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Everything posted by aquarius91

  1. I'd be interested to know what you thought of this? I loved her two other books I've read (Where Rainbows End and Ps I love you). This one didn't do it for me though. I just ordered: The Reader- Bernhard Schlink Touch the Dark- Karen Chance Entangled minds-Dean Radin The Host- Stephanie Meyer
  2. Me too!! Still makes me as scared as I used to be!
  3. LexiePiper: Did you cry at seven pounds? I've watched it twice now and balled my eyes out both times!! I've asked for it as a xmas prezzie. It wasn't a dvd but this afternoon I watched Matilda on tv. Can't believe that film is near enough 14 years old!!
  4. I'm going to the Harvester for lunch. So either their cajun fried chicken and chips..or piri piri chicken..or kickin garlic chicken. Decisions decisions. As you may have guessed Im a chicken fan. Definitely get my RDA of protein.
  5. Oh I have another fact! Does everyone know about the 'Charlie bit my finger' video that has got crazily popular on youtube? Anyways I used to work for their mummy as an assistant childminder so often looked after little Charlie, Harry and Jasper. Of course if you aren't aware of the video this will mean absolutely nothing to you. It did get to number one on the channel 4 'Rude tube' program.
  6. Mine are: Taio Cruz- She's like a star P diddy ft Mario Winans- My best friend Britney Spears- 3 Poker face- Lady Gaga Lil Wayne- Lollipop Hope- The rain don't last The Saturdays- Ego Lion King- Circle of life Rihanna- Russian Roulette Akon ft Rock City- I'm losing it
  7. Thank you for writing this. I was actually browsing books on amazon last night and put one day on my wish list. I'll make sure its in my next order of books and come back with what I thought of it. I'm intrigued now!
  8. I love eating at restaurants! Nandos Harvester Zizzi's- Had this the other day, pollo con pesto was to die for! Frankie and Bennys TGI's- I've only ever had the chicken fajitas, my friends aren't too fond of this place though so rarely go. Theres a few chinese restaurants I like too but they are independant. And for on the go you can't beat a good KFC or McDonalds
  9. I love family guy...but sometimes its so offensive I'm sat wondering how on earth they get away with it! I find the pervy old man uncomfortable to watch and I cringe whenever he appears on the screen. Stewie has me in stitches though. I'm about to watch an episode of The family on C4OD.
  10. Anything by Will Young..I don't know why but he just rubs me up the wrong way. My mother loved him and would torture me into his listening to his album on the way to school every morning a few years back. I'm glad that part of my life is over!
  11. He intrigues me..very rarely do I empathise with a character as much as I do with him. Have you seen The pursuit of happyness? It's the only film I've seen at the cinema that everyone clapped at the end. Literally everyone was on the edge of their seat the whole way through, talk about emotionally draining. Seven pounds as well..I've cried my eyes out in all 3 of these films!
  12. Oh there are novels about them? I am oblivious to this lol. I'll go check them out now. I find them quite fascinating too...we never really hear about how exactly you get to be the 'higher ups'. I do know they give a lot of money to charity and help each other out in times of need..so we know they aren't evil...UNLESS its some kind of cover up lol. Seriously though, some of them look like they are just normal everyday guys. One of their main ideas is that..All men are equal, however we must serve the 'master' his food before anyone else gets theirs. I just want to know whats so secret that we're not allowed in their ceremonies in the temple. I'm dying to know what all the fuss is about!
  13. Well thank you very much. I can quite believe that influential people have been freemasons. They all seem very well educated, and on the most part friendly businessman. Interesting fact I got told from work: Up until 2-3 years ago only girls were allowed to serve the freemasons (at the place I work if not everywhere), the logic behind it being that we 'wouldn't understand' what they were talking about, whereas boys would. I'm not saying they are sexist in any way but erm..yeah come to your own conclusion about that one.
  14. Some people have never heard of them and I have to go into a long winded explanation and others are like "Oh, they actually exist" lol. Even after 2 years I know little more than everyone else does about them..very secretive. Probably shouldn't even talk about it!
  15. I have just realised I spent nearly half an hour reading this thread (not all of it), how time flies! Anyways my 5 are: - I am oldest of 3 (1 sis, 1 bro) - I was born in Jan 1991 in England - I have 11 GCSE's, 1 diploma and Im currently studying for my 2nd diploma (Child Psychology). - I have waitressed for the Freemasons (as in the organisation, or cult, as some call it that have the secret handshakes and whatnot) for two years. - I absolutely love fast food and takeaways and eat waaaay more of it than I should- why can't I love fruit!?!
  16. The last three films I saw were: The Invention Of Lying - which I agree with a previous poster, was very slow! New Moon- which I loved! And.. Paranormal activity- which I enjoyed..well as much as you can enjoyed being scared!
  17. This list could be long! Here goes: - When driving and other drivers don't indicate. - Long queues - Nosy people who get involved in other peoples business, e.g. when a complete stranger comments that your hanging over the line by a centimetre when parking - When stood waiting to cross at a zebra crossing or lift etc and someone else comes along and presses the button as if you've just been stood there the whole time not knowing how to work it. - When someone keeps not hearing what Ive said and they say what, pardon, what, i cant hear you. After repeating it 4 or 5 times I usually chuck something at them. I could go on but I really must go to work now! May come back to this thread later!
  18. I thought I was bad, I feel a little better now! On my bookshelf I have 8 unread (never been more than 15). I have one that should be on its way in the post. And about 3 million on my amazon wishlist! I've asked for a couple for xmas but other than that Im determined to get through my unread pile before ordering anymore.
  19. I read this book back in September while I was on holiday..and loved it! My friends got quite annoyed with me as I spent so much time reading, I couldnt put it down! It was predictable and a bit fairytale but who doesn't like a bit of fairytale every now and then? The storylines were great, there were a few subplots running alongside the main one and Im very pleased I read it.
  20. I like Marian Keyes and Cecelia Ahern (Where rainbows end being my fav). I've only read one of Sophie Kinsella's books (Can you keep a secret?) which was good but wouldn't make it in my top 10. I also enjoy Jill Mansell, Adele Parks and Belinda Jones.
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