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Everything posted by MissWhitlock

  1. I found it depressing, yeah, and really really long because of...obvious reasons. But I couldn't put it down, because I couldn't wait to know how it turned out. I didn't tune out of it or anything.
  2. only one for me because I can't concentrate when I'm thinking about how the other book would end. I can only read more than one when I'm re-reading one of them or both.
  3. Oh, I should've discovered this thread a while ago. I lost my mojo for a brief period of time. Brief is an understatement though, it was for a couple of months, ever since I finished reading Breaking Dawn and Inkdeath. I guessed it was because I got tired of reading Happily Ever After Endings and didn't wanna have to read more. I got my mojo back though by reading 5 People you Meet in heaven and The Boy In Striped Pyjamas. No happily ever after endings in both books so it was all good.
  4. I've been trying to get hold of this book for like...a whole year now til I finally got it a few weeks ago. It really moved me! The ending was so sad, I cried I haven't seen the movie yet though. I shall rent it from blockbuster or something. Hopefully, it won't be a let down.
  5. Hello there! How's it going over there?

  6. *claps* (i couldn't find a clap smilie, sorry) ^Yeah, the Fifth one really missed out on a lot. No-one had much lines, it was just Harry harry harry harry bleh. I frown upon their failure. (that can be a frown)
  7. ALLOOOOO How is life... Oh, can you please sign into msn, i wanna ask you something! :D

  8. I didn't know people STOLE books. That's just...weird. Yeah, I kinda find some of Terry Pratchett's writing boring. I have no idea why. Sometimes he just rambles on about this historical thing and I just zone off. The humour makes up for it though, but still.
  9. When I was a kid, I didn't really read much. The first book I read wasn't even a kid's book, it was a Young Adult's book, I was 8-9, it was All-American Girl by Meg Cabot. Well.. dunno if it counts as "childhood" book but, The Series of Unfortunate Events are probably my favourite..Either that or the Winnie The Pooh series, we had this whole box set of them, but I have no idea where they are now.
  10. Actually, there's a thing to look forward to. Not much Robert Pattinson in the next movie! YAAAAAAAAAAY. Gosh, I dunno if I could take his acting any longer. It was just so... I don't get it. In HP4, he was an okay actor but in Twilight it didn't seem like he knew what he was doing at all! Oh wait. Not much Rob means more Kristen. Her acting's pretty bad too. Stuttering, not knowing what she was doing, fiddling alot.
  11. Same with me. I need a really really good book for me to concentrate when there's noise about. Besides, I can't read in a car or a bus either. I've tried, but I just got dizzy. Anyways, most of my friends that I hang out with read. But other people are like, "Who reads nowadays?" or like, "Who LIKES books! You'd have to be a nerd to like a book". And you can imagine my reaction to that.
  12. I used to love the books very much. I was addicted the first time I read them. I read the first book like, 5 times much to my embarassment. I was a HUGE fan. I was so stoked for the movie, but when I saw it I just didn't like anything to do with Twilight anymore. It was such a let down for me, I was ashamed that I actually LIKED the books in the first place.
  13. You know what happens to Dustfinger? That totally ruins the book! Yeah, we all have different tastes I guess. Besides, I only really disliked (more like hated with a great passion) the ending.
  14. Yeah, that's why I liked them so much. The plots were just more complicated and more darker ever since the Dark Lord (insert horror music here) came back, or whatever. Plus, all the deaths that were happening really touched me, I guess. mkay, i'm done. Regarding the epilogue, yeah, it was annoying at some bits, now when I think about it. Like, when he touched his scar and apparently it That annoyed me. I guess its because I realised, this is the end! or something, but I dunno. And the Names were just weird. I mean, wth. Hugo. Where did THAT come from?! Roonil Wazlib was so much better.
  15. I'm pretty sure I haven't read much of these but we'll see.. 1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte 4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling 5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee 6 The Bible - only some chapters/books whatever you call em 7 Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte 8 1984 - George Orwell 9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman10 Great Expectations - Charles Dickens11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcott 12 Tess of the D
  16. Oh my god. I TOTALLY forgot about the movie! I'm such a bad fan! It's coming out soon, I think.. A month later. Oh I can't wait! Hopefully they did it right, no? I have to say though, with the cast, the Camerlengo looks a bit like an older version of Voldie. wasn't at all how I imagined him. Oh well.
  17. ^ Yeah, I should re-read the potter books again, to help me remember. Although, for some reason, whenever I try to re-read the whole series, I end up skipping the first 4 and just go from 5-7. I just get impatient with the first ones.. I have no idea why
  18. Yeah, I agree with Smay, most of the films from books are bad. There are only a few that stay true to the book, yeah. I thought Lord of the Rings went pretty close and so did Inkheart. Although, the ending was just... Over the top, really, and the script was just... they coulda done better. But the appearances, I think, were just perfect.
  19. Yup, and the way she writes it is even more hilarious. I can't remember though, as per usual. And of course, Fred and George's moments were just CLASSIC. I'm sure I could remember a few moments... *thinks very hard* ...I got nothing..
  20. ^^Now, I didn't know they had wigs. Are you talking about Jacob? What's with the sparkling? that was just cheap.. So I agree, Twilight is the worst film from a book I've seen. That and Eragon
  21. LOL exactly. And there was this part in the sixth one, where I couldn't stop laughing. :lol:
  22. And I also remember this indian (?) guy falling in a whole that was full of little squiggly things that glowed or something. Plankton, I think they were. I'm not really sure Maybe I should just stop trying to remember it.
  23. LOL I remember there was something about Fred and George's Spelling Quills or something that malfunctioned. And Harry said that that was what his friends call him I can't really remember any other funny parts though... My memory's real bad!
  24. I think the first ever Fantasy book I read was Lord of the Rings. Fell in love with it completely. I can't really remember though. ANd I don't really read much Sci-fi and horror. I'm trying though.
  25. Yeah, it was definitely a good read. I can't really remember it either though. All I remember is a meteor and a humongous bug, and that I liked it very much.
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