16. Very first? The Magic faraway tree I suppose. But I say the real fantasy book I ever read was the Wizard of Oz. Horror has to be Goosebumps.... the one about a mummy.
  17. I own the first two books, and I have them on my TBR pile. But I've tried reading the first book before, it didn't hold my attention for long. I'll give it another try later this year.
  18. She said hundreds of books didn't she. Sigh *shakes head* another psycho to make us buy more and more books ladies and germs.... I knew I'd run out of money in the race for MOAR books in this place haha kidding Hiya Susan! Feel free to feel at home!
  19. I've read them back to back thrice already Not a boring moment in them.
  20. Telugu (my native tongue), Kannada, Hindi. Also English (duh!) and French (only a little).
  21. I guess an iPod Touch would more than suit the job... but you'll have to use iTunes unless you want to use non-Apple tools to put files in it. I hate Apple, but you have to admit that they have good service.
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