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Posts posted by Mexicola

  1. I've managed a shamefully small amount of reading of late :D It's a slow work day so have had the pleasure of catching up on some today - just onto the second volume of Great Expectations. I'm enjoying it but it'll probably take me the rest of the month to finish at this rate! Still, that doesn't stop me from indulging in that age-old BCF hobby of buying books faster than you can read them! :irked:

  2. Don't blame me if you don't think it is! It's all the other people who recommended it on here in the first place - they made me read it :)


    Just finished it this morning, and it was brilliant.


    I enjoyed the other two Du Maurier's that I've read, so I'm pretty certain that Rebecca won't be a let down! I had a few pounds on my Paypal account that I had forgotten was there, so I'm gonna get a copy from ebay to feel less naughty :D I'm glad you enjoyed it so much.

  3. My mum won a copy of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. She doesn't want it so naturally handed it to me :motz: This is a book I've been interesting in reading (what with it's popularity on here!), but not enough to buy as it's not typically my kind of thing. So I'm quite pleased. There was also a t-shirt which I'm not so sure about :motz: will have to try it on later!

  4. I saw it in 3D at the cinema and enjoyed it. I thought it was a pretty good cinematic experience with very impressive visuals. However, it definitely wasn't my film of the year and I know that some people were utterly unimpressed by it. So I guess you need to see it to make up your own mind.


    I don't think I'd be overly interested in watching it when it's released on DVD as I can't see it being as effective on the small screen.

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