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Everything posted by catwoman

  1. Ooooo! Yay!!! I can't wait to hear what you think of it. Such a great book. I am sooo excited about the film! You love the TV show So do I! I read the books but I am determined to fit in the time to read read at some point. Sean Bean is fab! yay another! I love TV shows that get people reading. Did you hear of the books before the series? As for me, I got a £20 waterstones card for my Birthday which I am contemplating getting a lovely array of books. One I am definately getting is the book Kell's Legend int eh Clockwork Vampire Chronicles. I picked up the third in the series from the library and I am dying to read it yet they don't have the first in the series. While at the library I looked at the Happy father's day shelf. and pcked up that book and The Zombie Autopsies. This looks fab. It is a private notebook of a medical pionerr and zombie expert Dr Stanely Blum. Who has made notes and drawings and recorded forensic notes. On autopsys of Zombies! The pictures/ sketches look great. It's gonna be a quick read but looking forward to it. Also picked up The end of Mr Y by scarlett Thomas and Joe Abercrombie - The blade itself. I loved reading the book but didnt have time to finish it before it was due back so I found it on the shelf and grabbed it again. Also went to the village fair today and picked the following. Drood - Dan Simmons The redbreast - Jo Nesbo The Monster BLood Tattoo - D.M. cornish 3 for a Pound. can't complain. I am over 150 pages in on the book. Bone Song.The first fifty were a hard long slog and after the rave reviews I didn't think it was going to live up to anything. I just couldn't image the world that it was set in. But now I am engrossed and reading quickly.
  2. Finished Kane and Able by Jeffery Archer. That has to be the Surprise book of 2011, 2010 aaannd 2009! I really did think I would hate this book and I really did enjoy it. I laughed, I cried, I groaned in frustration, and the type of book I would not even contemplate reading. Thats why I love Library book clus so much! I gave it 4/5 stars. I haven't done a review yet. next I go back to one of the Genres I love!!!! Bone Song by john Meaney. I bought the second in this series first in a charity shop so I grabbed this one from the library and I have had it beside my bed for a few weeks and had to re stamp it. I hope my Mojo hasn't dissappeared as Kane and Abel really did bring it back in full swing, haven't had such a good reading mojo since Karin Slaughter, and that was last July.
  3. Page 170 of kane and Abel. It's OK. I'm rading it well. It's not my sort of thing, yet I'm reading it without groaning. Which I will be honest I thought it woud do. ...and it's keeping my mojo with me so I can't complain.
  4. That series sounds fascinating and I have added it to my wish list! Thanks for the review!!!!
  5. I have heard soooooo much about this book that I want to read it real bad. But because of all the holidays coming up I just can't really explain to myself another purchase of a book so went to my online reservation and this is what message I got... This title has now been reserved for you: Discovery of witches. We will send you an email when it is available. If you have any enquiries about your reservation please ask at your local library. There are no copies currently in stock for this item, but the item is currently on order. Compact Discs are subject to a holdback period imposed by the British Phonographic Industry Licence, and cannot be lent until three months after the release date. :irked:Soooo when will I get it!!!!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
  6. Love the books! Because of the TV show I will be re-reading them. felt like I hven't read them in ages. I keep being surprised by things in the show Then remembering they did happen in the book
  7. Plodding along with kane and Abel. It's going OK. I'm not hooked but I'm not hating it, and easy to read. I also joined Goodreads yesterday. I'm Catwomanthegeek. I thought maybe it would kickstart my reading as well as actively coming back on here more. I found a friend of mine was reading a book called. The End of Mr Y. It looks my kind of book and I have just reserved it at the library. I WILL KICK START MY MOJO!!!!
  8. Still no reading. Went to my book club. Even though I didn't really have any reading to talk about. But I was looking forward to getting my book of the month from the group. Oh.. Dear..God! It's Jeffery Archer's kane and Abel!!! I vowed never ever to read one of his books. Looks like I wil be now. This is gonna be interesting
  9. still far to busy to get any reading done. No major dent in TOm Holt portable door, and I have reading group tomorrow and I haven't even started my book. I think I'm gonna have to give up rading until all this crazy stuff is finished *cries* Sorry I just read your post!! I love his books. Fantastic! I'm slowly getting a collection of beautiful large edition paperbacks. They are so pretty.
  10. I've been told that I would love The Stephanie Plum series from a good friend. Yet she knows I don't like chick -lit so I would say that it would be more of a crime fiction.*Hopes* As for me I am now 100 pages into The Portable Door by Tom Holt. I just love this book and I hate that I don't have much time to read it. I am going to make time this evening to chill and read and not doing any work.
  11. Hey PF! Awr! YOu missed me??? Missed you too!!!! I have had no mojo and I get depressed if I go on here and it dissappears! I'm plowing through The portable door! LOVING IT Also finished my first BLog post and book review for The Devils plague. Can I put a link to it? Would like to hear people's opinions. As long as they don't point out all my spelling mistakes. Give me a message if you would like to look/ subscribe would be much appreciated>>>>>>>> DITCH THAT THE LINKY IS IN MY SIG.
  12. I read another ten pages of The Portable Door. I forgot how much I chuckle when reading his books. I also had a fantastic surprise I got my copy of The Languages of Tolkien's middle earth! I am soooo excited, and it was my early B day present to me! Looks fascinating.
  13. Finally finished a book! Horray!!!! Tomes of The Dead series. The Devil's plague by Mark Beynon It was..Um...Ok. Thats all I can say about it really Just started Tom Holt - the Portable Door.
  14. Like always I love PFs neck. Yum yum yum
  15. I have managed an amazing ONE PAGE of The Passage. Thanks to trying to set up the rubbish Iphone. HAte it
  16. I have had this on my TBR pile for well over a year. I keep meaning to pick it up. Yes I'm Interested too..... I'M SOLD!!!!! I still have The Historian to read on my TBR pile! *HIgh five PF* Charm knows to sell a book she just has to say. Hot... Leading..Man...Ogle and we're there!! As for me. Mojo has gone for a cuppa. I love The passage. But because it is sooo bloody big. I can only read it when I have a coffee. which isn't very often. So I have decided to put it down for a bit an read something else until I have sometime to have a big read of it because I really am loving it. This book has made me relise I need a Kindle! So after realising I haven't read books that I have been loaned on here. I need to get through them. So I am about to read. The Tree of Seasons by Stephen GAtely. I also have a library book that needs to go back for Monday called: The Devil's Plague. All about Zombies!! Whoop. My favourite genre. Hopefully I can get some reading done this weekend. I know my mojo isn't far away. I just need a light, enjoyable book.
  17. Only 50 pages in, and I am loving it so far. Thats all I can say at the moment. BUT I AM LOVING IT.
  18. my trip to Scotland with Stephanie is finally taking shape. Recommendations of clubs and live music in Glasgow much appreciated!

