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Everything posted by joe

  1. I started reading the Bone Collector today and I am really enjoying it
  2. If I cannot get into book and do not finish it I usually give it away
  3. I have started reading The Bone Collector and I am absolutely loving it, I am rapidly becoming a Jeffrey Deaver fan
  4. I love House too, am watching season 2 on DVD at the moment, wish I could watch season 6 but will have to wait
  5. Inkheart by Cornelia Funke Meggie loves books. So does her father, Mo, a bookbinder, although he has never read aloud to her since her mother mysteriously disappeared. They live quietly until the night a stranger knocks at their door. He has come with a warning that forces Mo to reveal an extraordinary secret - a storytelling secret that will change their lives for ever. This book was not really my cup of tea, I normally would not read books like this as fantasy books rarely interest me. however because the story centred around the love of books i thought i would give it a go. I found it disappointing and would not read it again but i know that my husband would really enjoy it, its just not my reading taste
  6. Here is my list 1975 in literature - Shōgun - James Clavell; Salem's Lot - Stephen King; The Book of Sand - Jorge Luis Borges; Dhalgren - Samuel R. Delany; Ragtime - E. L. Doctorow
  7. Started to read Inkheart today and I am already captivated by it, it seems to be a truly magical book, going to make a brew in a minute and read some more
  8. Love that film, really must watch it again:smile2:
  9. Yes it was, had bought it ages ago but had not got around to watching it. It is one of the best movies i have seen in a long time
  10. Little Miss Sunshine and I absolutely loved it
  11. thank you so much, am going to start with the Lincoln Rhyme books and read them in order, many thanks again Jo
  12. No problem, it was Tim Machin. May I ask what other Deaver books are good to read?
  13. The Blue Nowhere by Jeffrey Deaver Synopsis Someone is killing people in Sacramento Valley. Seemingly unrelated, the deaths are perpetrated by a murderer who knows everything there is to know about the victims - who can kill them because of the intimacy he seems to have with them. An intimacy which is created by his ability to track their every move through the virtual world, as soon as they switch on their computer. Streetwise cop Frank Bishop is detailed to the case, allied unwillingly to a young hacker, Wyatt Gillette, who is sprung from prison to pit his brilliance against the criminal's. But no one knows who to trust in an environment where everything is suspect, and pressing the wrong letter on your keyboard may mean death. This is the novel that will make you hesitate every time you click on the box that says 'Are you sure you want to send this over the Internet?'. [From Waterstones.com] I actually listened to the unabridged audio version of this book and was totally gripped by it, it took me a week to listen to it. The whole idea that someone can hack into your computer and steal your identity is chillingly true and it makes you realise how vulnerable you can be while on the internet. This is the true beauty of this book as what happened in fiction could happen in reality. I really enjoy crime and thriller novels and will definetely be reading more books by the author. i was hugely disapointed when I finished it.
  14. I have always wondered what scrapping is and now I know, sounds fun
  15. It takes me more than a week to read a book now. It never used to but I have 2 small boys and I work nights too so not a good combination. I usually read though 2 books a month
  16. joe


    I have not heard of Henning Mankell , hios books sound very interesting so will hunt them out
  17. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffeneger This extraordinary, magical novel is the story of Clare and Henry who have known each other since Clare was six and Henry was thirty-six, and were married when Clare was twenty-two and Henry thirty. Impossible but true, because Henry is one of the first people diagnosed with Chrono-Displacement Disorder: periodically his genetic clock resets and he finds himself pulled suddenly into his past or future. His disappearances are spontaneous and his experiences are alternately harrowing and amusing. The Time Traveler's Wife depicts the effects of time travel on Henry and Clare's passionate love for each other with grace and humour. Their struggle to lead normal lives in the face of a force they can neither prevent nor control is intensely moving and entirely unforgettable. I recently read this book for the elevenmth time and love it as much now as when I first read it, my all time favourite book
  18. The Trouble With Marriage by Debby Holt What happens after the 'happy ever after'? When Robin asked Tilly to marry him, it was the happiest moment of her life. Ten years on, the sparkle has faded - household bills, household chores, two small children and a boisterous dog have seen to that - but Tilly is convinced their love can survive even the attentions of interfering in-laws and a glamorous ex-girlfriend. When dramatic news ignites the simmering undercurrents into a full-blown crisis, Tilly is forced to face the fact that her marriage is under threat. Can she and Robin find a way to recapture the love, lust and sense of fun that filled their early years together? Can Tilly find the strength to overcome the obstacles in the path of true happiness? And when temptation arises in an unexpected form - can she, should she - find the will to resist? I finished this book recently and found it to be a light enjoyable read. The characters were hugly likeable, the perfect summer read
  19. mmmmm not too sure what I thought about it to be honest. I am reserving judgment untill i watch the next part tonight
  20. I am always attracted by the cover first and then the title
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