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Everything posted by joe

  1. A short History of Tractors in Ukranian I absolutely loved this book, I felt really sad when I finished it. I started off really disliking Valentina but by the end of the book i realised that she was just as much as a victim as Papa. A really funny, heartwarming book that makes you sit back and think about your family, past, roots and why you are the way you are.It is also terribly sad in places too Thoroughly enjoyable 10/10
  2. I have nearly finished a Short history of tractors in Ukranian and i must say it is a superb book, extremely tragic comic. I really want to know though what happens to Valentina in the end.
  3. joe

    Adrian Mole

    I love adrian Mole, will look out for the new book
  4. I have just finished Her Fearful Symmetry and I am unsure of what to make of it really. I started off not enjoying it but then about half way through i really started to care about the characters and began to enjoy reading it. However when the story began to change in that Valentina wanted to die and needed help I really started to loose interest and found the story idiotic. The ending I also found most disappointing in that I was left feeling that there was more to share and discover about all of the characters. On the whole a very disappointing read. 5/10
  5. I really need to sort my to be read pile out as I fear I have about 50 books that i know of but probably more
  6. I am hoping to finish Her Fearful Symmetry today and I have to say that I am really enjoying it. Then I am going to read the Boy Who Loved Anne Frank.
  7. What really bugged me today was the fact that when I went to the library with my 3 year old and 20 month old instead of being able to talk to a friendly librarian while taking out my books i was told to use the self service machine, not easy with 2 little ones. Whatever happened to being able to talk to people? I usually like having a chat with the librarians but they now want us to issue our own books and to drop them back in the drop in box, this really annoys me. Soon we wont need librarians any more, as it will all be self service,very sad.
  8. I have just ordered Twilight from the library and I bought Twilight on DVD but have not watched it yet, very much looking forward to reading and watching
  9. I have started to read A short History of Tractors in Ukranian by Marina Lewycka and I am continuing to read her Fearful Symmetry which is getting better
  10. The Coffin Dancer, Jeffrey Deaver What a bloomin good read, I was 400 pages in when I found out the true identity of the killer, truly brilliant. i thought that The Bone Collector had lots of twists and turns but this novel was an even better read. I also found that i enjoyed the characters a lot more as well as they had been grounded in the previous novel. He is now becoming one of my all time favourite authors and cannot wait to read the next in the Lincoln Rhyme series. 10/10
  11. Hello and welcome

  12. Hello and welcome, I am living in Lancaster at the moment so from your neck of the woods
  13. I am enjoyinh Turkish Delight ice cream at the moment
  14. The Lighthouse, my husband bought it for him to watch but i really enjoyed it too
  15. joe

    ooops, also meant to say that i love you avatar, my little boy loves that film at the moment

  16. joe

    Hi, I am very well thank you. Hope that you are well. I am not on here as much as I would like to be due to work and looking after the boys but always get a warm welcome when I do so. :)

  17. Will have to order this from the library as it sounds such a good read, thank you
  18. I have just finished Hokkaido Highway Blues and found it a very informative and funny read. It was my first venture into reading travel writing and it has made me want to read more 10/10
  19. This is my favourite Orwell book, you have reminded me that i must re read it
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