  19. Hi and welcome to the site. fellow LOST fan. I hope you visit the site soon.

    Take care.


  20. Hi Easy Reader! Thanks for dropping by! I have The Third policeman on my TBR pile and I look forward to reading it. I have been told to just read it like it is and try not to make sense of it. There are some real interesting ones on there. It would great if you wanted to try and read some with me. Welcome to the site. CW. Hey Ben! Yep you spy well my friend. Apparently Dark Tower Book two has soo many links to Charlie's character it's unreal. So I look forward to reading these. I only have book three at the moment. There are loads more Stephen King in the list. He was such a big influence on the writers.
  21. Thanks for the postive feedback guys! I will add some more titles each day. THERE ARE LOADS!!!!
  22. Ok here is a list of the books. I will try and do put a few up at a time, as I don't have much time at the moment. *The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Mark Twain *After all these years - susan Issacs *Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. - Lewis caroll *Animal farm - George Orwell *Are you there god? It's me Margret. - Judy Blume *Bad Twin - Laurence Shames/ Gary Troup *Bluebeard - Charles Perrault *Book of Laws - Mann * (The) Holy Bible *(A) Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking *(The) Brother's Karamazov - Fyodar Dostoevsky *carvan of Dreams - Idries Shah *Carrie - Stephen King *Catch 22 - Joesph Heller *(A) Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens *(the) Chosen - Chaim Potok *(the) chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis *The Coalwood way - Homer Hickman TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>> *Dark horse - Tami Hoag *(The) dark Tower 1: The Gunslinger - Stephen King *(The) Dark Tower 2 : The drawing of the three - Stephen King *The) Dark Tower 3: The Wastelands - Stephen King *(The) Dark Tower 4: song of Susannah - Stephen King * Dirty Work - Stewart Woods *(the) Epic of Gilgamesh - Gilamesh *Everything that rises must converge - Flannery O Conner *Evil under the sun - Agatha Christie *Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
  23. I haven't put the list on yet. I never have the time to comeon here for long. But promise I will do it over the weekend. As for me I have only been able to manage 50 pages of The BLade itself. I am however loving it, and I think it may well be my first ten out of ten out of ten non re-read book of the year.
  24. That series looks amazing!!!!!! Just added to my wish list. Please let me know what you think. As for me I have 20 pages left to go of lord of the flies. I will be then starting Joe Abercombie - The BLade itself.
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