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Everything posted by joe

  1. I have started to read The Coffin Dancer by Jeffrey Deaver and Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger and I am enjoying both books at the moment
  2. I have nearly finished watching House Season 5, two episodes left
  3. I am going to pick up The Coffin Dancer from the library today and cannot wait to start reading it:smile2:
  4. I have read all of the Rebus books, out of order but i think they count as a series, I absolutely love rebus.
  5. I read this book about three years ago and loved it At the moment I am 80 pages into Her Fearful symmetry and I have to be honest and say that i am hating it. I just hope that it gets better, very disappointing.
  6. I know I am going to be broke
  7. The Bone Collector by Jeffrey Deaver I am in love with Jeffrey Deaver, what a bloomin' good read. I enjoyed this book so much that i was really upset when it ended. Great plot, characterisations, could not fault the book in anyway. Loved it from start to finish. I jsut need to read all the other Lincoln Rhyme books now 10/10
  8. Oooh I have never had phish food, sounds yummy. My favourite is chocolate or Baileys ice cream
  9. This is the next book on my to be read pile, I was really looking forward to reading it as i love The Time Travelers Wife, oh well, we wait and see
  10. This is so terribly sad, so young, rest in peace
  11. You will really enjoy The Godfather, I thought that the book was better than the film
  12. That is disappointing, will be starting to read it soon myself
  13. I really enjoyed Body Surfing by Anita Shreve, you may enjoy the Pilots Wife too.
  14. Bought Her Fearful Symmetry today by Audrey Niffenegger
  15. I love, love and love this book:smile2:
  16. I have been given this by my sister in law and am looking forward to reading it
  17. I only got halfway through it I am afraid. I would not normally read this kind of genre but i thought i would give it a go. i could not really identify with the characters and in the end did not really care what happened. just not my cup of tea really.
  18. That made me chuckle, yes I definetly have the Deaver bug and now feel that i must read all of his books. My bank balance is going to suffer
  19. I studied this quite intently at degree level and used it for one of my directorial exams. i absolutely love the play and reading this topic makes me want to read it again:smile2:
  20. I have had this on my bookshelf for over a year but have not got round to reading it
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