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Posts posted by Kimmy619

  1. *shrug* I liked them, anyway.


    I think Rob's acting was very understated, I've never seen him in anything else I must admit, but having watched the film several times I think theres some very subtle touches in what he does - if you pick them up, they convey great emotion and actually made me feel there was a genuine thought process going on behind what 'Edward' was saying. I didn't think he was great the first time I watched it, but now I think he was actually very good.


    Pretty much the same goes for Kristen, actually.


    I liked Rob too ;) Lets face it, after reading the book, everyone has their own vision in their head of how Edward and Bella should be. Whoever played the lead roles would never be totally what you want them to be. However, I have said it before, I essentially liked the film although there were a few things that I would have done differently if I were in charge :roll: I would imagine that people would have liked Rob and Kristen more if certain parts of the film were done better. The meadow scene was a let down. In the books you get to see a lot more of Edward and Bella getting to know each other and this wasn't really explored in the film, probably becuase there wouldn't have been enough time!!

  2. The more I watch her, the more I like her. Although, if you see her interviews etc, she stutters and is quite awkward anyway. She said in one interview that I watched that she likes to put a bit of her personality in to each character she plays - so maybe that was what the stuttering was all about?! :roll:

  3. Good point. Even if you couldn't afford the book, you would look it up online, or read the blurb in the shop. I don't know why people would want to do it though?! I know money is probably the main motivation, but I still don't see why someone would want to ruin another person's success?! It is sad really.

  4. I agree. I find it hard to believe her claim as she has left it so long to come forward. There have been 4 books and one film before she has said anything about it which I think is odd. Like I said in my earlier post, Twilight is everywhere, she would have known about it before now if it were her idea.

  5. Me too.


    Even if she hadn't read it or watched it, you would have a rough idea of the plot becuase of all of the media coverage and the adverts for the movie on tv etc so you would have thought her alarm bells would have started to ring then?! Also, if I had a friend that I went to college with that became a published author, I would make time to read the book!


    Where did you find the article Lexie?

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